30 September 2010

New Truth Hair 093010

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” Oscar Wilde

Estelle in Champagne - comes in Upper, Lower, and Regular attachment points. Yum! Love the swirled knot on the side.

Allegra in Swedish - So much to love about this 'do. Like a little work of art. (I know, but I have to gush a little bit every once in a while! I've been really good!) Happy Autumn!

Tara in Driftwood - Band comes in 27 colors. Love this look with the strands falling forward over the shoulder.

24 September 2010

New Truth Hair 092410 !

"The truth is that life is delicious, horrible, charming, frightful, sweet,
bitter, and that is everything." ~Anatole France

Rayvn in Champagne - love the split pony. falls perfectly. love the strands of hair that escape the pin on the right side. God and the Devil are both in the details. Which one do you think this is? For me, it's these small details that make Truth hair standout above the rest.

Kelsey in Champagne - gorgeous, smexy. Love the small tendril that falls forward on the left side

Maya in Champagne - has two flower options with 12 colors each, including a "turn off" option. Also comes in upper and lower styles with color change on each so you can have different lengths and different colors. Amazing options on this one hair.
What? Why are you still here? Goooooo! Shop and be beautiful! lol
Truth Hair Limo *hands you a mojito*

22 September 2010


"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another."  Anatole France
I'm in one of those moods where I just want to blow everything up and start over. Do you ever feel that way? I'm sure it will pass, but it's an interesting place to be. Questioning things. Asking yourself why this and why that. No easy answers. Probably because the questions aren't easy.

My 4 year rez day is next month. I'm not the same person I was when I rezzed. Some changes have been good and others..not so much. Many people have come and gone. Tonight I realized that the overriding feeling I have when I think about Second Life is sadness. That's not to say I haven't had an amazing time with lots of laughs and good times. Met some incredible people. But overall, it's been difficult for me. Mainly because of me.

Tonight, I'm just bored with it. I don't feel passionate enough about any aspect of SL to stay. I love my friends. I love the live music scene. I love fashion. I love art. I think I'm just going through something and I'm not sure what it is. Just feeling kind of blah about it all. And wondering about my Real Life. Maybe it's time I gave it some attention.

I'm not leaving SL. I've made that statement too many times and I know the insanity of it! lol  I just think I need to reevaluate my time there. Maybe blow some things up and reinvent my life. I'm just not sure what I want to do.

So that's it for me tonight. Nothing earth-shattering. Just Joonie looking back and wondering....


But wait! There's more! lol  Here's the deal. Our lives, whether they are First or Second, is to some extent of our own making. I hate feeling like a victim who just stands around and lets life happen to her. And that is what I think I've been doing. Perhaps because I don't really know what I want my live(s) to look like, I've been willing to be swept along. And sometimes that's a fun thing to do. But for me, it's growing tiresome. I just feel ready for a change. I'm not sure what it will look like or what it will be, but changes are needed. At least that's how I feel tonight. Tomorrow? Who knows! ;) I do know that my SL should be what I want it to be. And to be honest, it really hasn't been for quite some time.

Thanks for reading!


20 September 2010

RL/SL Artist Misprint Thursday Collaborates with Peace Partners

I received the following from my friend, Misprint Thursday. Sounds like a worthy endeavor. Misprint is an amazing visual artist and now her talented voice is being used in a positive way. Please read and spread the word.

Misprint Thursday is an artist in SL and RL. She has a track called "Run In Freedom" on a fundraiser album "Vision Of Peace".  She would like to promote the album in SL which will raise funds and awareness for Amnesty International and War Child Canada. She is asking the SL community to check out the project and support it by speaking about it and mentioning it in their blogs. tweets, websites etc. Please post a link to your blog to promote the album and the project. It is a worthy cause.
You can link to the album here:


It started out in early 2009 as a nebulous thought that kept tickling the mind of Canadian musician, Patrick Lajeunesse: Could he use Indaba Music, an on-line collaborative-music site, to bring together musicians from around the world to write and record original songs dedicated to the twin ideals of peace and freedom?

Patrick proposed his idea in an Indaba “group” message…and the rest, as they say, is history!

Over the past year, more than 60 musicians from a dozen different countries have collaborated on and contributed 40 songs to Patrick’s “Peace Partners” project.
These collaborations are truly international in scope. The various Peace Partners composers and collaborators (only a few of whom have ever met in “real life”) hail from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Italy, Germany, and Australia…to name but a few of the globe-spanning locations these incredibly talented individuals call home. Taking full advantage of modern technology, they composed, discussed, arranged, recorded, refined, mixed, and mastered their musical creations exclusively through on-line collaborations – sharing initial ideas and, ultimately, individual musical contributions, over the Internet.

