27 February 2010

Embryo 96/365

I found this place thanks to Lizzie's blog...erm....anyway, I'm always looking for new places to explore. Still haven't found that one place that is a good fit for me and my need to be alone and think. But this one is purdy and dark at the same time. There is an embryo here, but I try not to look at it. I dunno. *shrug*

A funny thing has happened and I'm not sure how or when. Joonie can't seem to fall in SLove. It's not that she doesn't want to, it's just not happening. Many have tried, many have failed. LOL And not because of anything they did right or wrong or I did right or wrong, it's just not happening. I love my awesome boy friends. They make me laugh and are just awesome. But I'm not feeling it. Haven't felt it for a while now. I love love, so this is very strange. hahahaha But it also feels right. Let's face it, I've not been all that good at SL relationships. This isn't a poor me post. It's a "matter of fact, this is the way it is" post. I think you'd have to be inside my head to see what I'm thinking and feeling. Maybe it's a transition for me, like we all make in SL. Only this one is amusing.

I loved falling in SLove. It was fun and emotional and crazy. And very deep, real emotions. I think I was more innocent then. Now I think I'm too cynical. Some have accused me of being afraid. I don't think that's it. I just can't keep a straight face when some guy is telling me how beautiful I am, * kisses me softly on the cheek*, or tells me he loves me after knowing me for a month or less. It's just not working for me. I don't know why. I wish it would. But it doesn't.
So I'm mourning a few things today. Everything changes. I know that's true. Maybe this is just part of the transition for me as I continue to learn more about myself than I ever wanted to know! I miss SLove. That awesome sharing of noobieness. Discovering the world together, thinking it would never end. Dying a little bit when it does. Knowing that that person will always have a tiny little place in your heart, but also knowing you will never go through that again. Not because you are scared or whatever, but because you know it will never be like that again.

Marnix posted an awesome blog post a while back. I will link to it here and say that I could have written it, as well. He said it all much better than I could.

nini all! Thanks for indulging me once again in a sloppy, emotional post. I know some of you disapprove. *shrug*



Dress: Bare Rose - Exile
Boots: Diram - Britney Toxic
Necklace: Tekeli-li - Sacred Heart Necklace
Skin: Curio Elf
Eyes: Beauty Avatar DIAMANTE - Eyes 09

Location: Embryo

23 February 2010

Silly Photos 95/365

Tomorrow morning, I have to take my sweet Maggie dog to the vet to be put to sleep. Nice way of saying euthanized. She is 12 years old and has cancer and had a stroke. It's time. But it isn't easy.

As I was looking through my pics for tonight, I found this one. It makes me laugh. We were trying so hard to find a pose that would work. This one clearly didn't..but in a way...it did. And it made me laugh tonight. So it's perfect.

ni ni

22 February 2010

Bare Rose - Forest Druidess 94/365

"Druid/Druidess - The Druids were said to be the keepers of traditional wisdom that was concerned with moral philosophy, natural phenomena and theology. They were skilled in the reading of omens, the interpretation of dreams, the conducting of sacrifices, the construction of a calendar, herbal medicine, astronomy and the composition of poetry. Some say they also practiced sexual magic.
One way the Druids read omens was by killing a victim. "The inhabitants employ a very surprising and incredible custom when they want to know matters of great importance. They consecrate a human being to death, drive a dagger into his belly, above the abdomen, and draw conclusions about events to come from the squirming of the victim and the squirting of his blood. They have been practicing this since time immemorial."
In other words, don't mess with us Druids.

I so love this outfit. It's all fae fun and fairies but also just stunning. It comes with wings, cape, horns, gloves, and absolutely gorgeous details and textures.

