05 August 2010

Emotional Exhaustion

Some days, I can keep it all together rather nicely. Being in SL for almost 4 years, keeping it all together has become a survival skill. Today I was not so lucky. Everything came spilling out and trickled down my face. Things I've kept bottled up somehow pushed their way past my defenses ....and onto this page.

I guess it's been a long time coming. It felt good to let it all come to the surface. To feel it. To finally say the words I needed to say. And to be done. I love the sound of that...to be done. But I doubt that is the truth. I don't think this will ever be done once and for all. Some things will never go away. They will diminish with time but the longing remains.


Joonie is wearing:

Glam Affair skin - Funeral (found at Potter's Field)
Truth Hair - Tatiana in Snow
Dress - DBW The Guardina Dress (found at Potter's Field)
Top - Mimikri Teddy Top
Earrings - Mandala


  1. /me gives you a hug... just 'cause. This is a stunning photo~

  2. Joonie… you have nothing to be ashamed about in letting tears flow. Emotions are a big part of life and showing them is a sign of strength, not weakness. Being a lover of literature, I always seem to connect my thoughts with the written word, as to justify them. Your post reminds me of a poem from Robert Frost, titled "Meeting and Passing":

    As I went down the hill along the wall, there was a gate I had leaned at for the view
    and had just turned from when I first saw you, as you came up the hill. We met. But all we did that day was mingle great and small
    footprints in summer dust as if we drew the figure of our being less than two, but more than one as yet. Your parasol pointed the decimal off with one deep thrust.
    And all the time we talked you seemed to see something down there to smile at in the dust.
    Afterward I went past what you had passed before we met and you what I had passed.

    This is how all relationships start, whether it be in RL or SL. Some blossom, some don’t, but even for the ones that do and ultimately don’t survive, there is always a hint of “what if” or “remembering.” Those memories do fade, but never really go away –because they had meaning. Use that remaining longing as fuel to make your present and future what you want it to be, what you need it to be. Hang in there…

  3. Besides the obvious wow what a post comment I want to say and beautifully written as well, I have to say this photo is amazing. Your best I have seen to date. Perhaps you emotions are what inspired it. Hugs.

  4. Nissa - thank you for the sweet words and the hug. *hugs you back*

    Braden - you always seem to know just what to say. Thank you for being you.

    LIZZY! GF! I am so behind on my blog reading. Just popped over to your blog and read the funny post on "Ruthed" and realized why I love you. Thanks for the comment and the compliment. *hugs*


  5. Dear Joonie,

    I <3 you. :)

    We old SL gals go through so much, and we still push on. I've decided..we do it because the friends we make and the bonds we create are so amazing - they make it worth it.

    Hang in there. :)


  6. Holds you tightly, whispers in your ear that youre safe and that everything will be alright...
    love you Joonie
    *hugs* RG

  7. Bliss - SL either makes us stronger or destroys us. I'm feeling pretty strong. Friendship is everything. love you!

    Rik - thanks! *hugs*


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