20 October 2010

Which One Are You?

Interesting post over on crap's blog:   http://firstlife.isfullofcrap.com/2010/10/the_things_youll_miss.html

I love this sentence:

"....some kids reaching for the brass ring and some clinging to the pretty ponies in terror and some just sitting on the bench and watching it all turn and turn and turn and some looking at the center of the big machine and wondering about the greasy cloud oozing down from all those gears and the pipes and the calliope and the tattoos on the operator's arms and ... well..."
Maybe because I just celebrated my 4 yrs in SL and I'm feeling all sentimental and realizing how much the place means to me....the talk of SL closing up shop is depressing. Might be why I found this blog post particularly emote-worthy. I also love the above sentence. I think he describes us all fairly well. I wondered which one I am. All of them at one time or another, I suppose. The difference is, I think, fear. We all feel it. Some just ignore it and go for the brass ring and others remain seated in terror.

My depression can keep me fairly immobilized. My hope this year is to be able to push through the depression and do something constructive. Barbie with a mission...now THAT's a scary thought.  lol

Laterz! =)



  1. Hi JJ... I totally agree that all of us have been those things at some point. To me, the question is not necessarily which one you are at the moment - it's which one you ultimately want to be and, even more importantly, can be.

    I think sometimes we all get wrapped up in trying to be someone we aren't and consequently forget who we really are as individuals. Self-realization is a tough, tough thing, but once found, there's no limit in what we can accomplish - because we are living and acting within ourselves. Being true to ourselves, so to speak.

    I'm constantly amazed at the clarity you have of yourself and your positive outlook on the future. Even if things you want to achieve don't work out or don't happen the way you want them to, you exude hope at every turn.

    I've said this before, so it won't be a shocker... You can do anything you want to do. It doesn't always have to be the brass ring to be the right thing.

    Chin up, Ms. Jatho! You are an amazing person - SL or not.


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