30 May 2010


One of the things I love about having a blog is the opportunity to get to know other bloggers. I enjoy reading their thoughts and feelings about what they are experiencing in their SL. Sometimes my fellow bloggers write something that validates what I've been feeling or experiencing. And sometimes, not so much. But even then it gives me the chance to open my perspective a little bit and see things from a another stand point.

The other thing I love about blogging are the comments I receive. Some funny, some inspirational, and some not so nice. There have been times when people have used comments as a way to lash out at me, or to make me laugh, or to express their camaraderie....their love, their concern, and their feelings of validation. The frequency of comments comes and goes, like a tide coming and out.

One comment in particular stands out to me. It wasn't so much a comment as it was a quote from a book. The book is titled  A Party of One - The Loners' Manifesto by anneli rufus. The quote was:

When I enter an empty room alone, the door closes behind me with a sweet chime of relief. Every neuron relaxes, and my mind and body feel free, finally, of all constraints and pretensions, of all pressures to please and impress and entertain other people. I may sit down to read and write; I may play music on the stereo or on the guitar; I may wander in circles from corner to corner, watering plants, sorting through paperwork, looking at the colors of the walls. But somehow the whole world seems less urgent, more manageable. Though in social situations I am often the life of the party, it is only when I am alone that I feel fully myself. In the presence of others, I never quite see or taste or understand things all the way. Others may get anxious with the closing of the door, but I get a sense of peace. I feel most comfortable, though not necessarily happiest, being by myself.

-Anneli Rufus
I thanked the commenter and promised I would purchase the book. Which I did. On the day of it's arrival, I flipped through the pages, noted that the picture on the front reminded me of what I envision Ireland looked like and tossed the book on my side of the bed where I intended to read it. That was a few weeks ago.

Today, I picked up the book again. I had been feeling a little weird about myself. Something had begun to make me doubt myself. I think a little self doubt and inward looking is a good  thing and helps us be more aware of our short-comings so we can, if we choose, make improvements. But this didn't feel like that. This was more of a searching to figure out why I am like I am. As I lay on my bed, wondering about it all, I happened to glance down and see the sheep on the cover staring up at me. I reached down carefully, so as not to fall out of the bed, and grabbed the cover of the book by the corner, and hoisted myself back on the bed. I leaned back on my mountain of pillows and began to read. The validation I sought was found on the last page of the Introduction. It read:

Being a loner does not, in this so-populous world, guarantee confidence. Maturity. High self-esteem. To this day, I make no claim on maturity. Ours is a path marked with wonders of our own making, but also with barriers, baffles, and border guards, and even land minds. Being one's own friend - sometimes one's only friend - is not always easy.

Thank you, Anneli Rufus for your book. And thank you, commentor, for knowing somehow that I needed to read it.

Til next time...


What it's about in either Life.



29 May 2010

50L Friday - Casa Del Shai % [Plastik]

This is mean because Friday is over, but I had to share these awesome offerings from Casa Del Shai and [Plastik] for 50L Friday! oops...I waited too long.

This dress comes in longer layers and can be worn as a maxi dress. You can wear all 3 layers for an awesome flowing feel. Lovely. Come in several shades. I used to go to Casa del Shai a lot and haven't been in  a while. I will make a point of going more often now!
The skin and eyes are from [Plastik] and there are elf ears that come with it. I had trouble making the skin match even tho it does come with a hud to make changes. They were all too dark and I was too lazy to go into edit and mess with the texture/color.  It also comes with an outfit. Very awesome! There's also a male version.

Okay, that's it for me. Have an awesome Saturday. Hope it's sunny wherever you are.


Dress - *Shai* - La Capricciosa Max. Dress - blue
Skin, Eyes [Plastik] - 50L Friday - Blue Damask ( female)
Hair - Truth Darla Streaked - swedish/teak

28 May 2010

Yummy Boots!

Girl Flower Power Boots! I lubs!


Subscribo gift from FM Boots. Just click on the subscriber board to the left as you walk in! Enjoy!

