27 May 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Just a little intro if you have stumbled upon my blog. First, my real name is Gracie, but my nickname is Joonie. It came from the movie, Benny and Joon. Gracie came from my grandmother, Grace. I'm more like Joon, I think.

I live in the Midwest, but was born in Texas. My favorite place in the world is anywhere in the mountains, but preferably in the Rockies and specifically in Taos, NM.

I have no clue what this blog will really be about. The past two years of my life I have spent a lot of time in Second Life(tm) as an avatar, so some of my post will invariably be about that. But I have recently discovered my First Life again, so I hope to share some things about that, too.

I'll do my best not to bore anyone, but really, life is mostly taken up doing the same little things over and over, day in and day out. There is wonder in the small things, tho. My hope is to slow down long enough to notice them and share them here.

So, come along with me as I change and grow and make discoveries about life and love and pain and loss and friendship. Just me, Joonie, pounding away on this keyboard a little bit....about a lot of things.

I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Joonie/Gracie,

    I love the look and the premise of your blog!

    "There is wonder in the small things, tho. My hope is to slow down long enough to notice them"

    Wise words, indeed, and ones I need to hear. I used to be really good at that until life got too busy...:P

    Can't wait to read more!

    Love you, Just Joonie!! Happy Blogging!


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