27 May 2014

Insanity & Fuckery

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So tonight was difficult. I feel like someone pulled my heart out of my chest, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. But it's hard to feel that pain when there are awesome, funny people around to make me laugh.
This pic, early in the night, is of Crighton dancing for Bliss and Kimala at the Savoy. What I didn't get pics of are of Crighton dancing on the pole Kim put out, and of Clynt dancing on it shirtless. LOL! Then bigd joined in the insanity and Nina and a few others. Before the night was over, I was laughing so hard....
Friends are what makes either life worth living. Thanks you guys for being the bestest friends an insane girl could ever have. ;-)
Insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.
I believe in keeping hope alive, but at some point, I have to face reality. Sux..but I'll get through it....with a little help from my friends.
Night all!


  1. Oh yes. That group is a good one to make sure you laugh your socks off even when you really just want to crawl into bed and pull the blankets over your head. I didn't feel like staying up late, so I bagged out of SL early. Sorry I missed the fun. I really could have used the laughs.

  2. Joonie, that looks crazy and fun! Good for you for getting out and being with friends when you don't think you feel like it. It will help. It will all be ok, keep reaching out and just believe it. You are in it deep, going through it, which means you are aleady headed for the other side.

    Very big hugs and lots of love,

  3. Parker, I wish you had been there, too! It would have added to the fun. Sorry to hear you're fighting the blues, too. Just remember...this too shall pass. Let's try not to shoot anyone, tho, while we wait. ;-)

    Pinky, it was fun. You left too soon! And no one ever died over a broken heart, right? right? They didn't, did they? DID they? OMG! LOL Thanks for being so supportive.

  4. ROFL !

    Nobody does fuckery like we do. :)


    Friends will ALWAYS get you through whatever life hurls at you. :) Just say the word and they'll (I'll) be there.


  5. Thanks Bliss! I know that's true..and am here for you! :D

    Hugs! JJ


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