21 April 2009

Can't Sleep

So you get this pic. Do you ever feel like disappearing off the grid? Like just "poof" ... wiping out your profile and your groups and just not logging back in? Or maybe creating an alt but not telling anyone who you are. And not using your old one except to say hi like every once in a while?

I've been wondering if I could do that. Joonie has become a part of me. I think I'd miss her. LOL At the same time, she's been in SL long enough to accumulate some baggage and a certain rep. I have no clue what it is..but I know she has one! hahaha

Okay...enough of this...I need sleep.
Sometimes I think just disappearing would make things simplier for everyone. But what do I know.

nite nite
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  1. I totally understand what you are saying and of course I would not want to try to influence you one way or the other, but I WOULD MISS JOONIE!!!! a lot!!!

    Sleep tight JJ!


  2. I have ~poofed~ in SL before. Feels cleansing when you do it, but then you realize your "alt" is really just you all over again. I found you can't disappear from yourself. Although at the time, it sure was needed and it felt liberating....not to "be" an avi name. Do whatever feels good and feels right.

    Hugs- Juli, Sutara, Jolene, Rena, & Papaya :-)

  3. Hi Joonie... i know what you mean about disappearing... that happened to me after my first partnership broke up.. i wiped everything, but even back then I had developed an affinity for Yordie... now, like you, Yordie is a part of my identity... I almost sign her name sometimes in real life, like on birthday cards.. being an avatar seems to be a unique experience... maybe it's an experience like fiction writers go through as they develop their characters... so, yes, I know what you mean, but I'm sure you'd miss Being Joonie Jatho... hugz, Yordie

  4. *hugs joonie* don't leave me! haha :)

  5. You know I used to feel like disappearing in RL... these days, not so much, but it does happen sometimes. I guess our moods get the best of us somentimes. In SL... well, I've kinda done that LOL. Though I did log in yesterday (for the first time this year) and had a chat with my SL mom and an old friend, and because of moments like those I can't bring myself to delete Bailey altogether. Sometimes I want to and maybe it would be for the best, but I know I'd regret it. I know you've been having a rough time and some dark thoughts lately, but hang in there sister, the sun's going to come back eventually. Big hugs! B

  6. I know what you mean.

    But then I think..even as another avi, I'd go back to the same people here.

    So what's the point?

    I can't give up my awesome inventory in exchange for temporary anonimity.

    :) Be Joonie, be fabulous..be you!

  7. Comment from in in world:

    Joonie, I know exactly how you feel. I have been and still am thinking about poofing. But looking from the outside in Jooine, I wonder if you are poofing because you are scared.

    scared of getting close again. Scared of letting your walls down, scared of being Joonie and sloving again.

    what is he was "the one"? The one that made all your heart ache worth it?

  8. I am at a loss for words...you guys are the bestest ever and I love you all!


    You all said something so cool. TY!

  9. Received via IM:

    As one that was going to "start over" in sl, let me tell you, it doesn't work
    the problem is you still have friends that you will want them to know you are still you
    once that is done, you no longer have control over who knows what
    and it is only a matter of time before there really is no difference between the "old" name and the "new" name

    hmmm.....I think he's right! God that hurt to say! LOL ;-) *hugs*


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