30 April 2010

Truth Hair is Truth Love

Okay, so I'm running out of ways to express my love of Truth hair.  I'll work on that. For now, that will have to do. On to the hair...

First up is Tia in Champagne. I love love love this 'do. I'm only showing one shot of it because frankly, it's all in the front. It's all about the front and let's face it...the front is what matters. It's a side-swept pony with luscious tendril around the face. The tail is big and fat and there's something about that that is strong and smexy and yet uber feminine at the same time. Xena, Warrior Princess anyone?

Next is Poppy in Seaspray. This one is a little something different. the bangs are parted barely off-center and the ends flip just a bit on the sides. Really nice for a change of pace and I love seeing Truth mix it up a bit. Again, the soft layers and curls fall around the..um....front of the body.
This hair warrants a second photo so you can see the layers and curling ends drape down the back. Really pretty.

Last is Riley in Swedish. another hairband style, this time in a loose silky cloth band. The band comes in 22..that's right..22 shades.
I love the the way the band seems to loop around in a layer. Nice and wide to hold that bundle of gorgeous hair back away from the face.
The back shows the richness of the material of the band and how nicely it hangs at the bottom. Just beautiful.

You owe it to yourself to go check these hairs out. I know I gush and that's just the way it is. Yes, the first style is my fave. No, I don't care for the second style all that much but only because I don't find it flattering on Joonie. And the third one is just adorable. Regardless of style preferences, with Truth hair you know you are always getting quality and design. And what is the most important reason to wear Truth hair?

Till next time...

29 April 2010

Party at Rouge!

My friend, Eva, tp'd me to Rouge for a party. I love Rouge and I love Codie and Gabby. I love Nexeus and used to go to Rouge on a regular basis. But you know how SLife can be. We stop going to places we used to or something happens or something. Anyway, it was awesome to be there and see people I hadn't seen in a while. As I panned around the room, I realized there were several Lindens there. And it was Teagan Linden's Rez day! I remember Teagan when she wasn't a Linden and have always thought she was very talented and cool. So it was nice to be able to wish her a happy Rez Day. Blue Linden was there and I remember him from Plurk (yes I left there and now wish I hadn't.) LOL

All in all a fun night. Love Rouge and being there tonight reminded how fun it is! I think that might be a nice place to go on Thursday nights! =)

I have met some amazing people in SL. A few not so much but the ratio of cool people to asshats is pretty one-sided in favor of the cool kids. YAY! AND Emerald is on the compliant list. SLife is good. lol


28 April 2010

Zilch...I got nuthin'

Some of you may have wondered why I posted this pic of an 'elf playing the piano' as one friend put it. This is no elf. This is Skye Galaxy. So, why? Good question. I love his music but I don't know him. This was taken at the Pop Music thingy I blogged about a few posts back or something

So the reason this pic is here, is because, I had nothing to post last night. This was the only photo in my file that hadn't been posted yet. So...I posted it. Just through it up here with no Title and no text. Nada. Zilch. Sorry to use you in that way, Skye.

Now, here it is another night and I still don't have anything? why? Well, because when I logged into SL to take pics of my next "subject" someone IM'd me and asked if I wanted to go bike riding. He meant bike as in motorcycle!  I had to say yes to that.  It was fun, just like I knew it would be. He ran over a few ppl and kinda messed with this one guy. He was 12 I think. Anyway, all in all a very successful evening.

When he had to go, I thought great, now I'll take pics of my "subject" but...I couldn't tp anywhere. Thought I'd log off and try again. The worst idea ever. Once I logged out, I couldn't log back in no matter how many times I tried. I even restarted my laptop.

Oh well...such is SLife.

Sorry for no new post....just new words.
Until next time!


26 April 2010

I Love Options

Apparently so does Shad. He took the pic. I merely blogged it. Please IM me for more details. ;)

Posted by Picasa

25 April 2010

Lean On Me

It's always good to have a friend you can sit on....I mean lean on. Thanks Shad!

The other day I was feeling all waah waah about things (I know right?) and I just happened to be doing the 50L Friday shopping spree. One of the vendors didn't have her item out, so she was standing in her shop apologizing. What a sweetie! She had this tat on that said " I make lots of mistakes." I immediately loved it and asked where she got it. She found it at Aitui. I couldn't get there fast enough. LOL
Here it is in all its glory. Nice way to say "I fk'd up" and to remind myself that as perfect as I might appear *cough cough* I still have things to learn. :)  Thanks for loving me anyway!


