28 April 2009

In the Beginning....

Tonight, I was feeling a little lost. I'm all about the music and when there isn't any, I kind of flounder. Not that there wasn't any music in SL...but none of my faves were playing.

I started thinking about being in SL and wondering why I've been there for so long. I decided to retrace my steps and see what that brought. One of the first places I went in SL was Support for Healing, so I returned there tonight.

There wasn't one other person in the entire sim. I retraced my steps and altho a lot of new, cool places have been added, I was able to find some places that meant a lot to me when I first came to SFH back in 2006.

This area of the sim reminds me of the time I sat on the edge here and talked for hours with one of my best SL friends, Crystal. At the time I had a mad crush on some guy (remember those intense early crushes? I kind of miss them!) Anyway, Crystal sat next to me and was so supportive and such a good friend. I miss her.
I'll be looking back at where I've been in SL since I first began my journey. Maybe I'll get my mojo back.

Nini everyone!

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  1. Joonie, I love the idea of going back to where you started and retracing your steps. Keep us posted on your journey and what you find out!

    As far as your mojo goes...someone smart once told me that things go in cycles...it will be back. :D

    Love you JJ!

  2. It's always great to remember where you started in SL. Always funny because sometimes you can even find the point in time when things changed.

    But remember. Where you came from..is no comparison to where can go.

    :) the possibilities are endless, babe!



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