22 April 2009

The Choice

We can either sit on the sidelines and feel sorry for ourselves and blame everyone else for our state of mind and heart....

Or we...erm...I can jump up and participate.

This is Joonie participating...LOL

I may not be ready for an SL relationship, but I am ready to stop
whining and feeling sorry for myself and participate in the
dream...in the beauty...in the goodness.
Yes, there are people out there that would just as soon take your soul...
if you let them.
But no one can take anything from me I don't give them the ok to do.
My life is based on the choices I've made.
Some good...some not so good.
I made the choice to run, to push, to love or not.
I can't blame anyone else.
I have had the opportunity to get to know some really
awesome guys....to be with some wonderful people.
I'm sure I'll look back and wish I had been ready...
but I'm not.
I prolly could have done things better, handled things in a better
way...and for that I apologize.
But I'm just not ready.
So, if you're looking for a friend to hang out with and just talk and chill and have fun...
give me a ring...
no not THAT kind of ring!
nite all
Thanks for being my friend!

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  1. *hugs* I love the way you write...straight from your soul.

  2. I agree with Gabby, your writing is very genuine and it doesn't sound like you're holding back at all.

    I would love to hang out with you inworld some time, when we're both awake! :D

  3. JJ:
    I will echo what the two above me said! Love the writing, it's honest and real, and I love how you are not afraid to call it how it is, no matter what.

    Choice is a wonderful thing and we don't always make the right ones. I admire how you own it, and go on to try again. Love the pics of Joonie on the sidelines and then deciding to jump in. Love your bravery and sense of fun!

    You will know when you are ready; trust yourself and just go with the process. I am always trying to "push the river" because I want to get on with it. That just doesn't work, it takes as long as it takes.

    Meanwhile, let's go have some FUN!!! (no boyz aloud!) :D

    Love you long time, JJ!
    xoxo PDV

  4. I'm right there with ya sista!


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