31 August 2010

Project Donate

Truth Hawks has decided to invest his time and energy into Project Donate. To learn more about this, click the link below. Also, the amazing Keira Seerose is also involved. No surprise there. She has to be one of the most tirelessly giving avatars on the grid. Please give what you can.

Project Donate

Project Donate – UNICEF Pakistan Flood Crisis Fund

Dear lovely SL merchant! <3

I know this is very short notice but this may be something we can do on a regular and ongoing basis. UNICEF are currently raising funds for the Pakistan Flood Crisis. Millions of people have been affected and thousands are without homes.

If you’d like to be part of this fund raising effort you could donate all or part of the proceeds of an item/s (I’d like to request at least 50% of your item/s – can be exclusive, existing, discounted whatever you like!) The point is to raise as much money as we can in the 2 week period.

I will be donating 100% of the proceeds of one hairstyle and doubling the amount raised off my item to go towards this cause. I’ll advertise the fund through my update group and list all the merchants involved. I have ordered a sim “Project Donate” from which you will vend your items (in addition to your own locations). You are free to landmark to your own stores from this location which will be entirely removed from my own sim.

I’ve created an account “Unicef Rainfall” which will collect the proceeds. Once you confirm you’d like to participate I’ll send out all necessary split scripts etc. You will also need a group space available to place your item/s.

Thank you for considering and hope to have you on board!
If you’d like to move forward just send Unicef Rainfall a notecard with your name, store, landmark…sorry this is all a bit informal at the moment :P


Truth Hawks

UNICEF Project Application (Designers)

Your name:

Your brands name:

Your mainstore lm:

Any other designers within the brand:

How many items would you like to donate:

At what percentage (going to the charity:

Any other notes:

Please be warned you will need a group space!

Thank you, Truth Hawks, for organizing this. Let's get involved. It's one of the more amazing aspects of Second Life... the ability to help others.

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