01 January 2009

Happy New Year - 2009!

I don't have a lot to say, but felt like I needed to say Happy New Year to all my friends. Thanks for being a part of my SLife and Life. May this be our best year ever!

It's already started off a bit weird. Hearing from people I never thought I'd hear from again and not hearing from people I thought I would. But that's life, eh? Keeps things interesting!

Hope everyone had a safe, fun night!




  1. Happy New Year! Mine started of weird too, I had the probably the most surreal New Year's Eve celebration ever (even including the last one which I spent eating apple pie with a long-term (but not good) acquintance and her gay friend LOL) Hope 2009 will bring you many wonderful things!

  2. Joonie, Happy New Year!!

    I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you.

    Lots of PDV love!!


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