03 May 2009

Next Stop - SR

Sanctuary Rocks!

Sanctuary Rocks. Yep, that was the place to be in SL. LOL It was heavy metal music, real loud and insane the way rock music is supposed to sound. It was always super crowded with hot guys in leather and black and usually long hair. Tats everywhere. Spikes everywhere. It was hilarious...and a lot of fun! The place has changed a lot since I was last there. But the vibe is the same. I spent lots of time here when I felt somewhat destructive. When I was angry at the world.. When my first crush ended. ohh...i'm remembering things as I do this. Remembering before the posts I've already done. It's like thinking of one thing leads me to remember something else. I will have to do a post on what I just remembered soon. LOL

I met lots of boys there. Not all of them very nice people. Tonight when I went by there to take some pics, there were a couple of them still there, hanging out and hitting on newbie girls like they did me. LOL I was surprised to see they still hung out there. SR is a fun place..but a place I would think most people would move away from eventually.

One of my early crushes. LOL
I met my first bf here. And a guy that would be the bane of my SL existence for a long time. Luckily, not anymore. But that crush nearly killed me. LOL
Nite everyone.
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  1. Hahah...I totally remember when you went to SR to "get away" from the drama! So funny!


  2. LMAO...and it just added more! I met the "Dick" there, remember? hahaha!

  3. I seem to remember a certain tall, dark, handsome, someone you met at SR when we were there together long long ago. A night that will live in infamy!!! :P

    Seriously though, sometimes headbanger music is just the thing to escape all the crap. Just turn it up loud enough and you can't think about anything. :D

    But those guys who are still there...still hitting on newbies...
    pathetic much??? Teehee

    Love you JJ!


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