13 April 2010

OMG he did it! With the Greatest of Ease

My friend, Bon, sent me a couple of landmarks the other day and I had a chance to check them out. Wheee....I've always wondered what it would be like to be a burlesque girl. I think I'm a litte overdressed!

At least according to the pic in the background!

Flying on trapeze is lonely without someone looking on! So I tp'd my friend Shad and we got the giggles soooo bad. He was supposed to write a little poem or something about this adventure, but he couldn't stay away from the obvious cliches. So, because he didn't do like he said he was going to...lol...I'm posting this pic of him on the "chair" doing his thing. *throws pennies* He wanted to find some purple boas but we gave up after a while and decided to go dance instead.

OMG he sent it to me! Enjoy!

If I were a stripper,
Yubba dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum,
All night long i'd shake my pixel bum,
If I were a stripper man.

Who would pay me money,
Yubba dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum
If I were a bumping-grinding-strip-
Icky-yicky-scripty stripper man?

My in-ven-tory
Would be full of corsets and garters,
All very neatly organized--
Laqroki hair with Stiletto Moody shoes.

There would be
One small stool in the middle of the stage,
And one swingin' trapeze up above,
And shackles in the corner just for show.

I'd save one
Last piece of clothing for the very end:
A pimpin, purple feather boa,
Slowly sliding it from around my neck.

With each last
Linden that clinks in my tip jar I'll know
That my little dance has left them blind...
For why else would they tip a stripper man?

That's when I turned into this. Oh so romantic. And he just stood there and laughed! pfft! Must be my inner tiny trying to come out! ;)

'Til another day in SL...



  1. The trapeze looks like great fun, and you're totally ellegant on it! Glad you're enjoying yourself :)


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