24 July 2009

In Between...

.....sun and clouds

happy and sad

gratitude and self pity

past and future

you and me

crying and laughing


I've been roaming around always lookin down at all I see.
Painted faces fill the places I can't reach.
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you
And all you know and how you speak
Countless lovers undercover of the street
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you
Off in the night while you live it up I'm off to sleep
Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Someone like me
Someone like me
Someone like me
(Go and let it out)
Someone like you
Someone like you
Someone like you
I've been roaming around always lookin down at all I see

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody

23 July 2009

Montreal Music Bound...in SL

No, I'm not going. *pouts* But lots of my friends are going! Going where you ask?

Well, a few months ago a few musicians began talking about getting together. I was told by a (reliable?) source, one Rusty Seisenbacher, that it was Bree Birk and Montian Gilruth. It started small and grew. There are now 16 musicians and approximately 30 fans who are meeting in M0ntreal starting this Saturday, July 25th.

Rusty said they would be staying in college dorms @ Adair Hall, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. Friday night there is a party at Dundee's Bar and Grill, and Saturday night is the orgy. Fun times!

The best part, for me anyway since I couldn't go, is that they will be streaming LIVE to SL! Below is a schedule of when each musician is playing SL time. I'm sure you will find a couple of musicians that you love to hear in SL already, and this is an awesome opportunity to hear other musicians who can be added to your 'fave' list.

Hope to see you there! In SL, not Montreal cos I'm not going. I get to stay home and watch the corn grow. There can be fun in that. You know how the plant gets all tall and everything before the corn .....

Montreal Musicians Meetup Streaming Schedule July 25th

All shows will be one hour in length and hosted by the musicians listed. The LM for the venue as well as the stream address are included just in case the sim fills up and you wish to listen on Winamp etc.
Many thanks to the stream providers XTREAM HOTSPOT STREAMS and THE STREAM TEAM for donating 1000 listeners streams to the Meetup and the venues for their continued support of live music in Second Life.

8:00am SLT Bosco Contantine
Sterling Vineyard

8:30am SLT Wren Hartunian
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - West Side
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - East Side

9:30am SLT Shannon O'Herlihy
Nitida Ridge

10:00am SLT JellyJellyJelly Benelli
Sterling Vineyard

11:00am SLT Loran Andretti
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - West Side
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - East Side

11:30am SLT Mimi Carpenter
Prim Economy

12:30pm SLT Maximillion Kleene
Molaskey's Pub

1:00pm SLT Tamra Sands
Nitida Ridge

4:00pm SLT Mash Rhodes
Prim Economy

4:30pm SLT Montrealer Moody

5:30pm SLT FunkyFreddy Republic
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - West Side
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - East Side

6:00pm SLT Jase Branner
Molaskey's Pub

7:00pm SLT Montian Gilruth
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - West Side
Warung Stage by XStream Hotspot - East Side

7:30pm SLT Norris Shepherd
Molaskey's Pub

See yas there!


18 July 2009

RFL - Gifts

Today was a good day in SL. I spent most of the day at RFL, watching survivors and caregivers walk the walk. My bff, Pinky, joined me while I lit a luminaria in honor of my mom who died of cancer when I was 23. It was a gift I gave to RFL and I received the gift of Pinky's presence while I did this. Thank you Pinky! *mwah*


I don't know how many of you know Bourque Rau, but she is an amazing woman! She recruited me to be a 'Stream Mistress' for the musicians playing at RLF. That was an awesome gift and an honor to do. Thank you Borque and thank you to Grateful Stryker for playing. There are many more scheduled for tomorrow. Check out the live music scene!

As I was getting ready to log for the night (I was exhausted!) another friend im'd and tp'd me to chouchou, one of my fave places. ChouChou will always be a special place for me like I know it is for lots of us. It's such a cool place to be alone or to share with a good friend.

When I arrived, my friend was dancing around with RAIN falling on him. I loved it! We've talked about rain often and how it feels so right sometimes. I wasn't there long when he gave me my own rain!! Sometimes, whether a person knows it or not, they say or do just the right thing that is needed at that moment. I don't know what it is about this particular friend, but he always knows. Thank you for your friendship! What a gift it is.


I am a very lucky girl to have so many awesome friends in SL. Mostly guys...I don't know why. I'm not complaining. I love having guy friends!


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Damn Dirk

I interrupt this broadcast on Music for a more personal post.

I don't even know what to say!! LOL I'm looking at these pics and shaking my head..and laughing. Dirk and I have known each other since 2006. In the time we have known each other, I have banned him, deleted him, and muted him on several occasions. He has done the same to me, just not as many times. But it's SL and here we are. Go figure. I cannot tell you how many times I have said "Damn Dirk!" The two words just seem to go together. lol

Don't we look cozy? So in love...so enthralled with each other. Gotta love SL. I think irl he was watching a show about whales and Greenpeace. I was working on my blog. But these pics tell a different story. Any guy that will hold me in this hair has got to be a good friend! LOL (I actually love this hair... in Black)

We've both changed since our avatars a bit since we first met. I'll try to dig up some old pics cos I KNOW you're so very interested in that! ;) I love a male avi that doesn't look like everyone else. Dirk never has from the beginning.

