30 December 2009

For Fun 59/365

I love working for kat and Rusty and the Rhythm Collective, Max Kleen's group. He's an awesome musician and lots of fun. Sooo...I try to dress the part when it's my turn to manage his gigs. This is not Haute Couture. This is fashion for fun.
Bring on da music!

Outfit: Snatch - First Period (purple)
Shoes: Shiny Things - Francoise Flats (grape)
Leggings: BB - Ester Sheer Dotted leggings
Belly Ring: flirt - Tiffany Belly Jewel

Hair: Truth Reese in night
Skin: Rockberry Character skin
Eyes: Beauty Avatar
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
So many things! I think I would like to be fearless.


If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

Home 58/365

When I'm feeling unsure or confused or angry, I love being at the Nameless Isle and Templum ex Obscurum. Even though they are dark and moody sims, the ethereal feel engulfs me and I feel that all is as it should be.

Hair: Truth
Dress: Plastik - Designers United - Courtesan (Red)
Skin: Rockberry
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Solitude 57/365

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29 December 2009

Limits 56/365

I think I've reached mine. Changing things up a bit. The yummy goodness at Designers United made this change very easy. Go..NOW!
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27 December 2009

Unwrapping Presents 55/365

Christmas in SL is an amazing time. Gifts from so many people; designers and friends. Yesterday, I logged in to find a gift from my friend, Ted. We don't see each other much. We actually met on Plurk back when I was a Plurk Whore. (have the tee to prove it!) I thought it was so sweet that he remembered me and sent a gift.

I rezzed the gift and it was a big poster of Ted, looking all cute and yummy with nice warm holiday greetings. Awwww....how very ....wait! What's this? I leaned in and looked a little closer. hmm....there was a warning above it that said...(in an ominous tone)...OPEN ME FOR A GIFT, IF YOU DARE! I wanted my gift, so I opened it!

Whoaaaaa! What is this? It was named "Snow Daddy." When I rezzed it, its name changed to "Joonie's Popsicle."  eeekk....it has a sit animation!!  Do I dare? Of course!!

EeeeKkkk! I looked on in horror as Joonie began humping Mr. Snow Daddy!!  It was hilarious! Thanks Ted! I'll be sure to return the favor next year!  That Ted is so thoughtful. LMAO!


26 December 2009

The Silence Afterwards 54/365

Try to be done now
with deliberately provocative actions and sales statistics,

brunches and gas ovens,

be done with fashion shows and horoscopes,

military parades, architectural contests, and the rows of triple traffic lights.

Come through all that and be through

with getting ready for parties and eight possibilities

of winning on the numbers,

cost of living indexes and stock market analyses,

because it is too late,

it is way too late,

get through with and come home

to the silence afterwards

that meets you like warm blood hitting your forehead

and like thunder on the way

and the sound of great clocks striking

that make the eardrums quiver,

because words don't exist any longer,

there are no more words,

from now on all talk will take place

with the voices stones and trees have.

The silence that lives in the grass

on the underside of every blade

and in the blue spaces between the stones.

The silence

that follows shots and birdsong.

The silence

that pulls a blanket over the dead body

and waits in the stairs until everyone is gone.

The silence

that lies like a small bird between your hands,

the only friend you have.

By Rolf Jacobsen
English Translation by Robert Bly

23 December 2009

Thank you Content Creators and Designers! 52/365

The Holiday Spirit of giving is alive and well in SL, thanks to so many Content Creators and Fashion Designers. I am amazed at the quality and generosity of so many people this year. I don't have the time to show off everything in this post, but hopefully after the holidays. Until then, a huge thank you to all of you for the gifts.

(Joonie is practicing so you better watch out!)

And to my friends in SL, I wish you a very warm, fun holiday and a Happy New Year. Love you all and am grateful for you. Thanks for being so supportive of me this past year through all my silly dramas. You make my slife a better place!  *hugs*


Music is my Boyfriend 51/365

Not sure what to say. So I think I'll let the music do the talking until I find the words

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22 December 2009

It Stops Today

no, no, i, i , i, i, i don't want to break when i speak
i don't want to shake while i'm standing
i don't want to crawl into another hole
i don't know what i'm hiding for
no, i,i,i,i,i don't want to fall when i stand
i don't want to have to hold your hand
i just want to be the girl i use to be when i was me and worry free
i know these burdens are my own

but i cant keep on running
no i just cant keep on running away from here
i know that the only way to beat it is to fight my every fear
i'm not going to make it 'til i turn around and face it alone, i know
i can't just keep running, no i just can't keep on running away
so it stops today
(end of chorus)

so here i am, i'm taking my first step
thought i was losing balance but i caught myself
i kind of like the challenge, no i don't need help
i'm going to make it past the very start
its always been my hardest part

but i, i, i, i, i'm going to stay in control
i must admit this crutch is getting old
i am going to throw it right out of my hand
i'm finally here, i understand
i know i'll get there on my own

so i can't keep on running
no i just can't keep on running away from here
i know that the only way to beat it is fighting my every fear
i'm not going to make it 'til i turn around and face it alone, i know
that i can't keep on running, no i just can't keep on running away
so it stops today
(end of chorus)

you can hide from all the pain
but it will find you anyway
yes, i know, now i know

that i can't keep on running
no i just can't keep on running away from here
i know that the only way to beat it is to fight my every fear
im not going to make it til i turn around and face it alone, i know
that i can't keep on running, no i just cant keep on running away
so it stops today
(end of chorus)

