03 January 2009


I've got blogging on my mind. As I sit here and stare at this blank "page" and wonder what to blog about, many things come to mind. But none of them in a real cohesive way. Like intangibles, they are just floating out of reach, and when I try to grab hold of them...they seem to dissipate into thin air.

So what is that about? And what is blogging, really? Why do we do it? There is a whole group in SL you can join that identifies you as a blogger. There are bloggers about fashion, gossip, fashion and gossip, places to go in SL, things to do, tutorials, builds, and more fashion and gossip. They all have their special place in the genre of blogging SL. Some are more revered than others. Some of the people behind the blogs are also held up in an esteemed light. And some bloggers even believe they are just a little bit better than the next blogger. It's all kind of funny and entertaining and ever so slightly bizarre at the same time.

I used to enjoy blogging. I still do when I forget about the 'game' of blogging and just blog what I want. Sure, I've touched on this topic before, and admitted that we all, including myself, love to be read....love the pats on the back, the 'atta boy/girl' when a particular post is deemed worthy of praise by a fellow blogger or friend or passerby. But where is the line drawn between blogging what we want and what is expected or will gain us praise? Does there need to be a line? Maybe some accomplish both at the same time. I think that would be the Nirvana of blogging. ;-)

I obviously have no answers and am posing several questions I am wondering about. The blog I had before this one was so emo and angst-ridden. True enough, I was going through a lot of emotional crap at the time, and I used my blog as a way to get to the heart of what was going on with me. I felt, at the time, somewhat judged by the blogging community for revealing so much of myself there. Nothing was said, directly, but I intuitively felt it. I think constructive criticism is an awesome way to learn and grow. I don't think slamming someone's blog on their blog is helpful at all. But an im inworld or an email would be great. At least, this is what I thought I was feeling...a certain amount of judgement from my peers.

So, as I stare at this not so white background and wonder what to blog, several things come to my mind. I know I should just blog whatever I want, be as silly or serious as I want, and let people either read or move along. Whatever...and be ok with that. And I seriously am most of the time. But today, for some reason, I am wondering if it would be better if it were a fashion/gossip/techie/what to do in SL/funny blog. But I seriously don't like to be constrained in that way. But I also like to be respected for what I write. You know, that feeling that what I do here is worth something to someone other than me.

In order for that to happen, I have to write something worthwhile! Right? But worthwhile to whom? The big boy bloggers? the fashion savvy? The gossip girls? Aha! Worthwhile to me? LOL!

See? This is not as simple as it seems. I LOVE so many blogs and admire so many things SL bloggers do. All for different reasons. There are fashion blogs I read every day and love it there! There is another one I read that is so gossip-ridden, it is like my little secret indulgence! And then there are the informative blogs that I depend on to keep my up-to-date on where and what is new in SL. There is the blog where I am inspired and amazed at their ability to post about the most honest things on their minds, and they do it in a way that cuts through the BS and gets down to it. Gotta love that! And the blogs that just share with us what's going on with them at any given moment. They are a peek inside someone's SLife and they make me feel like I know them. All of these blogs are important to me and my SL experience. I wonder if they ever struggle with the content of their blogs.

My blog is sort of a mish-mash of whatever is going on in my SL or is on my mind. It's not all that informative, although I have finally begun to add slurls and links! I do wonder at times what direction it will take or even if it will ever take one direction over another. I think in order to know that, I will just have to continue blogging and see.

One thing one of the readers of this blog said really struck me...he said: "....Thanks for your blogging this past year. You've always written from your heart. Can't go wrong as long as you follow that."

I think he's right.

Thank you for reading my little blog.


*this blog post is a fail. it has not slurls, no links, and no pics...but it is from the heart* ;-)


  1. I don't remember my SL blog much, but from what I do remember it was all mostly about "Oooh, I'm in SLove!!!" and "Oh, I'm not." LOL And the current one... I have no idea what it is about. But I think it's made me understand myself a whole lot more and that's what makes blogging important to me. I guess. My blog's been following me as I grow, or maybe I've grown because of it? I haven't really been in a blogging mood since Christmas, but then I haven't been in anything mood, I feel so brainless. But I think it will come back, a part of it is always about how would the few readers react if one stopped blogging, isn't it? I know I loved one blog which hasn't been updated for over 4 months now...and still I have the link on my blog and I still keep hoping maybe the person will return (ugh, the story of my life LOL). Anyway, enough of the me-talk. I've always loved your blogs, all of them, because there's always been so much of you in them, regardless to your mood or what you were going through. They've always brought me into a world of serenity and crystal clarity because of the honesty in your words. And that what makes your blog so much more than all the other SL blogs I know of... afterall it's the only SL blog I keep reading (it might also have something to do with the fact that you're awsome, but I should really cut down the compliments or you'll get really smug :DDD)

  2. I struggle with blog content all the time. Sometimes I have a lot I want to write about other times I can go days and have not one single idea worth sharing. It comes and goes I guess.