Aitui Tats
pic taken at Tableau
Hair - Truth Sienna2 in champagne
Skin - Curio Elf in Sundust (Soot 1)

Elven Forest

I don't usually like group spam. Tonight someone sent a link to The Nameless Isle group, of which I will be a part until they pry it from my cold dead pixel hands.  Anyway, the slurl was to a place called Elven Forest.  It's not The Nameless Isle, but there were some pretty parts of it. Like this. Yes it's a unicorn. So what! :p  LOL!

Thanks for looking.

23 April 2010

Calling on the Magic

I found this place unexpectedly while shopping. I couldn't find what I wanted in the shop, but I found this magical place. Just what I needed at that moment. Sometimes our actions cause ourselves and others pain. Nothing hurts more than knowing that. So today, I surrounded myself with beauty and magic. They seem to restore me and give me faith in myself again.

Thanks for reading. Be careful out there.


22 April 2010

Truth Strikes Again!

Yay!! I love Wed/Thur! I can usually count on some kind of release from Truth Hawks. And I wasn't disappointed today. More hair!! So let's get on with it!

First is Tesa, here in Champagne. Tesa is absolutely gorgeous. I think it's my fave of the three.
Front view - love the relaxed way the tendrils fall and the side sweep of the hair.


Back view - Again the pins holding the hair in place. Love the way these new pins look. Lots of detail.


Side view - It just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Love this hair!

Next is Emme, seen here in Swedish.
Emme is beautiful and more on the elegant side.
Front view - left side shows the gently flowing hair that was fallen out of the loose knit bun. Really pretty and sexy feeling as it tickles the neck. Feel it?

Front view - right side shows the ribbon that holds the hair loosely in the back. The ribbon comes in 12 different colors and has a rich quality to the texture.


Back view - finally the back view sums it all up. Really classic style with wisp of hair on the shoulders and back.


Last is Annette in Seaspray. A beautiful side sweep do.
Front view - left side shows the way the hair falls over the shoulder and the beauty of this hair is in the layering of the hair that falls forward.

Front view - I love the way the hair wraps around so gracefully. Take note of where the ends fall on the body. Very smexy and without clothing you will see how it falls in just the right place. just sayin'  ;)


Side view - Love the sweep of the hair forward and the way the top of the hair slopes gently in a really flattering way.

So that's it for another Truth hair release. I hope you enjoy these. I'm well aware of the fact that I gush...lol...but I love all 3 of these. I'm sure there will be a Truth hair that I can't stand and when I see it, I'll honestly tell you it's crap, imo. It just hasn't happened yet!

nini everyone!


21 April 2010

SL Games

No, not those mind games.  My friend Shad and I were just hanging out the other day when he brought up this game that I hadn't played in forever. I know it has a name but I don't know what it is. I asked Shad but the bum didn't answer me. :P
So it's when you take turns searching for a word in SL Search. Then you can either go to the first one listed or whichever one sounds most interesting. Here's how our game went:

I went first and my word was: Pickles
That took us to a store named Pickles but out in the yard was this cool airplane ride. So of course we jumped on it. But really, it was kinda lame.

Next, Shad chose the word Guadalajara, which put us in a church. I thought it was cool and really pretty, but Shad wouldn't come in very far.  LOL  Don't know if he thought the ceiling was going to fall in or what, but he wanted a new word in a real hurry!

So my next word was: Word

The word Word brought us here. I believe the place was called Written Word. Ugly build but we did find some dance balls with written words on paper on the floor. hmm....we look cute but I think it was a bust.

Shad chose Percival as the next word which took us to Avillion. I had been there before, but this time I was NOT dressed for it at all. Neither was Shad. So...here we are in front of the dress code sign feeling all defiant!

It was my turn for the word and I chose two words....cos i'm all rebellious....uh huh.
My word(s) were Space Monkey. Now I don't know exactly why it brought us where it did...but it did. We rezzed inside a store with men's underwear.  I didn't know there was a store that catered to that niche, but there we were. When we first rezzed, there was a big diplay of mannequins showing off their wares...or rather...THE wares. I thought it would be funny if Shad joined them in has wares so I asked him to do it. And he did!!

Butt shot...had to do it. The sacrifices I make for my readers! ;)

Shad in all his glory. If anyone is looking for an underwear model, please contact me. I am his booking agent and I receive 40% of the top. Or the bottom...whichever....  *groans*  Did I just say that?

