31 January 2009

Nice Day for a .....

.....White Wedding

This dress from Lemania is only 1L! When I saw it blogged on the Fashion Feeds, I knew I had to have it, even tho I have absolutely NO plans to partner in SL.
(click on all the pics to get a better look.)

Look at the skirt..it's amazing

I love the way it moves...absolutely gorgeous.

The detailling is really nice.

Maybe one day......

erm.....naaaah! LOL

I also played with some of the downloaded sky and water settings Torley posted on his blog.

You can get them here!

Hair: {fascino} - Dio in White

Skin: Beauty Avatar - Rachelle

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30 January 2009

Same Damned Thing

What if we all wore the same damned thing?

I am no fashion blogger, thank god, but this looked like fun!

To be honest, the shirt from Armidi was hiding in the back of my closet...with the tags still on it.
I may never take it off now!
The different looks were awsome. I am continuously amazed at the creativity in the Fashion World.
And to you fashion bloggers, I am forever grateful!

This was so much more difficult and time-consuming than I ever realized. LOL !
A royal pain in the ass! Not the dressing...but the photoing and just ... ugh!

SHIRT - Armidi {Gisaci} Cambridge Cuffed Shirt
LEGGINGS - S.Y.D. leggings (red)
VEST - ALB Leon/Leoni (POE Globe Gift)
SHOES - Shiny Things - Boho Sandals (black)
BRACELET - Zaara - Melange Bangles (blue)
EARRINGS - Beck's Platinum Hoops
EYES - EyeLife Animated Eyes by INSOLENCE
HAIR - ETD Laine Blonde
SKIN - Beauty Avatar Couture - Rachele Natural Skin 09
(you would know it would be something like this to get me back ;))

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25 January 2009

Joonie's Journey

Joonie is all packed up and waiting on the boat that will take her to the airport. Maybe it will be a pontoon boat. Or a simple rowboat. It doesn't really matter, as long as it takes her away for a while.
As she sits here pondering where she will go first....the people she will miss....and the people she won't....she also wonders if anyone will miss her. She hopes she has made some positive impact on someone's slife. She knows she has wrecked havoc on a few, although that was never her intention. She will be glad to get away for a little while and hopes the people she cares about find happiness and joy in her absence.
She's not sure what time it is....must be early morning. She's had her coffee...two cups actually. She never smokes but she's a bit nervous this morning. She wonders if she will miss her Slife and her new home. But she knows it will all be here when she returns.
Wish her well on her journey. Hopefully, she will make some new discoveries about herself while she's away. A change of scenery is always a good thing. New sights and new sensations. Clear the head and the heart.
She promises to send postcards now and then.
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My New Home

Staying warm by the fire. Listening to music.
If blood will flow when fresh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay
Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime's argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are
On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are
On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are
How fragile we are how fragile we are
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24 January 2009

Fade to Black

And that's a wrap....
great job, everyone!
~the heart knows~
~the heart will always remember~
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I hate giving in to the popular girls. Not even the popular girls but the ones that....I dunno......
I just know that I'm disappointed in myself. I think I blew getting to know someone better that I kinda liked. And now...I dunno.

Anyway, to thine own self be true. I will repeat that as my mantra until it finally sinks in!

Tonight someone told me they didn't care what anyone thought of them. I say that, too, but I think he really meant it. He does wear female skins, tho, so....*shrug* ;-)

Night everyone...here's to sleeping in and waking up feeling better about myself.


23 January 2009

MyPersonality.info Badge

INTP - The "Engineer"
Jungian Personality Types (Free Test)
INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved, and very curious individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work. They are especially adept at discussions and debate. They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others.