Hair - Truth Larissa in Champagne
Skin - Curio Elf - gift
Boots -FM Hippychicks - subscriber gift
Jeans - ALB globe jeans
Top - Scribble Folk Dance pink
Tat - La Petite Mort - Hope Floats

27 May 2010


Ooops...oh no! Hope I didn't hurt your ears. But he's done it again and I am very happy!

This is Darla in Champagne. *swoon*

Love the long, over the eye side-swept bangsl Love everything about this. Cute but stylish. Great for those boho looks.

Eloise in both Champagne and Carrot.
Another tail, but oh what a tail! Love the fullness of this one. The tangles mess that is definitely well thought out.

And Larissa in Mocha
Yum. So smexy. Cool and classic with an updated fullness in the back. Love this for that come hither look that makes Joonie think she can conquer any...one.

That's it for me today. Sorry, no side or back views this time. But I will say, again, that I love Truth's textures. His attention to detail and his vision and artistry. I know...*drool* on my own time.

Have an awesome day! *smooches*

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Are you ever shocked in SL? I'm not much anymore. But lately...I dunno. Some things just are!

When people (guys) are stupid...I'm not finding that so shocking anymore.
But the fact that I'm NOT wearing Truth hair in this photo? SHOCKING!
The fact that this hair is almost two years old?
The fact that this is perfectly awesome hair but I've purchased over 100 new ones since then?

New Truth hair is hopefully on it's way. I need more hair!

Skin - Curio
Hair - Maitreya Yasmin in Natural Blonde
Dress - (Elate!) Amy in Sky (dsn)

25 May 2010


"Once there was a young warrior. Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with fear. She didn’t want to do that. It seemed too aggressive; it was scary; it seemed unfriendly. But the teacher said she had to do it and gave her the instructions for the battle. The day arrived. The student warrior stood on one side, and fear stood on the other. The warrior was feeling very small, and fear was looking big and wrathful. They both had their weapons. The young warrior roused herself and went toward fear, prostrated three times, and asked, "May I have permission to go into battle with you?" Fear said, "Thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission." Then the young warrior said, "How can I defeat you?" Fear replied, "My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face. Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say. If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power." In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear. " ~Pema Chodron
Artistic assistance provided by: Shadrak ;)

21 May 2010

Queen of Hot Balls

A few days ago my friend and landlord, Liz Gealach, celebrated her RL birthday. Liz is one of the nicest, most creative and fun avatars on the grid. And I love her. Unfortunately, I missed the festivities celebrating her birthday. Imagine my surprise when I logged in and found this little gem in my inventory!

See, even thought it was Liz's birthday, she gave out gifts! Finally, I get to be in a parade, and as the Queen of Balls, no less!

Liz is the ultimate Queen of All Things, but on this day she was honored as the Queen of Hot Balls. There was even a commemorative medal adorning the front of the float in honor of her "Perfect 300" bowling score! Go Liz! The chauffeur was none other than....

Could it be? The King of Hot Balls? Yes! Yes! I think it is! Probably here to award Liz the Linden Prize, as mentioned in my previous post, for her contribution to both lives for her ability to bowl a "Perfect 300." That certainly inspires me!

Happy Birthday, Liz! *smooch*

Til next time!


I just returned home from a nice brunch spent with friends in RL, logged on and went to some of my fave blogs. Good stuff out there. There were some funny things about being SLingle and receiving wedding crap for SL, a nice post of someone defending a friend wrongly accused, and of course the usual fashion stuff.

But nothing was more enjoyable (because I agree 100%) than Crap Mariner's post about the The Linden Prize. Crap explains more by writing:

The Linden Prize Finalists have been announced.

In case you're wondering what the Linden Prize is:
Annual award program to recognize a Second Life Resident, or team, with a $10,000 USD prize for an innovative inworld project that improves the way people work, learn, and communicate in their daily lives outside of the virtual world.
Cool huh? An innovative project that improves the way people work, learn and communicate in their daily lives OUTSIDE of the virtual world. Keep that sentence in mind.  Ready?