With cape and horns
Closeup of horns
Gratuitous shots of ...ME! Taken by my friend, Rio. thanx =)

And, Joonie feels so awesome and strong in this. Like a fae princess only stronger. Probably because she's not a fairy, she's a Druid!
AND...this outfit with all it's many pieces is for less than 200L .... I know......I fainted, too. Oh...AND it also comes in Black! And you get BOTH black and green together for under 200L!
I suggest you get your Druid butt over to Bare Rose NOW! If you see June Dion, fall down at her feet and worship her.
SLURL to Bare Rose
Photos taken at AM Radio's site
SLURL to AM Radio's place

21 February 2010

Looking for Home 93/365

Time for a new home for Joonie. Not a home to live in, I love where I am now, but one where I can go and just be and feel at home. Like Templum and the Nameless Isle were for me.
I went exploring today and my quest is to find that place, my place, on the grid that always feels like it envelopes me and gives me that sense of belonging, of laying my burdens down there, and finding clarity. My mission is to find that place. Today I found some very interesting and amazing places. I'd like to share one with you. It isn't my "home" but it's still amazing. Over the next however long it takes, I will be sharing with you places that almost made it but not quite. I hope you enjoy these places. If you think of a place I might enjoy, I would love to know about it.
Today, I was visiting the opening of Imagine Create No Texture Challenge. My friend, Misprint Thursday has a piece there so I decided to check it out. As usual, I was about an hour late and all of the festivities were over. But the work there was amazing.
While there, I fell in love with these amazing trees by soror Nishi. A quick click on soror's profile revealed the good news ..yay...she has a store! The store is named...I'm not sure really. In her profile it's called...My New Shop. It is amazing. Below are pics of the Art opening and of Soror Nishi's shop and the beach area.  All really beautiful with bright, gorgeous colors. Just not what I'm looking for in a place to get away from it all, but amazing! Hope you enjoy.

I think I used the word "amazing" 3 or 4 times. Make that 5 or 6. Just insert your own "wow" word, k?

Joonie is wearing:

Jeans:  fri. LowRise Jeans (Black)
Shirt: Sn@tch Gore Girl Top
Boots: [DOCS] 8 Hole F Purple (I love these boots! They are available in 10 colors and 3 diff styles tall, short, and open) You can find them at the new Gos Mainstore. TP to footwear.
Hair:  fri. Carrie (Happy Blonde)
Skin: Curio Elf Sundust
Tattoo:  Becca Beebe - Not All Who Wander are Lost (custom made) You can find more tats at her main store, [BUTT-ERR] along with piercings and clothing. Becca is a ... well...amazing!

20 February 2010

Best Birthday Evah! 92/365

What a fun day! First, my birthday cupcake attire. I think I look awesome! Not a day over a week! I guess that's stale for a cupcake.  eeeek  Then my new neighbor came over while I was dressed in my birthday cupcake costume. I hope she'll come back.

My bff Pinky came over with a chocolate cake! mmmm...my fave. You can even blow the candles out AND it plays Happy Birthday...over and over and over...

We talked about my past year in SL.  It's been a very interesting year and mostly a lot of fun. A few goofy, unfortunate moments, but for the most part, a really awesome year.

We decided to do something fun, so, since I was at the Grand Opening of GOS, we decided to do the Duck races! It was soooo fun.  Uh oh..I think I forgot to wipe my mouth after the chocolate cake! Eekkk.....can't take me anywhere!

So many people to thank for making this the best RL birthday in SL for me. I would start the list but it's too long!  I'm lucky like that. A special thanks to Max, Lin, Tessa, Pinky, and all of you who sent HB messages in SL and at Avatars United. I love you guys!  *mwah*

Off to dinner...shrimp! mmmmmm...yummy! and lots of chocolate. I can workout tomorrow!



19 February 2010

Happy Birthday Eve to ME! 91/365

Around my house, we celebrate your birthday starting on the eve of your birthday. You get to do whatever you want starting then and ending at midnight. So I decided to spend time in SL with the people and places I love. Like this guy below.
 Love ya, Max!

This is birthday eve look. LOL I don't think I've changed in a few days. But I LOVE this tee and I'm not taking it off! And since it's my birthday eve, I can do whatever I want. :P  The tee is from [Butt-er] and rocks my world.

Face plant into a giant cupcake! Hoo! I am addicted to chocolate. I have a RL Boston Creme Pie waiting for me and my hips in the kitchen.  YUM!

Hair: New Truth hair
Everything else has been blogged before.
And it's my birthday and I don't wanna  :p

hugs! JJ

18 February 2010

A Sense of Place 90/365

My "home" in SL has officially been put up for sale and isn't easily accessable anymore. Almost a year ago, an IM went out from the owners saying they were selling the sims and would leave them up for a period of time. They were, indeed, sold. The new land owner kept things pretty much as they had been. Difficult economic times have forced him to sale the sims with no guarantee that they will remain as they were from the beginning.

