20 December 2009

New Toys 49/365

I love Faery Sola and this is why...she makes the cutest, most adorable, and affordable cute stuffz. Like the
snow globe below. I love the cute animation and the snowman is sooo smexy!

And this unicycle...omg....more fun than I ever thought possible! No really! You wear it and it's so easy..you just walk like you normally would. LOVE IT! Thank you Faery!

I had to share this with someone cos it was making me happy! So I shared it with Bon. He makes me happy, too. Most of the time....lol! He had to wear his First Aid helmet just in case he fell.

Candy Cane Antlers with animation....also at Studio Sidhe!  *licks Faery*

Gloves - fri.Fingerless Gloves in Black
Boots - Shiny Things - Flowered Biker Boots
Hoodie - Gypsy Soul - Dawn in Steel
Pants - FD Underground - black tight jeans
Jacket - Luminosity - suede jacket (charcoal) No Longer Available


Everything is from Faery Sola @ Studio Sidhe (love ya Faery!)

Faery's Unicycle
Christmas Snowglobe - Building Santa
Candy Cane Antlers


  1. All of those seem fabulous! Watch out that you don't slip on the icy snow when you're on your unicycle though! ;)

  2. aww thank you sooo much! this is the sweetest post ever! I'm thrilled that you enjoy my stuff so much *grins* thanks Joonie *hugs* You've made my day XD

  3. Bitter - come play! lol! Thanks for the reminder. I forget how easy it is to slip and fall. And it hurts! ;-)

    Faery - I'm so glad you liked it! =) You are so talented and fun! And one of the nicest ppl on the grid. *hugs*

    Ali - what a nice surprise to see you here. The snowglobe is awesome and great for photo ops. have fun!

  4. Joonie, these are awesome! THIS is what SL is supposed to be about...FUN!! Right? Erm...RIGHT???

    Love you JJ! Let's hit the road on our unicycles and not look back!! Damn the snow, we will install chains if we have to! :D


  5. hahahah Pinky! I agree, it should be fun. If it isn't, something is terribly wrong!

    Clean slate...moving forward.

    Chains on the unicycle! that is what you meant, right? ;-)


  6. Thanks for sharing. I must go there and try it next time I log in. Looks funny.


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