Click to view my Personality Profile page

ENGINEER??? huh!?! Not that there's anything wrong with that...but I flunked Geometry and Algebra. :O

22 January 2009

Another Quote! :)

This quote was shared with me tonight by someone I care a lot about.
Thank you....
“People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.”
I guess the caveat is....it doesn't have to be shared all over the internet! LOL
Have an awesome day!
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21 January 2009

Darkness and Light

I have lots of crazy ideas and thoughts floating around my head tonight. Some clarity...some confusion. Tonight was just one of those nights. I spent most of the evening by myself, chatting with a few friends, a few new people, and being kind of introspective. It was good for me, altho kind of difficult. Tonight, I was given the opportunity to see things clearly. And I did not like what I saw. But...it was necessary for me to see them.
I am just another avi on the grid making my way. Meeting ppl, trying to have fun when it is most difficult. I bought another new house tonight...it's a fae cottage and I love it. That's part of it in the background. I had every intention of flitting about all night like I usually do and decorating it. But instead, I decided to just chill and see....what happened. What happens when Joonie just sits and does nothing.
Tonight was one of disillusionment and seeing things as they really are. Talk is cheap, isn't it...
Yes it is. Anyone can say the words. I love you. I'm sorry. I believe in you. I am your friend.
But actions! Now that tells the true story.
I think we are all so caught up in our SLives and so deep into our own stuff that we don't notice that there are people around us that might need us. Our new Prez kinda talked about it...reaching out...taking time to look around and see who needs a kind word, a hand up, a pat on the back. I don't think a true friend would kick someone when they're down...you know?
Sometimes we need to realize how small we are in comparison to this great big world for us to realize it isn't all about us. It's about us AND them....all of us. No, I'm not going to sing kumbayah. Not in the mood for that at all. But altho I'm in my mess at the moment and truly feeling a lot of self-pity...lol...there are so many of us going through the same thing. The anger, the disappointment, the tears...mine are no different from your's.

So maybe we can take a moment out of looking hot and playing the game long enough to give each other an f'ing break, ok? No one is perfect in this thing....NO ONE. Ok ok...I'm pretty close...but still not perfect! ;-)
I guess I'm saying ...I dunno.....fool me once and shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me. But that doesn't mean we have to hate. I'm not saying give a third chance....but we need to let it go with some dignity and grace, if we can. It's very difficult. And I know they're just playing out whatever thing they need to play out. I think I'll let 'em go so they can get on with it. Just not with me.
Love ya's!
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19 January 2009

Friendship after SLove

I'm just curious if anyone is able to remain friends after their SLove relationship ends...

I haven't been very successful with that. It seems difficult to just feel "friendship." Does that make sense? I dunno...i'm conflicted.

Maybe a space of time apart helps. And I suppose the reason for the breakup might play into whether or not you can be "friends." Like did they totally diss you and break you heart? Are you still in SLove with them? Or has enough time passed that you really just miss then as a person and you'd like to know how they're doing.

I hate that SLove can ruin a perfectly good friendship. That's why I have limited my 'dating' in SL. I care too much about too many guys in my SLife to mess it up with SLove. LOL!

And the ones I have crossed that line with I no longer speak to....sux. Now that "The End" has happened again, I wonder how it will play out. I'm not sure we can be friends. Makes me sad to think I won't have him in my life. Just not sure what the next step should be.

Isn't SLove strange? Especially when it bleeds over into RL and becomes more like Love.

Anyone have any input? Clues? Advice?

What happened to Dear Abby in SL? LOL

Have an awesome day!

18 January 2009

I'm in Here Somewhere

This is how I feel atm. Torn in two...spinning crazily 'round and 'round. My world is upside down. Everything I thought was true, is not.
I'm trying to numb myself with staying busy, not turning my phone on, not feeling anything, TV, SL, but god, no music. Music makes me feel. Can.Not.Feel.
But stay busy. For now, I must live in denial that anything is wrong. Because if I were to look at my reality, at my heart, at what I'm feeling....I fear what the truth will tell me.
The heart knows....but
the brain must rule the heart...
the brain must rule the heart...
the brain must rule the heart...
Wish me luck..
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15 January 2009

My Story

My name is Gracie, and I am an alcoholic. I have been sober since May 27, 1991 and for that I will always be grateful to Alcoholics Anonymous. I started drinking at the age of 17 and altho I indulged in several "side dishes" I always returned home to my drug of choice, alcohol.