Colbie Caillat

La Reve by Robert M. Novick

i wait at la reve,
in the darkened dreamscape,

I wait for your flight
to float you to me once more,

i watched your shadow against the wall

and saw the stories of infinite love cast,

i wait at la reve,
for the sound of your voice,

the scent of your skin,

your rhythm so precise and vital,

i scan the edges of all my dreams,
for a glimpse of your haunting beauty,
the leaves silently sink through the air
through the damp crispness,
i hear the echoes
from the longing in your eyes,

the trees twist through twilight,

the wind breathes once more,

i wait at la reve,

and search the images,

there is an imprint upon my soul,
a burning in my heart,
light through dark,
and all is revealed,

i wait at la reve,

to say everything with a subtle glance,

a caress, a smile, and silence

i wait

at la reve

all clumsy and stuttered,

picking through twigs

to find words to send,

the hollow wind washes me,

the moon settles

and then there are stars.


21 December 2009

Winter Comes to the Heart 50/365

Winter. So many things happen during this time of year, regardless of how you celebrate. It can be a lonely time for people. Those of us that have lost people that were part of our families...extended or otherwise.

Winter is also a good time for a bit of introspection. At least it always has been for me. The white of snow, the cold outside...good time for a clean slate and some inside time - literally and figuratively. Most of the time, I like what I see in my reflections. But there are times when my heart hurts and as I look back, I realize some of my choices have not been the best for me and others. And I vow not to let that happen again. And yet, when it comes to matters of the heart, let's face it, I'm a big mush. So what's a girl to do? Close off her heart so she won't feel? Put up a wall no one can penetrate? Let fear of pain and hurt keep me from experiencing love, and ultimately bringing on the thing I fear?

F*** no! I grab my gfs and go snowmobiling!

Happy Holidays everyone. Get out there and have some fun! *hugs*

20 December 2009

New Toys 49/365

I love Faery Sola and this is why...she makes the cutest, most adorable, and affordable cute stuffz. Like the
snow globe below. I love the cute animation and the snowman is sooo smexy!

And this unicycle...omg....more fun than I ever thought possible! No really! You wear it and it's so easy..you just walk like you normally would. LOVE IT! Thank you Faery!

I had to share this with someone cos it was making me happy! So I shared it with Bon. He makes me happy, too. Most of the time....lol! He had to wear his First Aid helmet just in case he fell.

Candy Cane Antlers with animation....also at Studio Sidhe!  *licks Faery*

Gloves - fri.Fingerless Gloves in Black
Boots - Shiny Things - Flowered Biker Boots
Hoodie - Gypsy Soul - Dawn in Steel
Pants - FD Underground - black tight jeans
Jacket - Luminosity - suede jacket (charcoal) No Longer Available


Everything is from Faery Sola @ Studio Sidhe (love ya Faery!)

Faery's Unicycle
Christmas Snowglobe - Building Santa
Candy Cane Antlers

18 December 2009

Truth Be Told 48/365

If Truth be told, I lust after Truth Hawks. Well, not really him exactly, but all he touches. Um...okay. Truth Hawks is a gifted creator of hair, clothes, and all things awesome. If you were in his group (and I hope you are), you would have recieved this awesome dress as a group gift.

I love this dress soooo much. It's perfect for the holidays and can also be worn throughout the year. Just look at the detail of this bow! Isn't it yummy! It's just begging for someone to come along and untie it, doncha think?

Then there's this awesome skin by Curio I can't stop raving about! Elf..and it is so cute!

Um, yes there are two pics of me in a row. Problem? As I've said before, I know I love a skin when it makes me want to do me.

Joonie is wearing:

Dress - Truth Group Gift 17 - Martini Dress in Holly (only available through the group)
Hair - Truth - Eva in Champagne
Shoes - Shiny Things - Tuxedo Pump in Red
Necklace - Coquette - Snowflake Necklace (didn't see it in the store, may not be available)

17 December 2009

Peace 47/365

My friend, Bon, came over and helped me decorate my tree.
Thanks Bon.

Peace out! Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for the Holidays! I've been a very good girl this year! Ask anyone!

Just don't ask Bon. He thinks I've been very, very bad. I think he's been very, very bad. So I win! LOL It's my blog!

