09 April 2010

New Truth Hair!

This is a bit late, but RL has been insane. Even more insane is thinking I would stay away from SL when I saw the email for Truth with new hair! So, of course, here I am, sharing with you the incredible goodness of Truth. =)

First is Valerie. This is my absolute favorite of the 3 styles. I love the flippiness (?) of the hair and the way it falls forward over the eye just a little bit. This style is new for me as I almost never purchase hair without bangs and preferably over the entire eye. But I fell in love with this hair the second I put it on. Very feminine, very sexy and very free feeling. I love the way it moves.

I had to show you the way the hair is parted and then falls over to the side. I love the layering and the way the they fall down the neck and shoulders. Really pretty! Can be played down for casual or played up for more formal occasions.  Very versatile.

This one is called Drew and for my facial features is probably my least favorite, only because I like more hair around my face. This could almost pass for a short do from the front, but then turn around and O M G, you have the prettiest ponytail I've seen in a while.

Don't you just love this? I tried to get a better shot, this one doesn't do it justice. It's just beautiful and high on the head. Nice change from the usual low on the neck placement. And it is beautifully thick and sexy.

The last one is Michelle.  Michelle has beautiful long tendrils in the front that curl with just the right amount of sexiness that makes you feel sweet and innocent and yet totally aware of who you are and what you are capable of.  ;)  In the back is a beautiful updo.

How does he do this? Isn't that gorgeous? I love love love the long tendrils in the front and back. The kind that tickle the skin and are make you feel irresistible.

See why I say Truth hair makes me feel pretty?

My Mom used to tell me, when I had something I had to do that I was a little bit afraid of or unsure of, to "walk in like I own the place."  When I wear Truth hair, that's exactly how I feel. ;-)  What are you waiting for?


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Joonie! You make me want to go hair shopping, and I am not a hair shopper!!



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