The resulting Peace Partners songs are as diverse, musically, as the nationalities of their creators – ranging from pop to classic rock to classical to “World” music to jazz-fusion to “good ol’ rock & roll”…and everything in-between.

Peace Partners






More info to come!


17 September 2010

Bummed Again!

So my friend, Rik, has been on vacation and wanted me to decorate his house while he was gone. Since he's coming home in 2 days and I haven't done anything yet, I thought I'd go look around today for furniture and stuff. So far....a fairly innocuous start to the day....or so it would seem.

The first store I went to sent out this little goodie a few minutes after arrival:

[08:02] blah blah Furniture whispers: Hello Joonie Jatho :) welcome to blah blah Furniture. Please give us a minut until everything is loaded. Please no nudity or attached body parts. Let's keep our public chat PG. Thank you and enjoy your visit. Questions? send a note card to blah blah creator

So okay. It's too bad that seems to be necessary, but I get it. And as a consumer, I appreciate it. And too bad they feel like they have to send that out upon arrival, but okay.

This store has three levels, and tp'd in on the level that has rugs. Not where I wanted to start, so down the stairs I went to the living room furniture. There were only 3 sets, but they were all nice. I was looking for something in dark wood for Rik, and of the three, only one set was dark, but it was black. The other one was kind of a light grey color. As I was wondering if something like that would work, a man appeared and just stood there. Great. Didn't he get the message?

I ignored him and continued my internal convo about grey vesus black and whether or not they would do when, a few minutes later, the man said hello. Things took an amusing turn afterwards...

[08:10] bb creator: Hi Joonie
[08:10] You: hello bb
[08:10] bb creator: I work here if you need help
[08:11] You: no i'm fine
[08:11] You: thank you
[08:11] bb creator: Alright Your welcome
[08:11] You: is it okay that I'm here?
[08:11] bb creator: yes long as your clothes are on lol
[08:11] You: pfft
[08:11] bb creator: as we are not an adult sim
[08:11] You: omg
[08:12] You: you feel the need to tell me that?
[08:12] bb creator: I do s we get many whothink t hey can run nude here lol
[08:12] You: i understand that
[08:13] You: there was a message sent out already
[08:13] You: and signs posted everywhere
[08:13] You: and I am dressed like it's the Siberian winter

After this, he turns and walks away. But first he makes some comment about how the good looking women don't need his help. huh? An attempt to clean up after his boorish behaviour? Fine. Sure, some of the furniture had sex poseballs, but I hadn't even sat on a piece of furniture, much less tried them out!

Gaaaaah! The bastard left me no choice! Why do people make me do these things!

Really should have tried out the 'masturbate' pose for this shot. Oh well. hahahaha!  And do NOT IM me asking for the LM to this store! :p
Have fun out there!
*oh! and when I im'd him asking about his living room furniture selection, he didn't respond! Must have been bummed...at my bum*   hehe

16 September 2010

New Truth Hair - 091610

"The highest truth cannot be put into words." ~Lao tzu
But it can be put into pictures! New Truth Hair! yay!

Gigi in Champagne - come with 2 headbands and the option to color each one separately. 20 gorgeous colors. Omg...that's like a jillion different color combos! This is adorable.

Diana in Carrot - beautiful, elegant, sophisticated and a bit higher on the neck exposing that place you love to be kissed.

Sabrina in Seaspray - Plain and with Balls. *giggles* 18 different colors to play with. I love the length on this one and the way it falls behind the shoulders with a just a few small strands coming forward. Fun and smexy.

Hop on the fastest mode of transport you can get your hands on and head over to Truth Hair. Hurry! You don't want to be the last one on the grid with these new 'dos!
Enjoy! JJ

14 September 2010

So What?

so what? fur set in autumn

Only available on xstreet or at Modavia Fashion Week in world.




Modavia Fashion Week - Kunglers

Lots going on. Kunglers is just one of many designers strutting their wares on the Modavia catwalk. Why feature Kunglers? Because their designs are fresh and current and beautifully executed. And Barbra and AvaGardner are two of the nicest most approachable designers on the grid. And their customer service is impeccable. Congrats to the Kunglers!

Samantha - Olive, Blue, Sangre

Diane - black

Group Gft - August

(l-r) Jolie - black, Pecatto , Glaucia - cherry)

Soraia jacket - mocca, Raffi pant - black

Footwear: top to bottom

*GF* Short Lace-up Boots - camel
*GF* Ribbon Slingback - Olive
Kookie Ella Flats - red
*GF* Ribbon Slingback - grape
Maitreya - Bloom Boots - brown


Curio Elf2 - Pure 4 light
Truth - Aloha champagne, Midori updo champagne
Dernier - Saddie blonde 2 and blonde 4 (Hair Fair)


   Main store
   Booth at Modavia Fashion Week

Truth Hair

  Main store
  Booth at Hair Fair

Happy Fall Fashions!


