06 May 2009

Ok...so...where were we?

Ok so where were we? Oh right, the hippie sim.

I did wind up talking to the "guy" as well and bought some land. I put up a cool treehouse Arwen made and was very happy there. The "nice" guy I met at SR became my SL bf and we lived there together. Set up house and everything. Eventually partnered and had a lot of fun.

There was live music on this sim, and that was my first introduction to live music in SL. I loved it! I loved the relaxed attitude on the sim.. Everyone knew everyone else and you could get as involved as you wanted with the going's on or you could stick to yourself and no one would bother you. It was awesome.

Now, this is where I hesitate. I was approached to....present this part of my story in such a way that I wasn't dissing the sim, but to wrap it up in a nice way to say that this is the kind of bs that happens all over the grid. I don't want to drag up ugly feelings or hurt anyone, so I am not mentioning the name of the sim or the people involved in this part of the story. But I am presenting my side of it, as I've never really done that.

So, as is typical in SL, one of my friends developed a crush on the sim owner. They chatted and hung out a bit, but he was seeing the sim designer. At some point, my friend and this guy start talking and hanging out. They met in RL and began to develop a relationship.

A few months later, the sim designer tells me that she and the sim owner were having a 'thing' in SL and that the 'love' they felt for each other carried over to RL.

I'm like freaking out. I don't want to know this! What do I do? Do I tell my friend what she said? What if it isn't true? I decide, after talking to my SL bf, that I should go to the guy and tell him what I was told and give him an opportunity to "explain" or at least have a head's up as to what was being said..

Well instead of thanking me, he got all defensive. Said why can't he have his SL separate from his RL....blah blah. He demanded I tell him who said this and I refused. So he went to the sim designer and confronted her. She got pissed at me. I can understand that but .....

Anyway, itm, my friend tells me that the sim designer is lying. So when the sim designer confronts me about talking to the sim owner (confused yet?) I tell her it wasn't cool to lie to me. Well that really set her off. She demanded that I be kicked off the sim! And I was! I'm still banned to this day. She has since banned several more ppl. Oh, and the friend and the sim owner? They're together in RL. So there! :P

LOL....now why did I just drag that up from over a year ago? Because it was my first experience with SL drama. It was my first lesson in not getting involved in other people's stuff even if you think you have the best of intentions.

Would I do it again? Probably. But this time I would go to my friend, not to the guy. And then just move out on my own. LOL

So that is the story of how sweet littel Joonie was banned from a sim. *bats eyelashes*

Next up - SLove baby!

Nite nite


  1. I'm jealous, I never got banned from anywhere! LOL I do know that someone actually got banned from a certain unnamed club because of me though - not that I'd get them banned intentionally, they stood up for me without me even knowing it, which got them banned. Though oddly I myself was never banned from the place as far as I know. Ha, gotta love SL drama!

    I love all these retrospective posts, they're a wonderful read! Kind of makes me wish I had a SL blog again, though of course, that would be pointless because I don't have a SL. LOL



  2. Omg! I love this! It's like..Joonie's SL memoirs!

    More, more, more!

    P.S. - it's always nice to know that mine isn't the only sl drama lesson learned the hard way. Whew. *takes the freak sign off of her own back*


  3. Joonie, love your newest installment(/me munches popcorn on edge of seat), and love that you are telling it like you wanna.:D

    I absolutely hate good intentions gone wrong. It's such a feeling of being out of control. Especially when we are just trying to protect someone we love and care about. Sounds like you got banned when you dared stand up to a power hungry, insecure, liar. Guess they didn't take it well LOL.

    SL has such an ugly side sometimes. Haters are haters in any world, and SL is no utopia. Dammit.

    Great post, JJ. LOVE that treehouse!!! Can't wait for SLove post! :D



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