Crap continues by saying:

Among the nominees:

6) sionChicken and sionCorn Submitted by: Sion Zaius from Sion Labs

You've got to be shitting me.

How in the hell do sion Chickens improve the way people work, learn, and communicate in their daily lives outside of the virtual world?

No. Really.

Are you freaks sending Chicken-o-Grams to each other now?

Using KFC Doubledown sandwiches in the classrooms in new and interesting ways?

Filling your pillows with virtual chicken feathers because you're allergic to real?

Using the lag to slow bullets to save the lives of inner-city gang kids?

What the fuck am I not getting about this?

Where have I failed to slip the surly bonds of reality to find one whit of difference these things have made in the here-and-now?

Please, tell me in what universe this shit makes sense, because what I'm seeing is a privately-held company making horribly bizarre and irrational choices in a very public manner.

This is a joke, right? They're trying to flush out the reactionary and bash-happy jackasses (such as myself) for some kind of fun trip to the SL gulag, right?

Just. Too. Damn. Crazy.
Bingo! Couldn't have said it better. That is why I'm cutting and pasteing it here. The whole thing makes no sense to me in SL...much less saying it effects RL in a positive way. What? Do these chicken/bunny loving people somehow think about their beloved pets while buying groceries in RL? How about while watching TV, at the movies, talking on their cells? Maybe while doing the deed like little bunnies they're thinking about their little virtual ones.

I dunno. Many of my SL friends are into this. I don't get it. But I guess I don't have to. They seem to be having the time of their SLives. 

Go read the full blog post by Crap here.  Enjoy! And what do you believe? Do you have them? Do you love them? Why?

Oh so many questions....so little time.


So Many Goodies, So Little Time!

And that's the Truth! There are days when it's best to stay in bed. This was NOT one of them. LOL

OMG, so much stuffz, so little time. So let's get on with it!

First up, unless you've been hiding under a rock, there's new Truth hair. I think a national holiday should be deemed in SL. It will be a weekly holiday celebrating the release of all things Truth. But until then, I'll take it upon myself to talk about them. Dirty job...but..

So, first up is Sylvia in Champagne. I think this is my fave for this release. Trust me, that says a LOT because there are some really fab 'dos this week. I love the layering in Sylvia. And the side-swept bangs are thick and the part is waaay over to the side. Really Cute!

Up next is Anthea in Copper. I love all the shades in the hair packs. They're all so rich with lots of different shades all blended in together. Anthea is a really pretty side pony. But, again, I have to have bangs on this long-ass face. So it doesn't work well on me. But it is gorgeous and I would def wear it if I could.

Okay, so here's my usual hair lust do. And I do love this. It's Bettina in Sand.  I love the way the hair hugs the face. This one is not as "big" as some of the thicker 'dos, and I like that about this. Very sweet.

Last is Jason in Platinum. I'm assuming it's a Male style and I wasn't even going to put it on, but once I did, I fell hard! Isn't this the cutest Summer style on the grid? Well, I think so.

I started taking the pics before I realized I had my piercings in...so there they are. Hope they aren't too distracting from the styles. Oh who am I kidding....I like them.


So the creme de la creme of the day is this dress and these boots! OMFG!  The dress is a group gift from DCNY called "Fay" and the boots are from a new designer at FM Shoes.

The boots are called Miss Whiplash and come with..well...handcuffs?  LOL  I adore them! YUM!  They come in six awesome colors. There are many more styles at FM Shoes, so be sure to check out the entire line. 

Skin: Curio Elf 2
Hair: really? TRUTH HAIR
Dress: DCNY  (go join the group!)
Shoes: FM  Miss Whiplash


19 May 2010

Not Much Here

Joonie's SLife has become insanely crazy. Crazy busy. But I'm loving it...so far. I reserve the right to change that perspective at any point in the future. ;)

So I leave you with this not so great pic. I like new horizons...or is this one setting? Hard to tell sometimes. Endings and Beginnings. Beginnings and Endings. They all start looking the same...they fade into one another.