This kind of thing happens in SL all the time. And I've known for a while that this day would come. I would go there every few weeks just to see if it was still standing. It always was, until yesterday. When I tried to tp in, I arrived in a small box of space with red ban lines surrounding it. I don't mean to sound uncool, but it was quite a shock. I was able to fly straight up and cam around. Had to take more pics; I didn't know for sure how much more time it would continue to be the place I went to when I was down or needed some time to think.

I have amazing memories there. By myself and with friends and potential loves. Whenever a relationship had grown into something potentially meaningful, I would drag him to this sim. If they couldn't get it, I knew they weren't going to get me.

I have no words to describe how much this place has meant to me. I feel a little lost now. And it is really depressing for me and many others. Where will I go when I just need to think or feel and get the sense that things were going to be okay or at least that there was some hope. The place was dark and nurturing all at the same time. I'll never be able to fully explain it. I can only say that a piece of me will go with this sim. I will forever be grateful to Baron and Sue for sharing their massive creativity with me and the rest of SL. I just don't know what to do now. There are amazing places in SL, but only one like this one...like my home.

Long gone but not forgotten.


17 February 2010

It IS all about ME! 89/365

Well, it is. Second Life, my imagination. Isn't that how SL was sold in 2006? Well, it was. No indulging RL info, no hooking up, just a place for your imagination.

Things have changed since then and not all in a bad way. Voice is awesome for those who don't like to type and for those that like to verify gender. Windlight...now good. SLim, which I love. Many cool things. But I miss the creativity. It's still out there, just not as prevalent as it once was.

So Joonie has decided to take back her Second Life and make it her own, once again. She seems to continue to get sucked into situations that are not at all beneficial to her. My bad.


Joonie ponders the meaning of the Universe. And is grateful for all the lessons she's learned in SL. Hopefully, she will never be unteachable. =)


Dress: ~Scribble~ Folk Dance  50L Friday
Jacket: :::B@R::: Hell Fire Lady DarkBrown
Boots: **Diram** Vanessa Attire
Bracelet: Bonita's Jewelry - Brown and Pearls 4

Hair: Glam Affair (formerly Beauty Avatar) Kiana
SKin: guess!  ;)  Curio Elf

It's All Good 88/365

Hair: Beauty Avatar Kaina
Skin: Curio Elf
Dress: **Diram** Isabelle Attire
Boots: Armidi Gisaci Kyoto Boots

nini everyone!

16 February 2010

It's About the Love

A Girl's Gotta Do what a Girl's Gotta Do 87/365

Joonie knew she had no choice. She hadn't been happy for days. So she sat down at her table to do what she had hoped she wouldn't have to do. But at this point, she had no choice.

Afterwards, she sat in her favorite tree, letting the big strong branches console her. She wondered if she had done the right thing. She knew she had. As much as the beginning filled her with hope, the ending had left her sad and discouraged. But even then, she knew she had done what was best. Better now than later.

Joonie is wearing:

Skin: Curio Elf  (I can't seem to part with this skin)
Hair: fri. Leigh
Eyes: Beauty Avatar
Dress: DeeTaleZ Cotton Dress
Shoes: Shiny Things Francoise Flats
Earrings: Burroughs - Jealousy (ON SALE)

Writing Desk: S b S Boho super cute writing desk
Tree: .:buddhabeats:. Cuddle Oak


14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day 86/365

Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate Valentine's Day. I do believe that if you love someone, they should know it deep in their hearts without chocolates and flowers. If they don't, then one day of those things is not going to make them believers in your love any more than they did before that.
That said, I think Valentine's Day is a nice day to show the ones you love just how special they are to you and a special opportunity to celebrate that love.

So for all those romantically inclined, I give you this pic of Joonie under a heart tree. With lots of pink hearts showering her with love. I must go now. I'm feeling a little sick.

