29 April 2011

Fashion & Music - Club Graffiti Opens Today @ 1pm

I love when music and fashion come together, so when Kalli Birman dropped a notecard on me with the following info on it, I knew I had to share it:

The Village, Second Life's newest hot spot, will be having The Official Launch on Friday April 29th at 1PM SLT. Owned by Mankind Tracer and Kalli Birman, The Village is modeled after Greenwich Village, NYC of the 1970's and will be home to some of the best couture boutiques Second Life has to offer including House of RFyre, Gizza, Paris Metro, Tres Beau, Bliss Couture, Vogue, Blacklace, Mary Jane Shoes.

The Village is also home to the new underground rock venue, "Club Graffiti". It is inspired by one of the most famous clubs in Greenwich Village, CBGB's and the area where the whole punk movement of the 1970's began. Artists such as David Bowie, The Ramones, Blondie, The Talking Heads and many others made their way through CBGB's to begin a new revolution in music.

Club Graffiti will host weekly shows by top SL musicians. Mankind Tracer, one of Second Life's most well known live performers and co-owner of The Village, will also perform every Sunday night at 9PM SLT.

The launch will be opened by the popular band The Follow at 1pm slt and will continue at 2pm slt with a performance by Mankind Tracer. It is asked that all attendees remove any attachments and scripted objects prior to arrival to help reduce lag.

The sim will open at 12:30PM SLT to allow time for guests to arrive.

12:30PM SLT - guest arrival
1:00PM SLT - The Follow performs - http://www.thefollow.com/
2:00PM SLT - Mankind Tracer performs - http://www.sethregan.com
Music has influenced fashion for decades. Think the '60's with it's hippie/boho chic looks, the '70's with disco and Elton John, '80's with menswear and Madonna, '90's with Grunge and Kurt Cobain, and the 2000's with mashups and Katy Perry and Gaga and Kanye and hip hop....and yet to be seen.

Fashion and Music just go together. And no where do you see that better than in the clubs. That's why I love this concept of a club in SL with amazing fashion and shops right outside the door. And oh what a club and oh what shops! And the sim is based on The Village in NY in the 1970's. One place you do NOT want to miss is the restroom in the club.

 Enough said!

The Follow will be kicking off the opening TODAY at 1pm. Doors open at 12:30pm.

SLurl to Club Graffiti

Fashion post to follow with a few of the awesome designs I found there. And there are a few freebies about, too!

27 April 2011

{what next} New Release - Serendipity Gardens Porch Set

I've been having major issues with things showing up when I take photos in SL. Shadows aren't showing up. Objects with glow aren't showing up. It's bizarre. I still don't know what the problem is and it's across several viewers. All that to say ... I would have blogged this sooner but I was holding out hope that I could do it with shadows. But I gave up and decided to go ahead and blog it because I absolutely love everything Winter Thorn of {what next} does and this set is no exception. And you need to see it!

The Serendipity Garden Porch Set is perfect for sitting outside in the warm weather with friends or that person you love but is a pain in the ass. I love the animations. The cushions are color change and the flame can be turned on or off. The tea glass dispenses a glass of tea for the drink animation and the pitcher is sooo cute. The knitting basket gives out two knitting needles. Below are just a few of the animations available.

We look like an old married couple...gaaaah!

For those still chilly Spring nights

did too.
did not.
did too.

*wishes the pitcher had margaritas in it*

LOL...love this! Thanks once again, Winter, for making my SL home look the way I want!

22 April 2011

3 New Truth Hairs - Hazel, Karen & Phoebie

“I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.”  Pietro Aretino

Truth Hawks has released three new styles today. Each style is gorgeous and comes in streaked versions. Hazel and Karen are available in upper and lower attachment points. Enjoy!

Hazel - champagne (front view), swedish (back view)

Karen - latte

Phoebie - cranberry

17 April 2011

{what next} Laurel Cottage Spring Decor

I love {what next} and am always so happy when they are included in any of the sales around the grid. So I was really happy when I saw this fireplace and realized it was for Lazy Sunday! YaY! I love this set of spring decor - it includes fireplace, tulips in vase, chalkboard, herbs and two art prints, with some texture-change options. L$75 for this weekend only, April 16 - 17.