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16 December 2009

The One Where Joonie's Bound 46/365

We both resisted this,
being together, at first. We had our reasons and we thought they were good ones.
I like to think that makes our awakening together all the sweeter, more
important. That we didnt think this was the path for us, makes it seem so much
more substantial. Every night I think I just couldnt love you any more than
I do. Every morning I realize I was wrong.

I would love to feel this way. I found this on a profile. These two don't appear to be together anymore.
Photos taken at Templum ex Obscurum

15 December 2009

If It's Too Good to be True... 45/365

it probably is.

We look so perfect in SL. As perfect as we want to look. We can have a name that either reflects who we are or is cute and silly or funny. SLife is ours for the taking.

Sometimes we find someone who makes our SL better than it was before meeting them. I have been fortunate in most of my SL to have met a few people I was willing to spend a large amount of my time with. And when they ended, as they inevitably will, I swore I'd never do it again.

I wore a nun's habit! And repelled anyone who even vaguely acted like they wanted more than friendship. Why did I do that? Because I was not ready for that. I'm still not ready. Even though I may have that opportunity.

Do you believe in intuition? What about instincts? SLove is a wonderful thing, as long as it can stay in SL and you know it isn't real. Real as in knowing the feelings are real, but they are based on virtual surroundings. Anyone can "fall in love" when you are dancing under a waterfall with a handsome man who is saying all the right things. But if you look closer, you might see someone who just wants to have his pixels and eat them too...so to speak.  ;-)

Or maybe you'll see a scared girl who just can't bring herself to trust anyone.

Or maybe it's all just a dream. Either way...if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

My not-so-late night ramblings. Thanks for listening.


Snow Day + Curio Elf... 44/365

I woke up this morning and looked outside...and this is what I saw. Some time during the night, it snowed!! I love it. Reminds me of living in Taos Canyon in the Winter. I expect a moose or an elk to walk up anytime. *squeeeez with excitement*

My SLife is good atm. Beautiful house, gorgeous winter, and a new AO from Vista. But the thing that has me really, really, really happy are the new Elf skins from Curio's Gala Phoenix. They are all gorgeous, flawless, yummi yum. This one is the group gift. If you aren't a member, get in there NOW.

I love Gala's skins. They are the first ones I wore when I first rezzed. They are a long way from what is being done now, but I still keep them in my inventory. I can't bring myself to delete them. (I think I'm crushing on Gala...she can touch my skin anyday! *blush*)

Have an awesome day, everyone! SL and RL! huggies
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14 December 2009

Playing with Photos 43/365

And with friends..

This one was taken....where else....on Harmony Vista...with Ando, my landlord and builder.

My what big feet you have, Ando! mmmmhmmmm.....

This was the best part of the day....dancing with Bon. Lucky me =)
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Improving My Interior....42/365

So I've moved to a new sim (Harmony Vista) and I have a new home. I love them sooooooo much! But how to decorate?

Have you ever moved to a new house and realized that, although your inventory has 12 couches, 8 chairs, 11 tables, and 7 beds, you don't have a clue how to mix and match them? Or how to really arrange everything to look aesthetically pleasing?

Enter my decorator, Tsukasa Ishtari. Please. Erm...anyway, he did. And I am grateful.

Tsukasa has an amazing eye for detail and design. I was so impressed when I saw his house and what he had done with it, that I asked him to come look at mine. I had stuff sorta thrown all over the place. Tsukasa came and looked at what I had done, and without rolling his eyes too much, he moved things around and *viola* it was amazing. But that was just the downstairs. I gave him the LM to my house and asked him to just come by and do the upstairs when he had time.

Logged in today and SURPRISE...he had done the upstairs. He made it magical and fun. Now I've asked him to redo my NYC loft!!
(Just trying to keep him busy and off the streets.)

So below are some pics of him and what he's done to the house. It's difficult to tell how amazing he is decorating without BEFORE pics. But trust me, he is a god with pixel furniture.

The lucky part for US is that he's thinking about sharing his skill on a more regular basis. If you need any help at all or wondering where to put what, IM Tsukasa. He has a passion for it and it shows in his work. (and he's kinda cute...meh)

Above we're being all shy and nice....

And then the negotiating starts....

I think he's pretty proud of himself...I know I'M happy! Isn't that all that matters? ;-)

Joonie looking outward but thinking more about interior things.

Nite everyone. It was a wonderful night.


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10 December 2009

Cool and Warm 41/365

Sometimes, all we need is a place to call home. A place to come in from the beauty of the outside world this time of year. Walking in the snow refreshes me, and gives me the opportunity to just reflect on what I want it to be about....where I fit in the world. But after that brisk walk, I love the feeling of walking inside...feeling the warmth of the fire...and sipping hot chocolate.

Happy Winter =)
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