30 December 2008

What's in your bag - Blog Challenge

Not much, apparently. I think that's why I waited so long to do this. My purse is boring. LOL
Although I do wonder whose number that is...hmmm..

1. my bag

2. piece of paper with phone number of some unknown person

3. tangled up earphones

4. iPod

5. cell

6. Pucci Vivara perfume

7. comb

8. book I've been meaning to read for months

9. makeup bag

10. various and asundry beautification products

11. wallet

12 eye drops/contact solution

oh...and tide pen is in there somewhere! :)
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29 December 2008

What Lies Behind Us

I am so sick, sore throat and sinus crap and slight fever. I tried to sleep...but I guess since I slept like a million hours, my body is having none of it.
So I thought I'd blog these pics I've had. It was after an interesting night in SL, which, for me means, talking to people about any and everything. These are random pics and not in any particular order.
This one is at Chouchou and captures how I was feeling at the time. It's difficult sometimes to work out relationship stuff in SL. But I find the time I'm willing to put into a relationship pays back dividends in the long run....most of the time. I guess it depends on who the relationship is with and how much you care about the person and how much they care about you.
This one is very special to me.
This one is at one of my fave haunts...Templum ex Obscurum. It is currently
owned and managed by CuWynn Deerhunter and was originally created by Baron Grayson, who, btw, is having a birthday party as I type this. I was hoping to go but just don't feel up to it. I know I'm missing lots of fun and the chance to celebrate the birth of one of SL's most talented creators.
So Happy Birthday, Baron! And thank you for the spaces you create.
In this pic, I am wondering what lies ahead, seeing what lies behind. Is it best not to know what lies ahead? I will always bring what went before into what lies ahead. The events of the past, for better or for worse, create who I am today.
And another by CuWynne Deerhunter. This is Cu Mara... a wintry wonderland. I love this pic.
In it, I can see both the Sun and the Moon...together, side by side.

This one is taken at Garden of Sorrows at Midsomer Isle. It sounds all doom and gloom, but it's a very peaceful place to come and just be alone or with a good friend.
I love taking portraits and I think this one captures bigd's aura of moody goodness.
He is part dark and brooding and part sweet, funny man.
Thanks for sitting still for so long!

I have no clue what lies ahead, and what lies behind is just that...behind.
I must rememeber that all I have is this day and that the decisions I make in this day...in this moment....will determine a lot of what my tomorrows will look like.
I hope to make them wisely, following my heart, and with wisdom.
Happy 2009 if I don't wake up again until then.
*hugs and love*
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27 December 2008

Winter Song

Winter Song

This is my winter song to you

The storm is coming soon it rolls in from the sea

My voice a beacon in the night

My words will be your light to carry you to me

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love?

They say that things just cannot grow

beneath the winter snow, or so I have been told

They say we're buried far

just like a distant star I simply cannot hold.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

This is my winter song.

December never felt so wrong,

cause you're not where you belong

inside my arms.

I still believe in summer days.

The seasons always change and life will find a way.

I'll be your harvester of light

and send it out tonight

so we can start again.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

This is my winter song.

December never felt so wrong,

cause you're not where you belong

inside my arms.

This is my winter song to you.

The storm is coming soon it rolls in from the sea

My love a beacon in the night.

My words will be your light

to carry you to me.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

--Sara Bareilles

24 December 2008

Christmas in SL

From the elegant, amazingly creative....

...to the bizarre and fun....

and all points in between.
I love Christmas in SL.
I love my friends and all the wonderful gifts given and received.
I am soooo spoiled!
Great job!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

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23 December 2008

Merry Christmas...

.....and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

I hope this season brings you everything you need
and some of what you want..

and most importantly....it brings you love.

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Random Conversation

If I had to choose I prefer the distance, the impossible colors of the afternoon. I prefer to be lost among my dreams. If I had to choose, I'd choose your silence of love that never happens. Thus you won't remind me of anyone. If I had to choose, I'd prefer the flesh of your lips, that mixture of future and agony, that gentle knife that you stab me with and I so quickly forget.---------- I don't know what to say ... I am just a fool that keeps holding on to you .... I just love you, bye.

20 December 2008

Love? Hate? Both?

See that man down there floating in the water? We've known each other for over 2 years!
We're still doing this dance. I think I love/hate him.
Ever feel that way about anyone?
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19 December 2008

10 Things

It's Friday, I'm sleepy, and happy. Going to lunch with a friend in about 30 mins. Yay!

I saw this tag over at Bitter's and instantly knew I had to do it, too:

10 Things I Wish I Could Say To 10 Different People Right Now

1. You are a good person. I know people don't understand you, and I'm not pretending I do 100%, but I know your heart. I know you love people deeply and would never hurt anyone on purpose. And I know you act the way you do to protect yourself...to see who really cares enough to stand by you and take the time to get to know you. I want you to know that I will always be here for you.

