31 July 2010

50L Friday and Themeory - Great Finds

Below are just a few of the things I found traversing the grid in search of goodies. On the weekends, depending on the designers involved, there are lots of treasures to be had. Below are just a few of my faves, either part of 50L Friday or Themeory (What I Love theme)

[Atomice] Love Affair top - Lake (Themeory

[Manadala] Takara Bangle w/ nails (50L Friday)

[PF] Pink Fuel-Broken Hearts Bleed skin in Chai
(comes w/ teeth showing or not) (Themeory)

Easy look to put together
(shorts and shoes found way in the back of my inventory closet)


(5th&Oxford) Rosalee Babydoll (50L Friday)

*Deco* Lumbermine Boot - Cherry (50L Friday)

I'm not always impressed with the items available, but this time I was not disappointed. Thanks to all the designers who offered us such awesomeness this week!


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