21 March 2009

Nothing of substance here!

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haha..this pic makes me laugh. i dunno.
anyway, this awesome dress, called Mimi, was in one of the RFL vendors at the Clothing Fair.
Sorry, I don't remember which vendor. But I promise to look tomorrow when I'm ingame and blog it here. But I do absolutely love it. It's soo...girlie!
(edit: this dress is by Shelly Toonie of Moonshine Designs - the link at RFL)
It's also available at her main store - Moonshine Designs @ Silver Lake
it comes in Haze (shown) and a pretty blue.
Hope everyone had a fun night tonight. I logged off kind of early...feeling kind of vaguely melancholy. Ever feel that way? ...for no reason to speak of.
It seems my short-lived gig with JoyKat Productions is coming to an end as kat is feeling a bit overwhelmed with her RL obligations. whatever...lol! Anyway, I'm a little bummed cos I was really enjoying it. It kept me busy and I got to listen to awesome live music in SL. It all
ends on April 1 so come hang out with me til then!
There are a few more things going on in my SL that I don't want to jinx by talking about it. LOL
Tomorrow I will spend most of the day putting together some pics and writing a blog post to submit. I'll keep you posted. I'm really excited about it.
I have met some really awesome guys lately. Absolutely nothing wrong with any of them as far as I can tell. Some are kind of young (can you say babies?) and some are exploring "other" things that I'm not interested in. All of them are very hot, smart, fun, romantic. But I'm just unable to give myself over to any of it. I've practically stopped dating. I think that's best for me. I just hate this but I've been so....so what....hmm...Well, all I can say is I just can't trust anyone. It's too bad. But I just don't see it happening in SL ever again. EVER...I just know it's not going to happen. I won't let it. And weirdly enough, I feel pretty good about that. My biggest fear is...
what's going to happen to all those formals I have in my inventory?
They must be moth-eaten by now!
You know what's really fun is doing things by myself that I'd normally not do without a guy. Like shopping. hahahaha!
This has to be the lamest blog post to date. Or maybe it's just not my year.
Thanks for reading!
You guys are the BEST!
such patient readers....luffz ya all!

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