09 April 2010

Squffy in Armadillo Clothing

Sometimes in SL, I just want to get away from everything and just chill. But I also don't feel like being totally alone at that moment. Luckily for me, it always seems like I get an IM around this time from just the person I needed. And this time it was my friend, Squiffy.

Squiffy is many things to many people. And many things to me. Sometimes he's a cat, a dragon, a bunny, a rodent, or..like this night....an armadillo. He refuses to be categorized. Right when you think you've figured it out.. like, oh Squiffy is a Tiny or Squiffy is a furry...he totally changes the game. I love that about him! =)

This particular night, as I was feeling a bit bummed, he IM'd me and asked if I wanted a ride on his blimp. (no not that blimp!)


After riding around for a while, Squiffy showed me this place up in the sky. It was really beautiful and peaceful. Just what I needed. We even danced a jig up there. Too funny. Yes, I did take a pic and NO, you aren't going to see it.  LOL

Sometimes, being alone is a wonderful thing. But this night, I was grateful I didn't have to spend it that way.
Thanks Mr. Armadillo!


1 comment:

  1. OK, here's what I love about SL. You went in a blimp with your friend, an armadillo, went to a place in the sky and danced a jig!!! :D

    Are you suuuuure you don't want to show us the pic???

    Great post,
    Love you JJ!


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