03 September 2010

It's Criminal

Joonie is wearing:

Hair: Clawtooth - Mrs. Mittens 2 in Pipi (*reminds me of Joan on Med Men)
Skin: Curio Elf
Eyes: not telling

Dress: MaiMai Gretha
Stole: MaiMai Rosa Fur Stole
Shoes: Maitreya Shanti in Black
Earrings: P.C. Black Drop Earrings

Gun: Beretta 950 Jetfire
Cig: Mika Elegant Animated Cigarette and Holder

Rik is wearing:

Hat: M*O*B*B* ~Fedora~ (Black/White)
Shoes: M*O*B*B* ~Mafia Lace Up Dress Shoes~ (White-Black)
Suit: M*O*B*B* ~Mafious Suit~ (Black/White Tie)
Earring: Earring _IntouChaBleRealistiC



  1. Brilliantly done! :) The pic speaks for itself, criminal it is Joonie :) *hugs* Rik

  2. This shoot is awesome. Love the moodiness of both pics and the Joan-from-Mad-Men look Joonie is absolutely rocking.

    I like how Rik is kind of mystery man in the first one and then the waiting, wondering, worrying(?) in the second one is palpable.

    Your photos just get better and better, JJ!

    Love you!

  3. Hi again:) Yes, he looks quit mysterious, but if you could look into his eyes you would see how determined he is to make sure she never has to wait, wonder or worry ever again. *hugs* Rik :)


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