    I got slammed a couple of times this year when I was too personal, too open about my feelings on my blog. I did feel judged too Joonie. Several people basically told me I over share, including Prokofky Neva. Since then I have been much less open on my blog, which I have very mixed feelings about.

    I enjoy your blog and I always have. It is perfectly you and I never miss a post.

  3. Thank you, B! Don't worry, I'm already smug! ;-) LOL!

    I remember your SL blog so well. It was through Sorcha's blog that I found your's and then Taimi's and Nat's and Trouble's and several others. It felt more like a family back then. We were ALL blogging about our feelings, tho. LOL Maybe that's why.

    Truly, thank you for saying such sweet things. I hope you know the feeling is mutual! *smooch*

    Ches, I love your blog. Maybe it makes people uncomfortable to read real feelings....I don't know. But I am an emotional, passionate person, that is just who I am. With some intelligence thrown in. I've always been introspective. So that is, of course, what my blog is going to be like.
    The fact that you read it is about all the validation I need. ;-)
    And can't believe...well...some people think they have THE answer. They don't. They might have it for themselves...but not for everyone. There is no THE answer. grrrr....that really pisses me off! hahaha

    I say...viva la blogs...all of them! Even mine! LOL

    Thank you so much, Ches. *hugs*

  4. Your blog is hard to put into words. It's very intricate. What comes to my mind is a landscape. While its true that the components of the view are not altered throughout the course of the day, it is ever changing. As the sun traipses across the sky, the lighting changes, perhaps a breeze stirs the leaves in the tree a certain way.

    Your blog is so good because it undergoes changes on a continuous basis. It reflects life as you experience it. It validates the essence of being human.

    Whatever shape it takes, its all good. You write in the right here, right now. Thats something that can't be forced. It comes from deep within.

  5. Joonie, your blog is real. That's why it is so good. Whatever is real at that moment is in your blog and there is nothing wrong wiht that. I think there are people who try to put out a "persona" of sorts with their blogs, and you don't do that. I know when I click on "Just Joonie" I am going to get the real thing, no matter what it looks like.

    Because of that and because you write so well, your blog is always a pleasure to read, unlike some that feel like a tedious chore.

    So I hope you continue to write about what is real and true for you. Your readers cherish that and your critics can rot. :D

    Love you JJ!

  6. We all go through those "don't know what I'm going to post about" phases. Been there often. I think you're taking the right approach. Don't blog for anyone else but you. You've always done that. Don't ever change it.

  7. Joonie, I love your blog too. I always have. It makes me sad when people judge others' blogs. I mean..if you don't like it, move on. There's plenty of crap to read, if you don't want honest and real, then find shit to read.

    Chestnut, whomever told you that you're sharing is too personal is an idiot. Plain and simple. I don't care if it is the famous Prok or whomever. That really pisses me off. I've read some of what Prok writes about, and if you're sharing about yourself honestly and openly, then your blog, and Joonie's, has far more relevance to LIFE than anything else anyone can write about. I mean, what else is there? What is more important, bitching about SL or sharing honestly your life with others? I don't need to answer that.

    Your blog is your blog. Be true to yourself, and everything else will take care of itself. On that note, maybe I myself, will blog sometime this year....lol.

  8. wow...thank you all so much.

    bigd - "As the sun traipses across the sky, the lighting changes, perhaps a breeze stirs the leaves in the tree a certain way." Ok, who here should be the writer? Huh? 'tis YOU! :D Thank you for your kind words, D.

    PDV - You are always so positive about whatever I endeavor to do. Thank you for being my very best friend in all the world. *hugs you tight*

    Dyami - always, always so good to see you here! :D Thank you so much for your encouragement. Same to you...I love your blog! :D

    Crighton - You are such an awesome friend. Thank you for stopping by and getting angry on my behalf...and on Ches' behalf, mostly! ITA with what you said.

    You know, we all have some different aspect of SL that we like to share. The blogosphere is big enough for all of us.

    Maybe talking about things openly and honestly makes some people uncomfortable. I can dig that. But it's not my problem.

    JJ - Just Joonie ;-)


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