09 September 2010

New Truth Hair + One

"Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it." ~Emily Dickinson
And this truly is!

 First up, the "only available at Project Donate" hair, Aloha. Comes with and without shells. And those shells are gorgeous.  Comes in all 55 of Truth's gorgeous colors.

Next is Georgia. Fun 'do calls for fun colors.  Did you know Truth hair comes in 55 colors!

Lanie & Lanie 2 - comes in Streaked and Upper and Lower options. Headband comes in 18 colors!

Lila - comes with adorable bow options in 18 colors!

In a bit of a hurry so you don't get too much of my usual gushing. Didn't even pick out a "do me" style so I'll leave that up to you. Have an awesome, fun day. Go grap a Truth style. It will help you in that "fun" endeavor!

Lime to Truth


08 September 2010

Goodbye Emerald...Hello everyone else

So Emerald is history...officially. Went out without much fanfare. For me, it was almost a relief. I was surprised at my own anger and sadness over the whole thing. Me <3 Emerald. I know...I'm a terrible, uninformed lover of drama and bad code boiz. Whatever. I loved it and didn't really give a crap about how "malicious" it was. So shun me and call me names. Don't care.

Now the question is:  What viewer to use.

I tried Phoenix and it hates me. Tried to change my Graphics/Hardware Options to match what I had in Emerald and my screen (Anisoptropic filtering checked. Antialiasing - 8x) went black and glowy. Changed Graphics to Ultra and was super fugly. Crashed every 10 mins. And was super laggy! But I think my experience is the exception, not the rule. And I think they're aware and working on it.

Tried Kirsten because I use the above settings for help with my photos. It was too frustrating. Very 2.0 like. I might try it again when I have more time and some Xanax.

Briefly tried Imprudence. Looks clean and easy and really loved the font. But I'll wait until it has more features like Emerald. Maybe. I liked the feel of it, tho. Hard to explain. I will use it again.

So for now, I'm on Emergence...waiting for more time to play around with the other viewers and for the promised fixes to Phoenix.

Many thanks to the bad, malicious devs at Emerald. Long may you reign. Just sayin'...without you guys, there would be no Phoenix. Now go play nice, k?

Imprudence:  http://imprudenceviewer.org/
Emergence:  http://code.google.com/p/emergence-viewer/
Phoenix:  http://www.phoenixviewer.com/
Kirsten:  http://www.kirstensviewer.com/

Have fun!

Oh...and Modavia Fashion Week starts tomorrow!  http://slurl.com/secondlife/MODAVIA%20II/128/128/2

If you haven't been to the Unicef Project Donate (Project Donate, started to help fund UNICEF Pakistan Flood Crisis) you should go check it out:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Project%20Donate/131/124/27
Also, Designers United is still going on:   http://slurl.com/secondlife/Floyd/196/27/23
And of course, Hair Fair:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hair%20Fair%202/159/128/25


03 September 2010

New Truth Hair - 6 Styles!

"The truth was obscure, too plain and too pure. To live it you had to explode."—Bob Dylan

And explode he did! Six new Truth styles and O.M.G. they are amazing. Let's begin...

Cindy - champagne

Janelle - champagne

Miranda - smoke
("do me" hair)

Jersey - champagne
(comes with no crown option and 19 gem colors)

Raquel - mirage
(so smexy)

Orchid - auburn
(comes with and without the orchid..but why?)

Enjoy! You won't find these styles at The Hair Fair so scoot on over to Truth to grab these amazing creations. Then hop over to Project Donate for some innovative styles you haven't ever seen before on the grid. Seriously. Awesome. Oh, and check out Hair Fair which starts tomorrow, I think. I'm sure there will be some very cool stuff there.

Truth Hair
Project Donate


It's Criminal

Joonie is wearing:

Hair: Clawtooth - Mrs. Mittens 2 in Pipi (*reminds me of Joan on Med Men)
Skin: Curio Elf
Eyes: not telling

Dress: MaiMai Gretha
Stole: MaiMai Rosa Fur Stole
Shoes: Maitreya Shanti in Black
Earrings: P.C. Black Drop Earrings

Gun: Beretta 950 Jetfire
Cig: Mika Elegant Animated Cigarette and Holder

Rik is wearing:

Hat: M*O*B*B* ~Fedora~ (Black/White)
Shoes: M*O*B*B* ~Mafia Lace Up Dress Shoes~ (White-Black)
Suit: M*O*B*B* ~Mafious Suit~ (Black/White Tie)
Earring: Earring _IntouChaBleRealistiC


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