27 May 2014

Oh the Places We'll Go

I found this magical place last night. It was kind of late. I had spent a fun evening with a new friend talking and exploring. He has many alts and each one is involved in a different RP in SL. I love seeing the different ways people get creative when the need or want arises.

We talked quite a bit. He left SL for a few months and came back. It was good for me to hear his story.

I wonder about dark and light sometimes...why we choose one over the other. The yin and yang of all things.
I look at this blog and wonder what it will become. Yes, I deleted the other one. Sorry Alan. I wanted this
one to be lighter, happier, less moody and sad. When I was trying to decide whether or not to delete Joonie's SL Journey, I went back over all the posts and most of them were tied directly to one thing or another, one person or another....spoken in crypic phrases. I want this blog to be more honest and direct. More upbeat. No more crying and sadness. Just a celebration of my SLife, the friends, the good times. :)

And it will be that. But that is not denying the sadness I still feel from time to time. I just won't be sharing that here. And why is that? you might be asking (or not.) Well, that's easy. You see, I am, above all things, a moody, romantic Pisces. That will never change. Because of that, I wear my feelings on my sleeve. I open my heart easily and I get hurt because of it.
BUT....and here's the reality....SL does not and will not get that from me. Those days are over. That doesn't mean I don't feel sadness and loss. Terrible days of grief. Love doesn't go away just because the person is gone. Sometimes, the best thing we can do....the kindest thing we can do for ourselves and for the other, is to walk away....and not look back. It is the most difficult thing I have ever done. But until I can be in the same room or situation without feeling those feelings of love and desire, I can't be there. I have tried in the past and it just brings up all these feelings. I wish it were different for me. I know others somehow manage to be friends. But until that is what I am feeling, these other feelings just get in the way. Make me do and say stupid things. Yes, even now.

There are a lot of things I could say, want to say, need to say....but some things are best left unsaid. Some love is best unspoken. Some secrets need to remain.

'til we meet again.....

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  1. Joonie, I love this post. The photos are gorgeous, but I especially like what you said. I admire your willingness to figure things out and to say them like they are even if it's confusing or painful. I like that you have committed to continuing to feel your feelings and ackowledging them even if you choose not to write about them. Too often I just think if I ignore feelings they will pass. hahahahhaha that is a good one, isn't it???

    It's also good for me to see you managing that balance between knowing that feelings are there and choosing to talk about them or not. I am slowly learning that not everything needs to be talked about but I have a long way to go.:)

    I also think being friends with exes is waaaaaaaaaay overrated. I'm all for moving on. WAAAY on. :)

    Happy Weekend Joonie!
    Love you

  2. I admire your strength, it's visibly pouring from this post...also you give some great advice in here, I should leaarn from that - sometimes I think I can never let go of certain things. I hope there will be planty of happy times to write about in this blog, I'm loving it so far. And gosh, those pictures are just amazing, so dreamy, that place must be soooo beautiful... where do you find all those magical sims?

  3. awww....thanks you guys! :)

    i think this place is so gorgeous that it's almost impossible not to take nice pics.

    As for as letting go of certain things, I do let go...finally...of the clinging, but the love is always there. Does that make sense?

    LOL I dunno. Just seeing them or hearing from them makes the longing return. Longing for something that will and can neer be. *heh*


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