This last place was def the winner of the night. LOL It was a fun way to mix things up a bit. Try it next time you're bored. Erm...not that I was bored with Shad or anything...eek!

*this could have been a lot more entertaining, but I'm sick and this is the best I can do tonight! lol*

19 April 2010

Creative Marketing

That title is a bit misleading. However, I'm always impressed with how designers package their goodies in cute, adorable, or original ways. This was the way Pop Art sent out their invitations to the Partical Show. You can't tell here, but the box actually swirls around with particles. Very cool. I'm going to leave it out, I think.
I know this is a short post. And I know we purchase what's inside the pretty packaging, not outside. But I tend to think that designers who go to the trouble of impressing us when we rezz the box must have some awesome stuff inside. Not always the case, but I like thinking so.  ;)  So then it's true. :p

More cute packaging posts as I run across them =)


Joonie is wearing:

Skin - Curio Elf
Hair - Tiny Bird Green Gloves in Sandy Blonde
Tats - Purrty Tatts Oriental Belly Tat in Henna (NLA)
          PopFizz Butterfyl Ankle tat
Top - Boho Hobo Himalayalala Benjara choli in Charcoal
Pants - SMS Skinny Jeans in Purple
Shoes - GF* Wood Wedge Sandals in Red (150L)
Necklace - Tears of Hope - RFL

18 April 2010

Pop Art Lab

Welcome to Pop Art Lab April 2010

PAL presents brand new music releases. Media is streamed 24/7 and updated on a 2-3 days sequence.

You will find 4 listening zones with teleports to upper level booths, TV Studio, club, beach area etc.

Enable music and media in your preferences and you will be able to hear some of the best new CD releases full length in Rock, R&B/Hip Hop, Electronica and Pop.

CDs will be added close to official releasedates some even before!

Look in music zones for album info, cover and exact track info inside booths on screens.

Pop Art Lab fights piracy and we strongly recommend to support the artists legally. Our streams are authorized by Scandinavian koda.dk and ncb.dk

This is NOT a club but a place to come unwind, chill, IM, dance, explore AND feel totally free!

15 April 2010

New Truth Hair!

Joonie is feeling pretty again, and you know why. Yep, it's Truth hair day!

Kylie (champagne) - Kylie is a cute style for Summer. I love the way the tails loop over the shoulder. They look soft and pretty with small wisps. Typical Truth hair. Yummy.

Had to show you a closeup of the pins holding the side part in place. Great detail on these.

Giada (platinum) - This is a really nice long do with color changeable headband. The headband looks like it could be made of silk or other rich material and comes with 24 different color changes. My fave part about this hair is the way the hair falls forward over one shoulder and back on the other one
I can see it being played up or down with the right color band.

Annie (seaspray) - I always have a fave, and this time it's Annie.  Joonie usually has this girl-next-door smexyness about her. Or at least that's what I usually go for. Because of that, Annie suits Joonie perfectly. I love the way it frames the face but isn't severe. And I love the side swept bangs.

View of the back. I just love this so much. It says Smexy and Summer and Fun and Sensual all in one style. You can almost feel the hair tickling your back. Don't you feel it?


Side view and OMFG! Look at that poof. Look at those pieces that all come together to create the most awesome sauce hair  EVAH! I won't even try to sound cool and bored. This hair rocks.


Until next time, don't forget to wash your hands and always tell the Truth


13 April 2010

OMG he did it! With the Greatest of Ease

My friend, Bon, sent me a couple of landmarks the other day and I had a chance to check them out. Wheee....I've always wondered what it would be like to be a burlesque girl. I think I'm a litte overdressed!

At least according to the pic in the background!

Flying on trapeze is lonely without someone looking on! So I tp'd my friend Shad and we got the giggles soooo bad. He was supposed to write a little poem or something about this adventure, but he couldn't stay away from the obvious cliches. So, because he didn't do like he said he was going to...lol...I'm posting this pic of him on the "chair" doing his thing. *throws pennies* He wanted to find some purple boas but we gave up after a while and decided to go dance instead.

OMG he sent it to me! Enjoy!

If I were a stripper,
Yubba dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum,
All night long i'd shake my pixel bum,
If I were a stripper man.

Who would pay me money,
Yubba dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum
If I were a bumping-grinding-strip-
Icky-yicky-scripty stripper man?

My in-ven-tory
Would be full of corsets and garters,
All very neatly organized--
Laqroki hair with Stiletto Moody shoes.

There would be
One small stool in the middle of the stage,
And one swingin' trapeze up above,
And shackles in the corner just for show.

