19 January 2009

Friendship after SLove

I'm just curious if anyone is able to remain friends after their SLove relationship ends...

I haven't been very successful with that. It seems difficult to just feel "friendship." Does that make sense? I dunno...i'm conflicted.

Maybe a space of time apart helps. And I suppose the reason for the breakup might play into whether or not you can be "friends." Like did they totally diss you and break you heart? Are you still in SLove with them? Or has enough time passed that you really just miss then as a person and you'd like to know how they're doing.

I hate that SLove can ruin a perfectly good friendship. That's why I have limited my 'dating' in SL. I care too much about too many guys in my SLife to mess it up with SLove. LOL!

And the ones I have crossed that line with I no longer speak to....sux. Now that "The End" has happened again, I wonder how it will play out. I'm not sure we can be friends. Makes me sad to think I won't have him in my life. Just not sure what the next step should be.

Isn't SLove strange? Especially when it bleeds over into RL and becomes more like Love.

Anyone have any input? Clues? Advice?

What happened to Dear Abby in SL? LOL

Have an awesome day!


  1. Oh take me back to college why not. It is double funnel theory. bottom line, you can flow down a funnel, but you cannot climb back up. What has happened, has happened and you can't undo it, unfortunatly.

  2. I hate to admit it, Parker, but you might be right. ;D

    and it might be better for everyone involved if contact is severed...at least for a while.

    ...for hearts to mend and ...

  3. Interesting question, Joon!

    I don't think being friends with an ex works, really. All those issues that made you fall in love and then the ones that made you fall out of love are still there, even if you are not together. It kinda messes with the friendship. Plus, if you do become involved with someone else later, an ex in the picture is never a good thing. People might say its all good, but I don't believe this. :D

    My 2 cents only, of course.
    Love you JJ!

  4. Seems like one of the hardest thing to do. When he chose to be silent and hide from me instead, I was heartbroken. It's sad when a perfect connection can't remain when you can't be in a 'relationship' anymore. But then again, the feelings don't go away instantly, and that might be why it's hard to remain as friends. I don't know.

    Isn't SLove strange? Especially when it bleeds over into RL and becomes more like Love.

    You know, I think it's all starting to sound the same to me. :)

  5. Sharine...so nice to see you here. Yep, sux. The whole thing just is so difficult. You wouldn't think so, would you? To feel so much for someone not met...but there it is. Probably because the sharing is so intense.

    I'm sorry you were hurt. I feel for anyone who has been because it's all just so confusing.

    And when it's over...it's over. And there's this big hole where "they" used to be.

    Hugs you tight!


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