Hair: Truth
Dress: Zaara
Bangle: Zaara

18 May 2010

Female Archetypes

I haven't blogged in a bit due to lack of inspiration. Tonight, my muse appeared and I followed where I was lead. This is where I ended up. I hope to explore more the notion of the female archetypes, who they are, and how we view them. I won't give too much information on my opinion of each image, at least not specifically. There will be a story behind each one. But it is my story. Feel free to create your own from the images.

Skin: Curio Battle Royale - Gashed 2 in Sundust
Hair: Truth Leono - snow
Outfit: LaPointe Immortal Black Raven
Earrings: BastChild Designs - Silver Red Pearl Twist Cross Earrings
Piercings: (Medley) Shadow Piercing - Random Set (hunt gift)
Tat: Snatch - The Hunger - Forever

Location:  Lost World

15 May 2010

SL CT Meetup Music Jam

It is once again time for the live music meetup jam in CT! AND...if you can't be there, like me (waaaaah) just click on the Ustream link below! Have fun trying to figure out who is who. LOL

Live CT Meetup

14 May 2010

Lonely or Alone

there is a difference.
tonight i was alone
it was nice
very nice
there were people i could have been with
and people i would have liked to have been with
but it was nice being alone
just to think and play and create

hair: truth
skin: curio
top: aDiva
jeans: callie cline

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13 May 2010

New Truth Releases - May 13

It's very rare that I love all the of the hair in the same release, Truth be told. But today is the exception to the rule. Let's get started.

First is Marcelle in Champagne. What to say other than stunningly beautiful. As always, Truth's textures and layering are the best in Second Life. It just doesn't get better than this. I didn't take more views of  this hair because the back is more of the same yumminess as the front. It follows the same pattern as the front; whispy and layered and the same length.


Next is Paula in Mahogany. I'd thought I'd mix up some different colors today for all the non-blondes. Again, regardless of color, you get the same rich texturing and color. This style is so cute. The whispy, loose pieces at the sides that Truth hair is known for and is very complimentary to any face shape. I love the back and side views. Just the right amount of messy.


Last is my fave of the releases and is something a bit different for Truth. This is Shinji in Carrot. It is adorable. I don't know who Truth's muse is at the moment, but he needs to keep this one around. You will have to pry this hair from my cold, dead pixel head.

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed.  Limo to Truth hair is below.

Thanks for reading!

Hair: Truth
Skin: Curio Elf 2

12 May 2010


Where else can you sit on a goat in the rain with heels on?

Joonie is feeling a little lost here. Not sure why exactly. I'm sure she'll be fine.

Doesn't it just suck when one person likes the other person more than the other person does. We've all been there. It sux either way. Or when you discover you lost your chance at something good. But the way I look at it is like this. Paths cross. Connections are made. Some last and some don't. If they don't, there has to be a reason for that. Sometimes the thing I thought I wanted the most was the worst possible thing for me. And the thing I didn't want at all was just the thing I needed all along.

Cryptic, eh? Well, you know....you know. That's Joonie, you know. ;-)


09 May 2010

LeeZu Group Gift

I logged on today to a yummy group gift from Leezu Baxter who i love. I remember the first time I purchased anything from her. She was set up in one of those mall like places, but she had the most incredible stuff. I bought some wings from her that I'll have to show you sometime. Anyway, that was some years ago and now she's doing extremely well. I was so happy to get the group gift. And it came in a cute basket with Spring flowers on the side. (see below.)

The dress is called Yann's le coeur babydoll dress. It comes with two separate skirts. One with a big red flower and one that is totally black. Adorable!


So what are you doing here? Get over to LeeZu's and join her group! Grab the gifty!

Free gift HERE!

Hair - fri.day Michelle in Happy Blonde
Skin - Curio Elf 2
Tights - Zaara free spirit black tights


08 May 2010

Something Anything

I didn't spend much time in SL today. And it was kind of awesome. Tonight, around 1am I decided it was time for me to blog. I had this great idea that I would log in, find an awesome faery outfit and blog it.