What it was like: I grew up in a good Southern Baptist home where I was in church every time the doors were open. I sang in the choir, attended youth camp, youth revivals, and Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday night church. I had a deep faith in God and aimed to please. Alcohol was not allowed in our house. My mother's grandfather was an alcoholic and a mean one, so my mom made sure my younger sister and I never came into contact with it My mom was my best friend and I knew she was wise and what she said about anything was the truth.

It was at one of these youth revivals that I met my first boyfriend. I was 16 years old. I had had crushes before, but never really had a boyfriend. This guy was older than me and was there to pick up his younger brother. He flirted with me. I played hard to get. We went out. I fell in love. This love was all-encompassing. We talked of marriage. Out of this love, I turned away from everything I had known to be true and slept with him. I knew it was considered a "sin" but love was pure, right? God would understand.

Several months later, he broke up with me. I was devastated. I turned to my mom in my time of need. She told me I was "promiscuious" and that was that. Luckily, an older friend down the street knew just what I needed. She arranged a little party for me at some mutual friends house. It was just the two of us and two boys I knew from high school. They had some cherry vodka and some weed. I desperately wanted to feel better, so I drank a glass of vodka. The next thing I remember was one of the guys trying to pick me up off the floor, me vomiting everywhere, and my friend taking me home. I have no idea how long I had been blacked out. But I knew, for a brief moment in time, I was completely numb and did not think about anything.

I feel deeper into a depression. It was my Senior year in high school and my grades began to drop. My mom took me to a psychiatrist. I remember him asking me silly questions like, "Do you love your mother? Do you love your father?" I don't recall my answers. He gave my mom some pills for me to take. They made me fall asleep in class.

School didn't matter anymore and neither did church. God? What had he done for me lately. I was angry and self-destructive. I began hanging out with a rough crowd. I started smoking and drinking. Somehow, I managed to graduate with a "C" average, down from the "A" I had maintained all through high school.

The parties a started going to had "pot" and I began smoking weed. No big deal. It's an herb, right? God put it here for us. (All of a sudden, I cared about God again.) I met new people and my social circle began to expand. I found a new boyfried. He played bass in a band. I was big time now. From there came other drugs...acid, hashish, uppers, downers, you name it, I did it. After about a year, I started shooting drugs. I just couldn't numb out enough. Cocaine....omg. Finally I found Nirvana. My mom found my needles and took me to the doctor again.

This was my life. I lived for numbness. I wanted to die. I drove messed a all the time. Woke up after black outs to look out the window to see if my car was there. I did not remember the night before or how I got home.

Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, there were lots of boys. Boys of different color, shape, and size. Age and marital status didn't matter. At this time, I also realized if I dealt cocaine, it would be cheaper for me. So I started a little business.

Around this time, my mom found out she had cancer. She died 9 months later. I remember going to the hospital totally messed up. I could barely comprehend what was happening. At one point, about 10 mins after I had left the hospital, my uncle called to say she had died and I needed to return to the hospital. When I got there, I ran to her room. No one was in there. Her body was lying on the bed covered with a sheet. I ran over and ripped the sheet back. I froze. Just stood and stared at her. It was a pivotal moment for me because she was truly not there. It was just a shell...like her spirit had left her. That shook me because I claimed I no longer believed in God or in a spirit. This made me confront, if just for an instant, my own disbelief.

Well, after my mom died, I was really pissed. But the strangest thing happened. I stopped shooting drugs and dealing. I continued to drink tho and do massive amounts of coke. I believe this is when my alcoholism kicked in. To mellow out after the coke was gone, I would drink. I decided to go to school...try to make something of myself. No more massive amounts of drugs for me. But alchohol? On a college campus? Hell yeah! I still needed the numbness. So I began to drink...and drink...and drink. I was an Art major. We're supposed to be full of angst, aren't we? I was not one to disappoint! And I always liked doing what was expected of me, so let the party begin!

