27 May 2014

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I have been trying to get these magical balls(bubbles, really, but magic balls makes me giggle)from the HappyMood sim for weeks. Tonight I still didn't get them. But my good friend, Pinky, did! In fact, she got them twice in a row! Lucky for me...she loves me long time...and came over and put them around my yard! Thank you so much, Pinky! <3>
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OMG...when I added the slurl, I somehow deleted the rest of this post! LOL Well, those of you who read it, hope you enjoyed it. Maybe this is how it's really supposed to be...hmm?


  1. LOVE the picture, it's like from a fairytale dreamland or something... and I love your smile in it:) There's actually something called Happy sim? How cool, me likes that! And the yumilicious guys in SL are overrated, especially for those of us who are actually hot in Real life (kidding...maybe :D)

  2. What a simply wonderful picture and such a nice story, it's so good to hear that you are feeling a little better, SL is about people couples or otherwise, and if single it's others loss and not yours baby.....

  3. B! Thanks...it is my faitytale dreamland. One of the perks of being single is you can live however feels right. No more compromising. And very, very self-indulgent! LOL You'll have to come over and see it next time you're in! The sim is called Happy Mood sin. I added the slurl....and in the process, deleted almost all of my post!

    As far as the yummilicious guys...well..we are ALL hawt in SL if we want to be. And like you, I'm hot in RL, too! /me nods

    Taimi-you are the sweetest. It's so good to hear from you. And I won't point out the obvious above. Love or Slove is a wonderful thing. I believe in it. I'm just not good at it...I'm too spontaneous, I get bored easily, and I like doing things on the spur of the moment. I find that behaviour more conducive in a single state. LOL

    Love you both. JJ

  4. Jooonie, I LOVE that pic. Those bubbles are so fun and they go perfectly at your whimsical, wonderful house!! :)

    I DO love you long time!! :D


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