Ok, so I changed my hair. That does NOT make me a sellout! Just helping him with his fantasy! LMAO

Writing this blog post makes me happy, and here's why. It speaks to the power of forgiveness...for the hope of better things, better times. And of friendship that accepts each others imperfections. His of course, not mine! LOL So many times in SL and in RL, we can feel wronged or hurt or angry at someone and decide to delete them from our lives. Just as we have the option to do that, we also have the option to bring things back around as long as the person hasn't hurt us irreparably. I strongly believe THOSE peeps need to get to the back of a very, very loooooong line.

Relationships in SL are very fluid. Here today, gone tomorrow or next month. But while they are "here" they can be fun, and very interesting and entertaining. I learn more about myself by my interactions with my friends...and frenemies. It can be difficult to let go of our friends in SL. And it sux. But looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

ciao ciao

16 July 2009

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Drama Dolls

OMG! The coolest thing to hit the grid in a very long time! I have been hanging on to this blog post for a long time so I could post pics with it. Today, I finally found time to play with my drama doll! And it was an experience like no other I've had on the grid. Srsly, fire..works..and all!

This idea came from Honour McMillan when a friend of hers experienced some emotional time in SL. Having watched her friend go throught this and knowing that many of us have experienced unfortunate times in SL, Honour created the Drama Doll. Here she explains more about the Drama Dolls:

Welcome to Drama Dolls!
Please note that all of our dolls
are multi-lingual and will operate in English, German, Spanish, Japanese,
French, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Russian and Norwegian.
Did somebody cheat
on you? Were you insulted or offended by another SL resident?
Did you
experience DRAMA?
It happens unfortunately.
Well Drama Dolls is here to
help you get a bit of what you deserve in return - at the very least you are
owed an apology!
Pick a Drama Doll that you can use to represent the
individual who did you wrong. There are different price ranges, levels of
detail, number of animations, types of dolls - something for everybody.
have macho types, the girl next door, elves, vampires and more! We even have
Fuginistas - you know .... those people who like to make fun of you on their
blogs because they don't like your skin/shape/clothes. :)
We have the Doll
you need to get closure move past this traumatic experience!
Take your Doll
home - you will find detailed instructions and 4 copies of the Doll in your
inventory. 3 of those Dolls are fully scripted and will give you the
acknowledgement and apology you so richly deserve. Once the Doll has apologized
it will disappear - quite dramatically! :)
The 4th Doll is not scripted but
you can keep it as a reminder of your apology.
Now take a look upstairs! Do
you know somebody who needs a hug?
If you are looking for positive Drama
(because it does exist) we have DollCozies. You can purchase a Doll, name it and
give it a message you'd like to pass to your friend/lover/partner/spouse. Your
Doll will give them a Hug and your message.
Some DollCozies have flowers in
their hands. Your folder will come with a pot of matching flowers you can also
give your recipient.
Please enjoy your visit to Drama Dolls! Check back
often for our new additions. :)
Cheers, Honour McMillan

Okay, sounds awesome...now which one do I want?

Oh funny, here's a blonde blogger girl! Hey...don't get any ideas! ;-)

After looking at all the dolls, and there are alot to choose from, I found my doll.

Yep, this one should do.

Now let's get this party started. Isn't he cute?

So here's how it went down. I placed my little drama man doll right where I could look at him. The instructions were very easy to follow. You wear the doll hud, which allows you to name your doll, which I did. Nope, not telling. LOL Then it instructs you to tell your doll how you feel about things. When you are finished telling the little bastard doll (oops..sorry...just got caught up in the moment) how you feel, you are then ready for your apology! Mine is below:

[14:42] DD: This was totally my fault.[14:42] DD: The truth is I'm a disgrace. Thank you for giving me the chance to apologize![14:42] DD: You have every right to hate me.[14:43] DD: I understand now that I am responsible for my actions and how they impact other people. [14:43] DD: I am a spineless worm! [14:43] DD: I will never again meet anybody as wonderful as you! [14:43] DD: I realize that I really screwed up![14:43] DD: I am a failure as a human being![14:43] DD: Please accept my apology!

I hope that was as good for you as it was for me! It was so good for me that I went back and bought another! Here is my apology from DD2:

DD2: It was all my fault! I was wrong.[15:41] DD2: I realize I caused you pain.[15:42] DD2: I should have treated you better.[15:42] DD2: I was careless with you and I hurt your feelings.[15:42] DD2: Thank you for giving me the chance to apologize![15:42] DD2: I'm a jerk![15:42] DD2: It wasn't my intention to hurt you but I realize now that I was stupid for not taking you into consideration.[15:42] DD: You have every right to hate me. DD2: I deserve to suffer for causing you pain![15:42] DD2: I should have been more careful with your feelings - it was all about me as usual. [15:42] DD2: I am a failure as a person![15:42] DD2: You have my sincere apology!

Ok...altho I COULD have bought a few more, I stopped there. Enough cathartic energy for one day.