I started bringing my alcohol to the school campus and leaving it in the Art dept. fridge. I took night painting classes and drank. Oh, by this time I had married...for the third time....but found a nice fellow student to have an affair with. Lovely. I was turning into the kind of lady my mom always wanted me to be.

So I'm drinking and painting and ... other things...and life is good. One night, on my way home from class, I hit a pedestrian. Not hard. He didn't die, only wound up in traction for a few months in the hospital. For some reason, when the cops came, they determined it was HIS fault and let me go. I was stunned. I was teflon! I could not get into any kind of trouble. I was never held to any kind of accountability. Not good for an alcoholic. Hard to hit bottom like this.

All I can say is this. My life was completely messed up. I had NO self esteem. At the same time, I thumbed my nose at everyone. No one could touch me. I thought you all were a bunch of idiots. The phrase egomaniac with an inferiority complex described me to a tee. I had no real friends. The bottle was my crutch. I wouldn't go out to places that wouldn't serve alcohol. I had to have my friend with me always. I began to get terrible hangovers and miss out on things that were important to me.

I began to make deals with my old friend....I would only drink wine, I would only have 3 drinks...it was insane the lies I told myself. No one wants to be an alcoholic when they grow up. My problem was that I had not grown up yet. Nothing worked anymore. I couldn't get drunk! No matter how much I drank...I could not get that numb feeling back. I just felt like hell physically and mentally.

What happened:

Finally, my sister stepped in. She had a friend who had recently gotten sober. They did an intervention on me and took me to an AA meeting. That night, I went out partying. I ordered a double of everything. I couldnt finish the drinks. I did the same thing the next night. Same result. Drinking was not working.

I went to an AA meeting the next day. I remember crying and my hands shaking for the first month I was there. I would get a cup of coffee and I could barely reach my lips with it without it splashing all over the place. I was so embarassed. I finally got a beginners chip and decided I would do what you people told me to do. I got a sponsor and she told me to start cleaning out the ashtrays, put chairs away, wash coffee cups...and I did. For me, alcohol had beaten me down so far, I was just grateful I had a place to "belong."

She told me not to make any major changes in my life for the first year. I bought a big book and began reading it. I remember the words made no sense, but I read and re-read it. Finally, a few words began to sink in. We started working the dreaded steps. I would look at that board on the wall, and just shake with fear as I read step 4 and 5. ..and 6 and 7. The idea of making amends...omg! But she told me not to worry about that. We would do the steps in order starting with 1. And we wouldn't go any further until I was ready.

My life began to get better. I admitted I was an alcoholic and my life had become unmanageable. All I had to do was look at myself, my home, and my relationships to see that they had all become unmanageable. Step 2 - came to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity...that became a sticking point for me. I knew "who" they were alluding to when the said a Power ... and I was having none of it. I had dedicated my life to God and the church and where did it get me? Nope, not going back there.

But my sponsor pointed out that there was a room full of sober alcoholics doing what I had not been able to do. Surely I could see that they were more powerful than me. But they were human. So she said, see that doorknob over there that you had to turn to walk in here? Isn't it pretty powerful? On one side was my former life and in here was recovery. So for a long time, the doorknob was my Power..my higher power. And yes, I was insane because I kept doing the same thing over and over...drinking...and expecting a different result.

On to Step 3 we went. I was so afraid that if I said that third step prayer about turning my will and my life over to my higher power, I would wind up like Mother Teresa. My sponsor assured me that, so far, of the millions of alcoholics that have said that pray, no one had turned into Mother Teresa yet.

Those first 3 steps laid the groundwork for my recovery. I am glad to say that over the next 6 months, I worked my steps to the best of my ability. And I truly believe that is why I am still sober today, 17 years later.

What it's like now:

I would love to tell you that I am a millionaire, married to the most handsome man in the world, and have the job of my dreams. What I can tell you is this. I have gone through many things sober, the death of my Father, a divorce, and SL! LOL....and have not had to pick up a drink. I feel good about myself and who I am. There is no price you can put on that. Today I have real friends who care about ME, not what I can do for them. And most importantly, I care about other people. That is a miracle.

