21 December 2009

Winter Comes to the Heart 50/365

Winter. So many things happen during this time of year, regardless of how you celebrate. It can be a lonely time for people. Those of us that have lost people that were part of our families...extended or otherwise.

Winter is also a good time for a bit of introspection. At least it always has been for me. The white of snow, the cold outside...good time for a clean slate and some inside time - literally and figuratively. Most of the time, I like what I see in my reflections. But there are times when my heart hurts and as I look back, I realize some of my choices have not been the best for me and others. And I vow not to let that happen again. And yet, when it comes to matters of the heart, let's face it, I'm a big mush. So what's a girl to do? Close off her heart so she won't feel? Put up a wall no one can penetrate? Let fear of pain and hurt keep me from experiencing love, and ultimately bringing on the thing I fear?

F*** no! I grab my gfs and go snowmobiling!

Happy Holidays everyone. Get out there and have some fun! *hugs*


  1. Amen, Joonie! Nothing like snow crystals in your eyelashes and wind in your hair to put things in perspective!!



  2. Winter makes me think too. It's a great season to remember but also for forgiving. I am sure a great future is waiting for the best girl all around the world: Just Joonie.


  3. Aww....I just read this Trouble! *hugs you tight*


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