I'd save one
Last piece of clothing for the very end:
A pimpin, purple feather boa,
Slowly sliding it from around my neck.

With each last
Linden that clinks in my tip jar I'll know
That my little dance has left them blind...
For why else would they tip a stripper man?

That's when I turned into this. Oh so romantic. And he just stood there and laughed! pfft! Must be my inner tiny trying to come out! ;)

'Til another day in SL...


11 April 2010

RFL Rocks like the All-Stars! and Max Kleene!

I am exhausted....truly just wiped out. So this post may not be one of my most coherent ones. My apologies for that. LOL Any other night I would just forget it and go to sleep. But this night has been the most awesome nights of my SLife. :) And no, there were no boys involved. Well, actually that's not true.

I volunteered to help at Relay For Life this year. My mom died of cancer and so it's a benefit that means a lot ot me. And, best of all, I was one of the Music Hosts for the event. It started tonight and was scheduled to end tonight around 8pm slt. Max Kleene was the last performer to play. Renee Bimbogami, me, and Rusty Seisenbacher were all there to host for Max's show. Renee had been there all day and I had been in SL since the morning. The morning really sucked. Bad. And not in a good way. :P But everything changed when I got to the RFL music stage. Lo Bloch put me to work right away and once it started it went til tonight. Like I said, I'm exhausted.

But an amazing thing happened. I felt extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people for the most amazing cause. We were able to put our combined desire to kill cancer before it kills anyone else together and make amazing things happen. And it wasn't us so much, as YOU....everyone who gave so much money! OMG I love you all.

It really started rolling when...after Max had been playing for almost an hour, he said he would continue playing until we reached 1 million lindens! I was working the show and I have to be honest, there was a part of me that groaned and thought..omg I'm going to be here all night,. too. Then I realized we were at 722,000 Lindens and that was good but a long way to 1 million. Then Rusty contacted Harper and word got around about what he was doing. Max got Stella Silvansky and then Raspbury Reardon and Harper Messmer and then Beth Odets. OMG...5 amazing musicians stopped whatever they were doing and joined Max on the stage in no time. A little over an hour later, we had 1 million lindens in one day to fight cancer. Absolutely amazing.

And the best part, for me personally, is that I felt good about giving my time and whatever small talent I might have to such a worthy cause. And I got to see people working together, crying together and being hopeful together. SL can be about a lot of things, some good and some not. But tonight shined a bright light on our little community in SL and made clear one of the best and most awesome really good thing that SL does. Bringing people together for a common cause, and one that can save lives. And that I was a tiny part of that was so gratifying. 1 million lindens in one day. Think about that. And 244,000 lindens in 1.5 hours. Crazy stuff. Crazy good stuff. But so much into perspective. So many things I get all worked up about that in the big picture are totally ridiculous to even give 1 second of thought to. I hope this lesson learned won't wear off like my knowledge of how ravishing a disease like cancer is. I forget that on my day to day existence. That's good I suppose. Would be too depressing to think about that every day. So I bury my head up my own ass and pretend nothing is wrong. Today, I didn't bury my head. I stood up and did what I could do, for one day, to help someone else out and to honor my Mom and her battle with melanoma. Love you, Mom.

And so, on that note, lol...I thought I would share a photo of ... a friend. No names needed. Hope you enjoy the photo as much as I did taking it. LOL
nini all. *hugs*

*sorry for the typos*

09 April 2010

Squffy in Armadillo Clothing

Sometimes in SL, I just want to get away from everything and just chill. But I also don't feel like being totally alone at that moment. Luckily for me, it always seems like I get an IM around this time from just the person I needed. And this time it was my friend, Squiffy.

Squiffy is many things to many people. And many things to me. Sometimes he's a cat, a dragon, a bunny, a rodent, or..like this night....an armadillo. He refuses to be categorized. Right when you think you've figured it out.. like, oh Squiffy is a Tiny or Squiffy is a furry...he totally changes the game. I love that about him! =)

This particular night, as I was feeling a bit bummed, he IM'd me and asked if I wanted a ride on his blimp. (no not that blimp!)


After riding around for a while, Squiffy showed me this place up in the sky. It was really beautiful and peaceful. Just what I needed. We even danced a jig up there. Too funny. Yes, I did take a pic and NO, you aren't going to see it.  LOL

Sometimes, being alone is a wonderful thing. But this night, I was grateful I didn't have to spend it that way.
Thanks Mr. Armadillo!


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