I wonder if the recipe is any good....hmmm

This six piece set include:

Decorative boarded up fireplace - texture change
Vase of tulips - color change flowers
Framed chalkboard - writing changes
Herbs in a little sack bag
2 art prints  

Enjoy! Happy Spring!

16 April 2011

New Truth Hair - Denise & Pia

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”
Katherine Mansfield

Denise - champage

Pia - quince
love love love

*insert gushy comments here*

SLurl to Truth Hair
Truth Hair on Marketplace

15 April 2011

AM Radio - A Little Further Than Before

AM Radio - The Quiet: Further Away and Further Apart

So I recieved the following group notice the other day:

Dear Friends,

I know there are folks who visit my sims daily, weekly, or monthly and that these spaces have become a part of their experience in Second Life. I am announcing the closing of my spaces 6 months in advance so that it won't come as a surprise, drama, or rumor.
It is merely the end of a series of artworks. I continue to paint, sketch, photograph and write about my time here on this little rock collection that's spinning and hurtling through space.

IDIA Labs of Ball State University has been gracious to host my work without demand or requirement. The sunsetting of the IDIA Lab sim is the result of positive and thoughtful input from IDIA, myself, and many of you.
I have archived the work already, and I appreciate the impulse to want to save the work.
The work though was as social as any avatar in SL, making friends with many of you and enabling so many positive experiences many of you have let me know about. ALL OF YOU are what the artwork really was. It isn't in the prims, the textures, or scripts. It was in your willingness to explore and experience the world in a way I tried to share it. My time in SL has been like having hundreds of people analyzing my dreams every morning. I have learned so much about many of you, but truly learned so much about myself.

Please feel free to continue to visit. Please encourage anyone you know who will miss the spaces to visit them with you. See my picks in my profile for landmarks.
The extent of my estate is a foothold by the water. All are welcome to the inifinite within it.

AM Radio

Made me really sad. AM's places evoke all kinds of emotions and memories for me. I visited frequently and with people I still care deeply for. Some I've lost touch with but still live in my heart. Others are some of my best friends. So I thought this would be a good time to take some pics of these places that have come to mean so much to me inworld. You still have time to do the same.

12 April 2011

New Truth Hair - Alison & Mylie

"Some people handle the truth carelessly; Others never touch it at all."
- Anonymous

I've been busy with Fantasy Faire 2011 and didn't have a chance to blog these, but I really wanted to. So here they are a bit late but still gorgeous.

Alison - champagne

Mylie - marmalade

04 April 2011

New Truth Hair - Kaelyn and Mariposa

"Never apologize for showing feelings. When you do so you apologize for truth." Benjamin Disraeli

RFL's Fantasy Faire 2011 is off to an amazing start! And Truth Hawks has creative two amazing hairstyles that fit perfectly with the fantasy theme!

Kaelyn in Champagne

Mariposa in Champagne
And they are gorgeous in their own right!

01 April 2011

{what next} at Pose Fair - 'Reely Fun' Row Boat Pose Prop

So Pose Fair is open April 1st - 15th. YAY! I know we've all been looking forward to it. Blog photos are "crap" without awesome poses. There are some amazing pose makers out there who help us all bring our photos "to life." {what next} is one of my go-to posers and Winter Thorn never disappoints. So for Pose Fair, she has done it again and created a fun, versatile pose prop with the 'Reely Fun' pose prop Row Boat. With Summer on the way, it's the perfect prop!

It has so many features and comes with its own box of pose props - actually two boxes - one for the owner and one with transfer rights for friends to use! Below are just some of the available poses.

Couples Poses

Fishing Poses - 3 available

Fun Poses

Always wanted to be a Rock Star...

There are also 11 single poses, some really cute and funny. So go check out The Pose Fair and make a point to stop off at {what next} for this adorable, versatile, fun pose prop!

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