30 July 2010

Fodder for a Blog

How do you decide who or what gets into your blog and who or what doesn't? I think I have been guilty more often than I'd like to admit to using my blog as a way to get a message to someone or to make a point. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. But when I let someone hijack my blog by allowing them to occupy space here, it takes away from what I really want my blog to be about.

Where do you find fodder for your blog? It's easy for me to look inward and occasionally share that here. Too easy, actually. I have been known to use this blog as a personal diary. People tend to make an assumption that they know me and my state of mind. Or want to be my friend because they "care" about me. As much as I appreciate that, and perhaps even unintentionally invited that by sharing personal thoughts and feelings, it is not why I write this blog.

So what do I expect? To be able to send out personal stuff into the blogosphere and not have people respond? No. What I do expect is that I will not be so lame as to put that stuff on my blog and then cry wolf when someone thinks they know me.

I hope you enjoyed reading my personal thoughts and feelings as much as I enjoyed writing them. From now on this will be about SL and only SL. Fun, fashion, art, creativity, and all things SL.

Thanks for reading! =)



  1. Hi Joonie. I've enjoyed your personal stories over the last couple of years, but have experienced the weirdness that can result from people projecting some sense of who you are based on such limited, sporadic and unrepresentative information.

  2. Hi Joonie -
    I have been absent from the blogosphere for months and months... I popped in on yours because it is always a good read and found a beautiful vision as well :) I think it should be what you make of it... Words are the window to your soul.. and yours is beautiful. Just write :) Good bad otherwise... it is theraputic.

    And... bless you for NOT putting up pics of WoW... heehee



  3. Thank you for everything that you shared, your posts have always been amazing and a pleasure to read. I admire your talent for choosing the right words in expressing your thoughts and ideas, its a gift really. I am looking forward very much to your more SL-focused posts, keep up the good work Joonie! *hugs* RG

  4. botgirl - thanks for the comment. You said it much more succintly than I did and hit the nail on the head. Perhaps it is just the weirdness of it and I'll adjust to it.

    Kim - *hugs* thank you for your generous comment. Writing, for me, is very theraputic, as you know. =) I've toyed with the idea of starting a more personal blog separate from this one.

    And what IS that about!? A screen pic of WOW IU? srsly? LOL What a brat! ;)

    RG - Thank you for being so supportive of what I do here. Means a lot! =)


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