06 May 2009

The Starting Point

I thought I'd back up and talk about how I got to Second Life in the first place.

The company I work for puts on a Symposium for it's customers. Being in the Training Dept, I was required to go and present topics of upcoming software releases and how the system works. It lasts three days and we work really hard to put this on.

On the last day, we're all standing around talking. We are exhausted by this point and a bit giddy. This one girl who I had seen before was talking about this place where you could fly. I was like, what? I had played Sims2 but this sounded really intriguing! Especially when she told me you could fly. And not just sim ppl, but YOU created your own avatar! And she or he could fly around! You could be and do anything you wanted to.

That night, as exhausted as I was, I logged into SL and created an account. I named her Joonie after the Benny and Joon movie, and I was born.

My co-workers name was Julie in SL, and she and her hubby would hang out together and do stupid stuff. I remember one time we stripped and made him tell us what was good and bad about our shape, hair, skin, etc. It was hilarious!! He loved it! LOL

I was hooked right off. Altho I didn't really know what to do, I had fun exploring. One night, Julie im'd me and said she and her hubby were talking to this guy about buying land on a sim that was dedicated to the Grateful Dead. I'm not a big fan of the Dead, but I knew who they were. Besides, I thought, it would be fun to hangout with Julie on the sim. It was an awesome build. Just incredible. But as it turned out, it was also very dark.

To be continued.....


  1. The suspense is killing me!!!

    Hugs- Papaya

  2. Me tooooooooooo!!! More, more!! :D



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