I have a faith that works for me today. My higher power does not look like the one of my youth. But I never feel alone. And I know I can get through anything as long as I do not try to do it myself alone.

Without people like you and AA, I would not be alive today. Today, I can say I am a grateful alcoholic without feeling angry like I did when I first heard someone say that.

Thank you so much for asking me to share my story with you. It was an honor.

14 January 2009


Wow...so much drama...so little time! LOLZ

Let me rephrase that. So much POTENTIAL drama, so little time to indulge in it.
Srsly, if I wanted, I could be involved in drama all over the grid. And to be honest, I used to
indulge in it somewhat consciously and sometimes, just because I let other people push my buttons. I 'reacted' to what was being said to and about me. Confrontation was the name of my
game. Bring it on! I was ready for a throw down. Years of pent up anger came spewing forth some time around my 1 year rez date. Why? I dunno really. I wasn't a noobie anymore and I was feeling more confident...which for me...translated into a bigger ego. Kind of the equivalent of "Don't you know who I am?" lol

Which is really hilarious because who I am is just another pixelated person on the grid. I am not a SLebrety. I know a few so-called SLebreties. They are, for the most part, very nice. And their status is earned and deserved. But nope, not me. I'm really just joonie. :)

Today, my life in SL is fairly mellow. I am "asked" to get involved sometimes in other people's drama, but I refuse. My buttons are still pushed from time to time, but I have found that 1) I don't wear them quite so close to the surface and 2) if I can just take a deep breath and remember that everyone has the right to their opinion and their bad day, I can usually diffuse the inner need to confront and walk away.
Now I'm not talking about the drama that comes when someone is being abusive or attacking someone's reputation. But there are ways to address that without getting people involved that are not a part of it in the first place.
Why am I sharing this? Because my SL has become so much better and enjoyable away from all that. And in turn, my RL doesn't consist of whirling like a dervish after I've logged off of SL. At least not about things that really have nothing to do with me. I have my own inner turmoil of my own making, but that is between me and...well...me. LOL

And I'll tell you a little secret. If you don't feed the drama....it goes away! *nods*

Now I know that drama and gossip can be fun. I've indulged. But for me, at some point, it became tedious, boring, and not all that much fun. Plus, I didn't feel all that great about myself. But that's just me. For those of you who love that stuff...may the Force be with you! Just keep it over there...away from me. tyvm! LOL

Love you all and thanks for being a part of my SL. Drama or not.


11 January 2009

The "C" Word

Today is the anniversary of my mom's death. She died of cancer. Malignant melanoma. I don't go in the sun much anymore.

Today, there was a celebration of one of SL's most talented residents, Valiant Strangelove. She died of cancer on Tuesday. Anyone who has ever been to the Visit Mexico sim has been affected by Valiant. She worked tiredlessly to get that sim going, along with Lester Nefarious.

If you love music in SL, or enjoy the music of Max Kleene or Dann Numbers and many more, you have Valiant to thank for giving them their start in SL.

Definition of Cancer:

1. Pathology.
a malignant and invasive growth or tumor, esp. one originating in epithelium, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites.
any disease characterized by such growths.
any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.

Please help get rid of this insidious disease that effects so many people from all walks of life. You can help by contacting the American Cancer Society or by getting involved with Relay for Life in Second Life. Just search Relay for Life or contact me inworld.

Thank you for caring....and hugs to all of you who know someone effected by this disease and/or have lost someone because of it. Millions are surviving every day.

We will miss you, Val. Thank you for all you did.

04 January 2009

Why I Hate SLove

Meerkat Love

Ok, this is going to be a rant. Just an early warning. Proceed with caution.

Well, I don't know if it will be a rant or what it will be. But at this moment, I am so angry at SL. There are no warning signs posted, no tutorials on SLove, nothing is even mentioned about the potential upheaval lurking ahead to your mind, and heart or the consequences that may occur due to SLove. That really pisses me off.

