03 May 2009

It All Started Here!

Help Island is where I went shortly after I was "oriented" at Orientation Station. I had no clue what I was doing, and if you think Orientation sux now, you would not believe what it was like at one time. You walked down a path with little signs along the way. There was a talking parrot and some ball you had to pick up. At the end, you were instructed to fly across some water and land on a little island. That was it. From the island, you clicked a sign and *poof* you were sent to your new home in Second Life. I was sent to Help Island.

Yep, sent right in the middle of this circle with a bunch of people. Crazy people, I might add. From here, they all look fairly average. But let's take a closer look.

First up is this avatar. She looks innocent enough if not somewhat manly. A closer look reveals the name she has chosen out of all the choices: IFreakinRock
Well, nothing like believing in yourself! LOL
Standing beside her is some guy I must have muted at some point.

Next we have a Pamela Anderson type with attitude. Her name is: MyGivaDamn'sBusted. Wonder what she's pissed about. (I kinda like it..shhhh)

This guy's name is LuckyYouHaveMe. 'nuff said (threw up in my mouth a little)

There was a lot of this going on...people tweaking their appearance. It's funny how I'm sure I did this, too, right in the middle of Help Island. But now...no way! LOL

Simon Says: Cross Your Arms!

Not bad. He's just here for.....I dunno. I felt like it? ;-) His name is BadBoy4Life. Figures! LOL

And the Freebies! Who can forget the freebies. There was a Freebies store at Help Island, unfortunately. I remember wearing these wings and thinking I looked so gooooooood! haha

The sign says DO: WEAR CLOTHES
It should hang in every public place in Second Life. There's nothing worse than seeing a penisless man. :P It's just not right. LOL (altho......hmmmm)

Some of the awesomeness of Help Island. The creativity still amazes me .

And my retrospective of my days at Help Island would be incomplete without the Santa hats. That's all you're getting. LOL

thanks for joining me on my journey through Second Life. Next up...Joonie does kajira!




  1. I have a few friends who troll help island looking for sound bites for funny gestures LOL

  2. I never went to Help Island. My friends tped me off as soon as I was created..so I missed out on the learning experience.


    Looks like fun. Shoot. Let's start over and do it!


  3. haha..Lizzie! I'm sure they get lots of stuff to work with!

    Bliss - let's create alts and act like newbs on Help Island. LOL YAY!

  4. I seriously laughed out loud at several points in your post. What are people thinking?????

    I vividly remember that parrot and beach ball and wondering wtf have I gotten into??

    Can't wait for the kajira post!! Hurry!!!!

    Love you JJ!


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