Here it is, 3:35am, and I have nothing to show for my troubles. Found lots of cute fairy outfits but nothing that I was looking for.

*yawn* So here I go off to dreamland...but before I do...I just wanted to blog something...anything.

thank you, Mr. Rundgren, for that reference =)


06 May 2010

This One's Gonna Hurt

Today has been one of those days..you know? When everything that can go wrong does, indeed, go wrong. And why is it when I'm working in SL, that is precisely the time people decide to have a meltdown.

But there a few happy moments and some bittersweet ones.

Bittersweet one first. This is Blackheart. I know, I know....just the name alone should make me run! LOL But he's actually one of the nicest guys I've met in SL. Today, after getting a cryptic im from him last week telling me he has some RL issues going on, he ims me again today. This time to tell me he's moving to another town for work and won't be back in SL until he gets situated. I'm happy for him as it's a promotion for him, but I will miss him. More than I think I realized. Definitely more than I want! LOL

We spent the time we had today taking pics. He bought me a cool photo studio before he left. What a sweetheart. Blackheart? I don't think so. So this is a post to Blackheart and our friendship. Hope to see you soon. All the best to you. And thanks for the pics.

Black or white? Good vs Evil? No...just an awesome guy who will be missed.

Speaking of good and evil...has anyone been watching the final season of Lost? OMG..so Locke was bad all along? And Sun and Jin...waaaah. And goodbye hottie Sayid. What is going on? Is it good vs evil? Or is Locke just dreaming? Joonie <~~~ confused. Any ideas you'd to share?

Oh..and the happy moment? I don't have a pic of that actually. Just got to hang out with an old friend who means more to me than he realizes. Noooo...not like that. Just with a lot of affection. Thanks U. ;-)

Nini - thanks for reading =)


Truth Goodness and Mercy!

It's so embarassing the things I want to say about this Truth hair. Yes, I still have more gushing I could do. But I'll spare you and just get right to the hair.

Up first is Isadora in champagne

Loving the braid. I really like the side view. Not one Joonie will wear much, I'm afraid, but I adore the concept. If you can rock the no bangs look (like Joonie can NOT) you will love this 'do. Awesome for Summer and boho looks.

Next up is Jana in Champagne and Seaspray

It was with a "happy happy joy joy Joonie is full of glee" kind of feeling when I placed this 'do on. As I was unpacking these boxes (also in cute packaging of shampoo bottles) I was wondering if Truth would ever update his old style called Jennifer. That was my "go to" hair forever but it was from June '08 and needed new textures. And now...OMG...this is a very close copy. (Jennifer had some smexy long side bangs, but hey..Truth if you're reading this please think about updating Jennifer. Oh..and if you could name it Joonie that would rock sooo hard. k..thx.)

Anyhooo....I love the femininity of this hair. And, again, it falls just in the right place. Well, it does. Ohhh...talk about the 'do!  okies..I love the lift on top and the way if falls and swings forward with ease. Beautiful, smexy, and can be dressed up or down.

And it's neatly held together on top with those silvery perfect pins. (I can't help it!)

Next is Paige in platinum.

Joonie doesn't do short 'dos much, but I must admit I really like Paige.

It comes with the option to wear with a cute little bow in 15 colors or you can wear the bow in invisible mode. Cute as bunnies, right?

Side view. This style is adorable, summery, and moves in just the right way. Lot's of whispy moving ends. Not too much, tho. Just very natural and pretty.

Last is Tia2 in Driftwood. Last week, Truth gave us Tia, a side-swept braid. With Tia2 we get the same style and feel, but with two braids. Absolutely adorable.
Back view. Look at those whispy loose ends! No one does loose ends like Truth! LOL
I bit of a side view, but really, just more shots of Joonie!  Why? Because she looks....wait for it....


I would gush more...I mean write more...but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Happy shopping!


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