12 October 2010

RL/SL Artist Requests Help from SL Fashion Designers

UPDATE: Thanks to Belleza skin, hoornebeek clothing and KMADD. This av is going to be hot!

In RL, art, fashion, and music cross over many times. Why not in SL? Misprint Thursday, a RL and SL artist, is reaching out to the fashion community. An exciting project she is working on with a RL musician is in need of some help. And this is where YOU come in. This amazingly hot talented hot RL musician needs some help in making him look .. well...hot. She is requesting help from you, SL fashion designers. Please read below and contact Misprint if you are interested in getting involved. If you've been thinking about shaking things up a bit, this might just be the opportunity for you.

From Misprint:

Dear Fine Creator,

I am writing to you today to be part of something special. I am part of a RL project as a musician and an organizer which is to raise funds for Amnesty International and War Child Canada. The project is called Peace Partners. Currently, Peace Partners has 3 albums out and is in the process of increasing awareness and working toward increasing album sales. Part of this promotional effort includes doing an interview and live show through Pop Art Lab and their televised program Pop Vox. I personally have a track on the third album, Vision of Peace.

On November 1, real life musician Kevin Thompson of Montreal will play live as part of this promotion. Kevin is THE up and coming musician for Francophone Canada and we are very excited he will come to Second Life to perform. Although he sings in French his appeal goes beyond language barriers.

This brings me to my request. I have been charged with assisting styling the avatars of the director of Peace Partners and the avatar of Kevin Thompson. I am looking for a donations of a few complete male avatar styles which will be used for an upcoming treet TV televised event, as well as other promotion. (I also would not say no to a promotional skin/make over as I am in the interview as well) The statistics from Treet TV show that shows get around 40,000 hits. In exchange for your donation you will be thanked and credited as styling the avatars on Treet TV with a link and a mention by myself who will also be in the interview.

We hope you will consider this opportunity because it could be a nice promotion for your goods and a good project to support.

Here are some links about the project Peace Partners and about Kevin Thompson:



Please contact me regarding this and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Very best,
Misprint Thursday


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