11 April 2010

RFL Rocks like the All-Stars! and Max Kleene!

I am exhausted....truly just wiped out. So this post may not be one of my most coherent ones. My apologies for that. LOL Any other night I would just forget it and go to sleep. But this night has been the most awesome nights of my SLife. :) And no, there were no boys involved. Well, actually that's not true.

I volunteered to help at Relay For Life this year. My mom died of cancer and so it's a benefit that means a lot ot me. And, best of all, I was one of the Music Hosts for the event. It started tonight and was scheduled to end tonight around 8pm slt. Max Kleene was the last performer to play. Renee Bimbogami, me, and Rusty Seisenbacher were all there to host for Max's show. Renee had been there all day and I had been in SL since the morning. The morning really sucked. Bad. And not in a good way. :P But everything changed when I got to the RFL music stage. Lo Bloch put me to work right away and once it started it went til tonight. Like I said, I'm exhausted.

But an amazing thing happened. I felt extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people for the most amazing cause. We were able to put our combined desire to kill cancer before it kills anyone else together and make amazing things happen. And it wasn't us so much, as YOU....everyone who gave so much money! OMG I love you all.

It really started rolling when...after Max had been playing for almost an hour, he said he would continue playing until we reached 1 million lindens! I was working the show and I have to be honest, there was a part of me that groaned and thought..omg I'm going to be here all night,. too. Then I realized we were at 722,000 Lindens and that was good but a long way to 1 million. Then Rusty contacted Harper and word got around about what he was doing. Max got Stella Silvansky and then Raspbury Reardon and Harper Messmer and then Beth Odets. OMG...5 amazing musicians stopped whatever they were doing and joined Max on the stage in no time. A little over an hour later, we had 1 million lindens in one day to fight cancer. Absolutely amazing.

And the best part, for me personally, is that I felt good about giving my time and whatever small talent I might have to such a worthy cause. And I got to see people working together, crying together and being hopeful together. SL can be about a lot of things, some good and some not. But tonight shined a bright light on our little community in SL and made clear one of the best and most awesome really good thing that SL does. Bringing people together for a common cause, and one that can save lives. And that I was a tiny part of that was so gratifying. 1 million lindens in one day. Think about that. And 244,000 lindens in 1.5 hours. Crazy stuff. Crazy good stuff. But so much into perspective. So many things I get all worked up about that in the big picture are totally ridiculous to even give 1 second of thought to. I hope this lesson learned won't wear off like my knowledge of how ravishing a disease like cancer is. I forget that on my day to day existence. That's good I suppose. Would be too depressing to think about that every day. So I bury my head up my own ass and pretend nothing is wrong. Today, I didn't bury my head. I stood up and did what I could do, for one day, to help someone else out and to honor my Mom and her battle with melanoma. Love you, Mom.

And so, on that note, lol...I thought I would share a photo of ... a friend. No names needed. Hope you enjoy the photo as much as I did taking it. LOL
nini all. *hugs*

*sorry for the typos*


  1. Joonie, your post left me bawling like a baby. What a truly awesome thing, and the way you wrote about it, transcendent. Thanks for putting everything in perspective.

    I bet your mom is looking down, smiling and applauding, so proud of you!

    Big hugs to you Joonie!

  2. That is an awesome story!! Just shows that with enough people pulling together, that cancer CAN be beat!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Joonie,

    This is what I love about you. Behind all the whimiscal escapdes is a real person, a geniune soul that cares to the core of her soul. This cancer survivor thanks you dearly.

  5. Braden, thank you so much.
    *big hugs*


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