29 July 2010

SL borked - Joonie bored

Can't log into SL. Logins disabled. But I see 22, 318 avs logged in.
So wtf? I'm a premium account! pfft

Hence, random pics. No info. No slurls. No fashion homage. So sorry.
Joonie is bored. Joonie needs stimulation. Joonie likes bright shiny objects.

If you were to think about leaving SL, what would change your mind?

Would you ever dress like this in RL?

This outfit is available at the Summer of Love Fair.
You can find the slurl in earlier Summer of Love posts.

Just checked. Now there are 18,729 online. Who are they? Do they have special priviledges? Are they on a diff server than me? Why am I addicted to SL? Am I addicted?  gaaaah! too many question. Going to go see if my RL is still breathing.....


  1. A spiritual healing session, with that one person that is making it all worthwhile... that would definitely change my mind. ;-)


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