2. Seems you like to come across as an egotistical twit. But I have learned so much from you. I'm glad we met and I am a better person because we did.

3. I want to say thank you for your friendship, but I'm not so sure anymore if we are friends.

4. I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you thought I was.

5. I will never forget that beautiful night. Please get help.

6. I miss you. I don't know where you are or if there is a heaven, but I hope you are happy. Sometimes, I feel your presence with me and it makes me smile.

7. Marry me.

8. I feel the same way. Thank you for taking the time to tell me.

9. I thought I knew you. I thought you knew me, too. Now I know better. Let go of your need for revenge, if you can. It will make your life better and you will feel better about yourself. Your actions aren't hurting me nearly as much as they are you.

10. Thank you for believing in me. Your confidence in me helped me believe in myself.

18 December 2008

View from a Tree Limb

I love sitting in the huge oak tree in front of my house. It's a good tree. I find solace there.
It's been a good tree to a few friends, as well. It's big, welcoming branches reach out and envelope you. They are strong and can carry a heavy load.
And the best part is...no one can find you.
If you ever need a place to hide, just let me know. :)
nini...sweet dreams to us all.
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16 December 2008

I'm Feeling Moody.....

Stiletto Moody, that is!
I'm exhausted, but I had to share before I logged.
And yes, I know the pics suck...but
I'm exhausted and need to log.
But LOOK at these divine shoes! OMG
And 40% off!
Yep, I know...40% off a a million jillion lindens is still a million jillion lindens...but I absolutely love these shoes! I bought two more pairs but they will have to wait to be blogged.
And no, I did not purchase the Bare line at all. And it wasn't the price. I love, love, love the concept, but I don't think they are .... well, for ME...they aren't ready yet. There are some lines on the ends of the toes that bug me.
My friend who went with me said...."who will be looking that close at the ends of your toes?" And she's right. Probably no one! LOL But I will know!
I can't wait til the next version comes out. And I still may have to go back and buy a pair.

I love you, Stiletto Moody. And dancer, too, as she was prompt and answered my ims so quickly!

Unlike some other designer who will remain nameless. Her profile even even says she is happy to help, to just send her a notecard. Which I did. And she accepted it. Still has not answered my question. This was several days ago.
It was a simple request....where are your gift cards for this item. It clearly states that you can use a gift card to purchase her product, but I don't see a kiosk or anything to purchase the gift cards. This is not for me, but a gift, and I told her that. Still waiting.....grrrr!
off to snoozeland.
Have an awesome day everyone!
edit to say: is it wrong to talk about rampant consumerism after a post about being thankful for things that are not things? hmmm.....must go ponder that!
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15 December 2008

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is over, but one of our very own SL'ers, Grace McDunnough, has come up with the idea to give Thanks for 3 things once a week on this website, Three Thanks. This gorgeous image of the Aurora Borealis is on the list of things she is grateful for. Found in Nature...doesn't cost a thing.
I love the idea of this. And although my 3 thanks are simple things, they remind me that, no matter how bad things might get monetarily, the important things in life have very little, if anything, to do with money.
I hope all of you know that the gift of yourself, of your time, to those you love and who love you, is the greatest gift that you could ever give.
And an iPhone, of course.... ;-)
So, what are you waiting for? Go over and share what you're grateful for this holiday, even if it is your iPhone! LOL !
Hugs and happy Holidays!

13 December 2008

Girl(?) Talk

Last night, as I was getting ready to log, I got an IM from my friend, Blissie Boucher. Bliss is very generous with her friends and has a big heart. She's very giving of herself. So I was so happy when she told me she had her very own place in SL and asked if I'd like to see it. Of course, I said YES!
Isn't this adorable? She made it for her friends as a gathering place. We can pop in whenever we want! See? I told you she was generous. But the coolest thing of all is that this is the first time Bliss has ever purchased land of her own and designed her own house. I'm so happy for her. Sometimes I think I have leaned too hard on the other people in my life to make me happy, rather than going out and finding my own happiness. So this was especially cool to see one of my friends take charge of her SLife.
So let's take a peek inside and see what Bliss has done, k? come on!

OMG...see how generous she is!! Cupcakes for everyone! This is on the right when you walk in! A bakery case filled with lovely confections guaranteed not to go to your hips!
Awww...thanks Bliss! :))) She really thinks of everything.

On the other end to the left as you walk in is the fireplace with this plaque hanging over it.
This is a wonderful reminder to all of us to not give in, even when there is pressure from all sides to fit in. I love this saying and it makes me feel strong.
SL, for all it's imagination, has a way of making me feel like I have to fit a certain mold or I won't be accepted by the 'cool' kids.
This reminds me not to give in to my own need or desire to do that.
Everyone knows the cool kids are those that are just themselves, right?

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