30 August 2009


I'm really struggling with this blog. Since getting reacquainted with my RL, it's difficult to say much about SL. It's like it's all been said before, regardless of which side you fall on concerning any "hot topic"...does it really matter? It just doesn't to me.

Not to judge anyone for letting SL be their "end all and be all" of their reality. God knows I did the same thing for longer than I'd like to admit. But all of sudden, like a bolt of lightening, reality slaps upside the face and it's like...WHOA!! I've spent how much time each day for how many days in f'ing SL?!?!

Anyway, waaaaay off the topic I was veering towards. Umm...which was...about...
OH..this blog. LOL Well, I love writing and SL always gave me so much to write about. And, unfortunately, if I don't have my angsty, emo ways to talk about...I'm really rather boring.

So I've kind of been using youtube vids that people are sending me as a way to get motivated again. If you have one you'd like to share...send me the link!
Not sure of a way to have it be anonymous if you don't want me to know who sent it. My email is: joonie220@yahoo.com

Okay, another friend sent me the following youtube. It's kinda cool. I used to love this show sooooo much. Here's the vid:

Normally, this is where I'd pontificate on the "meaning" of the vid, but I think for once, I'll just take it in and be quiet.

Thanks for reading..


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the vid.....

  2. Joonie, as someone wise once explained to me, everything goes in cycles, and your blog mojo will come back around. Meanwhile, I'm glad you are still posting, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the videos you are sharing!

    Love you JJ!


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