27 August 2010

False Advertising

**edit**  The designer contacted me with apologies. She forgot to add the cami in with the crop top and she sent the cami to me. It should be part of the set now when purchasing. **Kudos to awesome customer service.**

I'm not in a good place and since my new policy is to NOT divulge personal information, I'm going to throw all my ickyness onto a pet peeve of mine. I'll call it false advertising.

Promo pics. Designers use them on their blogs to announce their newest creations. They are also part of the display to let you know what the item looks like before you buy. Thank you, designers! But there is one designer in particular that I have the most frustrating time trying to figure out what in the f**k I'm really purchasing. Twice I bought something because, from the promo pic, it looked like I was purchasing a set and once I opened it to wear, discovered all I had purchased was a crop top...not the shirt in the promo pic that was under it and made me tp to your store in the first place.

Deciding that, okay, it was only a few lindens and I reeeeeally want the top in the pic, I then spend way to much time unsuccessfully looking for the top. If you are going to lure me in and falsely promote an item, then at least tell me where I can purchase the item I really wanted in the first place! Oh...and here's your stupid crop top back.

thank you for listening.  i feel tons better.



  1. I feel your frustration, I've been there buying that item that I thought was so cute in the picture only to find out, I had to buy something else to go with it or there were seams and the item was unwearable :) Some photographs can be so deceiving, but maybe it's not always intentional.

  2. Just a tip in case you (or someone else reading this) doesn't know -- but I suspect you might.

    Before you buy you can usually see what you will be getting. This is especially handy in finding out what layers are included.

    If the clothing is in a scripted VENDOR then this won't work. I personally hate vendors for a multitude of reasons :D.

    If your crop top was in a vendor and it didn't say "crop top" or whatever but something like "Sally in Blue" then I personally wouldn't have purchased; too many unanswered questions. I understand that there are reasons for using vendors (credit cards and redelivery come to mind), but I definitely don't buy from them. I also hate having to click "buy" in order to see the prices.

    So that is my pet peeve. Maybe they segue :D.


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