Srsly, to all of you in love with your partners, gf/bf, whatever I wish you a Happy Happy Day.

hearts an kisses


Happy Rez Day Bliss! 85/365

Tonight was a Rez Day party for my friend, Bliss. It was soooo much fun. I hadn't laughed that much in a while. Beverly Zauberflote threw the party and it was sooo much fun! (did I say that already?) The invitation requested we arrive in our Newb costume. I thought "there is no way anyone is getting me back into my newb hair/skin/clothes."

Here's Bliss in her newb outfit! Hot!

Borday and Bliss. Adorable in their newb skin and hair and...um....what is that thing?

We were all laughing so hard and having so much fun. I didn't think about pics until towards the end. Here's Joonie in her newb look. LOL Gurl6 hair, Gala skins, and Frangipani outfit. LOVE IT! I thought I was so cute then. hahaha!

Bliss with her whip! The line forms to the right! LOL

Bliss, hope you had an awesome time! Love ya! *smooches* And here's to 3 more years. (think we'll still be around?)

And a shoutout to my friend, Rio, who had his 1 yr. Rez Day today!
Love ya, Rio! *smooch*

What a day in SL. Wish they all were like this!
Nini all

12 February 2010

Music of the Heart

Someone wrote a really nice comment on my blog and said they enjoyed my playist. Last night, I also talked to someone about music and how it effects me. I can appreciate good music and enjoy it. My fave is like rocking guitar riffs and lead guitar solos. But when it comes to music that really touches me, there has to be an emotional connection. That connection is usually based on a relationship, either breaking up or first meeting. Either way, I thought it was appropriate at VD day (giggles) that I change my playlist up a bit and bring on my own personal tear-jerkers!  LOL  Hope you enjoy!


Hearts at Home 84/365

Most of us want to find some land and put a home on it, decorate it and call it good. I do, too, and have since I rezzed in SL a few years ago. I've lived in many wonderful places, but I never felt a sense of community like I do now. Being a little loner-ish, community wasn't my number one priority. Privacy was. That hasn't changed much. But, I live on the best, most awesome sim on the grid.
One word: Liz Gealach (okay two)
I love her. I know she is partnered, but I check that slot daily cos she soooo rocks. Need proof? Look below.

So I'm not that big on V-day. But this is what I saw when I logged in at my home. HEARTS EVERYWHERE! During the night the Heart Fairy made a visit to my house...and everyone else's house on the sim! 

I have to admit it did cheer me up and put my in the Valentine's mood.  Eekk, I'm losing my edge!
Running through the hearts. Surely mine is here somewhere! 
Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone. And don't worry all you naysayers, I'll def do an anti-Valentines Day post, too!  You know I will!  ;)


11 February 2010

I love Music 83/365

mmmhmmm.....I really do.

Just saying a little prayer. ;) LOL Let's all just put things in perspective and remember what's really important in SL!

Peace out...

Posted by Picasa

10 February 2010

Balance 82/365

I love this house by Maxwell Graf. It's called the Crooked House. You can climb all the way to the top.

It feels a bit unstable, a little shakey. The foundation doesn't seem to want to hold the structure. And if the foundation isn't secure, we all know what happens then. The whole thing has a good probability of falling down.
I'm feeling a bit like I've been living in this house. My SL has definitely had times of great upheaval and enormous highs and lows. But I learned that nothing in SL is worth upsetting the balance of my life, SL or RL. Still, my foundation can be a bit uneven at times. I feel afraid, insecure, hurt, betrayed...all those things we've all felt. Today, I try to have fun in SL and have positive things to say to my friends. I'm not always successful. I want more balance in my SLife and to do that, I have to listen to my instincts when they tell me to go slow, make sure I'm ready for whatever comes my way.

I've seen people lately who have let other people run them out of SL. I know the feeling, but why do we let people define who we are? I've seen it happen too many times. And I've seen some really ugly things said and done. I'm not above it all...I just don't understand why it happens and who cares, you know?

LOL...I'll stop before I get even further off the topic...which is or was about balance. Something happened today in SL that got me thinking about things. It made my foundation crack a little. But before I could let it get to me, I realized that some people just don't think. It isn't about me, it's about them. I don't have to internalize every little thing and take it personally.

Balance in all things. Build a strong foundation under yourself, and no one can take that away. Because you will know who you are and what you're about. And don't allow anyone to come along and make you forget that.

Crooked House found here: The Crooked House


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