19 October 2010

Happy Rezzday to Meeee!

I woke up to this. A platform rezzed 2000+ meters up with fireworks and photos and sweet words...and a dance, of course! Lucky me.

Then later that day, I heard from someone I hadn't heard from in a long time. We have the same Rezzday and the same last name. We met not long after we rezzed into SL and ....well....boy meets girl. Between boy meets girl and our 4 yr. rezzday lots of stuff happened. The cool part is, after all that, we were able to spend some time together and have fun. It was great to see you, Mr. Jatho. Yep that's him. My first ever SL bf. Cute, huh. LOL


We decided to visit a few places that were around when we were, but not many were still standing. This is Sanctuary Rocks. Doesn't rock much anymore. But we do!


This is where I had my first house. Rob took the picture because I'm banned from there. Still...almost 4 yrs. later. Ahhhh...those were the days!


Rob being goofy. Hard to believe.


SL is what we make it, I guess. This was a fun day spent with people I care about. In any life, what more could we want? Thanks, everyone, whether in SL or not, who made my day so amazing.



  1. Talk about '06 clothes!!

  2. Joonie, I'm glad you had fun on your rez day and got to revisit old memories and make new ones. I also hope your 5th year in SL is your best yet!! HAPPY REZ DAY!!!!

    Love you JJ!

  3. Eva Bonner said...
    Sounds like the perfect rez day Joon, ppl you love, loving you back!


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