27 May 2014

Fresh Start

My friend, Bon, wrote a post on his blog about changes. It was a well-written piece about his Second Life avatar, and how it wasn't going the way he wanted it to lately and so he felt some changes were in order.

I am familiar with that feeling. It's not that my Second Life was horrible by any means, it's just that it wasn't going the way I wanted it to go. I wasn't very happy. I felt stuck in this cycle that I couldn't seem to get out of. So, I changed my blog, changed some of my groups, some friends were added and some were deleted. In the moment, that felt really good. Empowering even! Yay me! I was no longer going to be a victim of other people's BS and drama and game play.

But here's a change I hadn't really thought a lot about. And that is my attitude. Me, myself, and I. I had been looking at things through only my perspective. And really, that's the only perspective I can know for sure. But maybe if I took the focus off of me for a while, I might be able to see where others are coming from and not take things so personally.

I realized I had brought my own First LIfe insecurities into Second LIfe. And what I learned was this: No one's opinion of me is worth more than my own of myself. Duh...I know, huh!

So, I think making changes that are within our power to do so is very important. Rather than playing the victim role, stand up and make the necessary changes in our lives that need to be made. I admire Bon for doing so. Happiness is a choice to a certain degree.

For myself, I also needed the added change of looking at myself and making the changes I needed to make. My Second Life is so much better now.


  1. Love Love Love this post, JJ! Sometimes I get so frustrated with something or life in general and I just spin aroud, frustrated and stuck, when the truth is, I CAN CHANGE IT. As you so wisely said, "Duh." :D

    Life is not static; it changes constantly, and I should be doing the same. Instead I resist, for what?? Fear? The illusion of Security?? I hate that about me. Thanks for putting this right up in front of me so I have to look at it...I think...LOL

    Thank you for your strong and wise post. I am going to love this blog!! :D


  2. You are wise indeed Joonie. I still haven't figured out all the changes I need to make but realizing I need to make changes is the first step I guess. :)

  3. Life's a tough process, we have to go through many changes to keep up with it, I think....and yay, you're back! I was missing reading your thoughts! /me does a happy dance


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