I won't tell you what happens after the apology is given, but I was totally into it!

That's it for me for tonight. I need to relax, kick back and smoke a ciggie. A woman's work is never done!

Get your Drama Dolls here! And they also have Doll Cozies for when you need a hug. They make great gifts, too!


15 July 2009

Music is my Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Remember me? Well anyway...LOL...in an earlier post about my Second Life, I said there were two other major topics I wanted to talk about that were very important to me when I began SL and still are. They are Music and Fashion.

I'm going to tackle Music over the next few weeks and then on to Fashion! This post starts us off with a bit of both.

Love this top! Music IS my Boyfriend! I found it for only 10L at Insatiable Fashions. It comes in 2 layers, jacket (above) and shirt (below). The jacket is full length and the shirt is a bit shorter for these hot, summer days.

Could there be a better boyfriend than Music? It's always there for you. Knows your every need. Gives you what you want and what you need. It's sexy, hot, soothing, spiritual (not religious, there is a difference) thought-provoking, fun, a little bit crazy, a little bit rock n roll, and musigasmic! It makes me move. My music is dark. My music is light and fun. My music, and yours too, can be found all over the grid.

Join me over the next few weeks as I explore live music in SL.

Thanks for reading!


Hair: Maitreya - Piper (natural blonde)

Eyes: HD multi-color eyes 2

Skin: Beauty Avatar - Callisto (soft smoke)

Shirt: Insatiable Fashions - Music is my Boyfriend

Pants : Sn@tch -Bardot Pencil Jeans (black)

Shoes: *GF* Wood Wedge Sandal (black)

13 July 2009

Rockberry *Character* Skins (nsfw)

Ok, there are skins I love and skins I don't like so much (usually cos they don't make me look hot!) and then there are skins I'm intrigued by. This skin falls in the category of pure yummy weirdness. They remind me of something MiaSnow might do, only more realistic.

First, you have to love freckles to get the full benefit of these skins. They come in 6 different styles, each one has a freckled version and a tintable version. I am wearing the tintable freckle version of Lily.


1) I don't usually care for freckles or dark brows, but I fell in love with this combination. There are not light freckles at all. They are strong and command attention. This is not the skin for anyone who is wanting to look frail or "delicate." ;-)

2) I love the way the tinting can effect the overall look of the skin. It mainly applies to the lips, but makes a real difference. I don't care for a lot of gloss, but that is an option, too.

3) Okay, bootie shots....

I love this butt! don't you? and bewbies!

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Joonie wonders how she ever made it this long without this skin!

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Deleted: Soapbox Rant

Added: I stand by the statement below. But how a person wants to interact with their customers is really none of my business. No one can know what another person is going through and why they may not respond.

I appreciate the designers and their mahvelous talent, dahlink...but when people start acting better than other ppl just because they know how to work a prim or use photoshop...well, you've lost my business and my respect as a person. But oh mfg...you people do some fantastic work!

You would know it would be a skin that would cause me to come crawling back to SL and my blog! LMAO!


05 July 2009

Thanks for all the Fish

Joonie is taking a little break from all things SL. That includes this blog. Just in case the 3 of you wondered where I went. ;-)

SL is a wonderful, magical place. I'm sure I'll be back. Just need a little time to myself.

Hugs! thanks for the memories.

Say 'goodnight' Gracie.

Goodnight Gracie.

04 July 2009


I have several posts formulating in my head. Great shots I want to share. I'm afraid by the time I finally sit down to do them, it will be old news. I will do them...because they deserve attention. But not right now. I have other things on my mind. LOL I know you're thrilled! ;-)

I'm at a crossroad. Neither here nor there. But right where I'm supposed to be, I guess. Sort of drifting and questioning and watching. I used to know exactly what I believed and didn't believe. Second Life has changed all that. It has required me to stop and figure some things out. I haven't always enjoyed the process of getting there, but it has forced me to look at some things about myself and my beliefs that I might not otherwise.

Although I think it is a worthwhile thing to do...this looking inward...it also has shaken up some things and made me question things I thought I believed without a doubt. This has made me a little shaky. It's like my foundation has a crack in it. I don't trust myself to know yet what is best for me. My judgement of people, places and things...I don't trust it much anymore. I used to think of myself as incredibly street smart. Maybe I still am...but not so pixel smart. LOL Maybe that's just the way Virtual Worlds are. Or maybe I just trust people to be good and come from a good place. Naive much? lol

The unfortunate thing is that now I have my guard up. I'm friendly and nice to my fellow avs, but not very open. It takes me a while to really let anyone get to know me. I think that's ok for Joonie right now. She needs some time to sort things out. Not in an emo, life sucks kind of way, but just to reconnect with herself and realize how strong she really is. Anyone of us that have gone through the emotional upheaval that Second Life can bring, as well as the joy, and is willing to return, is a strong person. Resilient, strong, confident. That's who Joonie is at her core She just needs to get in touch with it.

I apologize if I come across snobby or distant, I just need a little time. Thanks for understanding. I do love my friends and hopefully you know who you are. I do. =)

happy 4th!
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Happy 4th!

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