05 May 2009

Gor for Dummies

The title is misleading. This blog post is not a HT on Gor. It is just my story of my first encounter with it.

These blogs have to be incredibly boring to most of you. Sorry about that. I just think before I can make a decision about how to move forward, I have to look back. And as most of you who read this blog know, this is like my journal. That said...let's move on! LOL

It's funny how, while writing these blog posts, other memories popped up. Tbey are now kind of not in chronological order anymore. One of the first memories I have after Help Island and Support for Healing was meeting this girl. Her name was Myst, and we hit it off right from the beginning. Probably because she was really outgoing and just drug me around with her everywhere she went. She was really cool and into RP, but not as a slave, but as warrior. That really appealed to me!

The first time I had ever heard about Gor was when I was still at Help Island. Some guy approached me asking if I had ever heard of Gor. I was so new and was instantly kind of freaked out by this stranger asking me stuff. I told him no and he proceeded to send me chapers of the Gor books. I read in horror! LOL I told him to leave me alone....what did I look like to him...somme kind of bimbo? (indeed, as I look back at old pics...I DID! LOL)

After hanging around with Myst for a few weeks, I received an IM from some guy named Elijah. He said he was Myst's RL brother, and she thought I might be interested in this school he had in mind in SL. Would I be interested? Well, I adored Myst...she was like my bestest friend in SL...so I said I would be interested to learn more about it.

Turned out it was a Gor school. He felt like ppl in SL were not playing it the way it was intended, and he had a personal mission to teach them what Gor was really all about. I was like...no way. But he assured me that his Gor was not at all like the Gor I had encountered. So I said sure.

He wanted me to be a commander in his army. That sounded hot. The three of us would go shopping for Gor stuff. He bought me clothes, a cape, boots, a poison pin, a bow and arrow, some other stuff...and we were set to forge our battle and bring dignity back to Gor!! I had a mission!!

Now, here is how my twisted brain worked. First, I had a major crush on the guy. Second, I noticed all the slaves got to wear the pretty stuff, and third and most importantly, when I realized that he would eventually have his own slaves....well, I didn't want that. I wanted to be his slave! Me! Of all people, wanting to be a slave. Bizarre!

So I told him and he said ok. That I wouild be his only slave if that was what I wanted and what that meant. I was to stand by him and be his undying love. No matter what he said, went. But that he would treat me with the utmost respect. He would, in turn, protect me and teach me the ways of Gor. Cool!

He bought me silks and we had long talks. One night, he called me to his Gor home and told me to strip for him. Well, not me but my pixels. I was shocked. I don't know why, but I was. He had been very upfront about how things were to be. But I could not do it. He was very kind. All this made me fall head over heals. Elijah was my first emotional relationship in SL. But it didn't last long.

We spoke on the phone a few times. He shared his piano music with me. He could play beautifully. But it was not to be. I just couldn't handle it.

The last I heard, he had built his school and had another or several other girls. I was happy for him but sad for me. The worst part was it effected my relationship with Myst. I don't know whatever happened to her or to him, but they are a part of my SL story. I still miss them.

It was after this ended that I went to Sanctuary Rocks to dance my blues away to some hard edged rock music...which I don't really like. But it was there that I met two men that were to play a large part in my SL. One a really awesome person, the other one a real manipulator.

Fun times in SL! Stay tuned! ;-) If you can stay awake! LOL

Hugs..thanks for reading



  1. /me smiles and will not find hard at all to stay awake.

  2. Joonie, it's not boring at all!! I am loving reading about your adventures, all in your honest, funny voice! You have experienced and learned so much in there. That is the awesome thing about SL...and also the sucky part LOL.

    Keep going.../me gets the popcorn and settles in for the stories.

    Love you JJ!
    xoxo PDV

  3. very nice story ! :)
    but .. don't you feel old when you start to mention "we way we were" in SL ? :)))

  4. Thanks London! *hugs*

    Pinky - I have learned more than I ever thot possible. mostly about myself...the good, the bad, and the ugly! LOL

    And YES Wildstar, I feel incredibly weird when I look back...and old too! LOL


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