21 April 2010

SL Games

No, not those mind games.  My friend Shad and I were just hanging out the other day when he brought up this game that I hadn't played in forever. I know it has a name but I don't know what it is. I asked Shad but the bum didn't answer me. :P
So it's when you take turns searching for a word in SL Search. Then you can either go to the first one listed or whichever one sounds most interesting. Here's how our game went:

I went first and my word was: Pickles
That took us to a store named Pickles but out in the yard was this cool airplane ride. So of course we jumped on it. But really, it was kinda lame.

Next, Shad chose the word Guadalajara, which put us in a church. I thought it was cool and really pretty, but Shad wouldn't come in very far.  LOL  Don't know if he thought the ceiling was going to fall in or what, but he wanted a new word in a real hurry!

So my next word was: Word

The word Word brought us here. I believe the place was called Written Word. Ugly build but we did find some dance balls with written words on paper on the floor. hmm....we look cute but I think it was a bust.

Shad chose Percival as the next word which took us to Avillion. I had been there before, but this time I was NOT dressed for it at all. Neither was Shad. So...here we are in front of the dress code sign feeling all defiant!

It was my turn for the word and I chose two words....cos i'm all rebellious....uh huh.
My word(s) were Space Monkey. Now I don't know exactly why it brought us where it did...but it did. We rezzed inside a store with men's underwear.  I didn't know there was a store that catered to that niche, but there we were. When we first rezzed, there was a big diplay of mannequins showing off their wares...or rather...THE wares. I thought it would be funny if Shad joined them in has wares so I asked him to do it. And he did!!

Butt shot...had to do it. The sacrifices I make for my readers! ;)

Shad in all his glory. If anyone is looking for an underwear model, please contact me. I am his booking agent and I receive 40% of the top. Or the bottom...whichever....  *groans*  Did I just say that?

This last place was def the winner of the night. LOL It was a fun way to mix things up a bit. Try it next time you're bored. Erm...not that I was bored with Shad or anything...eek!

*this could have been a lot more entertaining, but I'm sick and this is the best I can do tonight! lol*


  1. That sound fun! I am going to suggest that to Jerremy the next time we want to explore! Thanks!

  2. LOL...it was fun! Hope you blog it if you do it! =)

  3. Lol, funny. Wonder how a space monkey brings you there lol... Strange game :P


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