Maybe I'm just pissed at myself for not learning the lesson the first go-round. I don't know. How can people meet in SL and fall in love? I don't know. Some call it limerance, but can that be what it is after a year or more? Perhaps. I don't know. After pictures are exchanged and phone calls?

I think our brains do not know the difference between real and virtual. Our avatars, as extensions of ourselves, do love others. Mine does. Joonie loves several people in her SLife.

I'm not making sense and I'm going in circles. But that is how my brain is working atm. Let's say Joonie falls in SLove, or at least feels romantic feelings towards another avatar in SL. We all know how romantic SL can be. There are several places that are specifically for the romance-inclined. So ok, Joonie gets all dressed up in her best formal attire, that perhaps the object of her affection even purchased for her, wears the diamonds also purchased, and goes out to a local jazz club and dances a bit with her heart's desire. And they chat and flirt and things go .... really well. A connection is born. Now what?

Well, at this point, several things can happen. You can go back to his place or your place for a bit of pixel kissing and holding and snuggling and .... whatever. You can wait and let the suspense build. Whichever, eventually it will happen. That is the first mistake! The brain doesn't know any better, and the emotions follow the brain and then, once the emotions engage, the heart follows.

Great! Now you're in SLove with.....with.....what? A pixel person? Do you know who is behind that hawt looking avatar? No, you do not. And neither do they! BUT, we are in SLove.

Let's say your SLover is 10, 15, 20 years older or younger than you. But you do not know this! Why talk of such mundane and dreary things when your heart knows no bounds? Maybe he/she is married, has a partner, or has other obligations? When is a good time to discuss that little tidbit of information? After we have said "I love you" for the first, fifth, tenth time? Oh, and btw...I'm married with 6 kids. It could be months before that is said. Why? Because in the beginning, we get carried away by the most awesome feelings we have experienced in years. IF you are married for longer than a few years, the RL relationship may have waned a bit. You have discovered romance for the first time in a while! No bills, no crying babies...just a real, true and deeply felt emotion for someone you have never seen.

I truly believe that SL can be the great leveling field. One of the coolest things, imo, is the fact that we can meet and become close to people from all over the globe, sight unseen. No more prejudice, no more judging on looks (we are all gorgeous) or on anything physical. It is all about whether or not we have a real connection with another human being. I love that about SL.

But what about when things become more deeply involved? The desire to hear your SLove's voice, to see pictures of them, to reveal your real self....the physical person. When push comes to shove and you are asked to reveal more than you might want or the object of your SLove is unwilling to go there, it can be terrifying and confusing and hurtful. Why?

Because if you have failed to mention something about yourself or have lied about who or what you are....now it is about to blow up in your face. Or you do have someone else in your RL and you don't want to get them involved. And that is terrifying because it could cost you your heart's desire if one of you is not willing to comply. SLove is a cruel mistress.

Let's say the two avatars have agreed to be 'partners' or whatever in SL and leave RL out of it. Fine. Sounds like a plan. Neither cares about marital/partner status, age, or where in the wide world the other lives. It's just going to be SL. Ok. You hang out, you have fun, you get to know each other and what do you think happens? Do you really believe that you can hang out with another human being, share intimate details of your life with each other, looking hawt all the time, and NOT fall in SLove? Trust me, it may not be love, but there will be some very strong emotions going on. At some point, one of you will want more. More what? You agreed it was only going to be SL, right? What if one of you wants it more than the other? Heartbreak. It cannot end well.

And even if BOTH of you want it, it is not that simple. Let's say you decide to meet and it is horrible. You are totally turned off by some little something they do? Then what? Game over? Or, on the other hand, it stokes the fires of your SLove. Now what? Do you have RL people to consider? Do you relocate? What about your career? Do you have children? Is this going to tear their life apart? It all just makes my head spin.

And if you're truly in love with your RL person.....why are you in SL spending all your time with someone else?

I am asking myself many of these questions. I am not judging anyone else. Several of my friends have gone on to be with their SLoves in RL and are very happy. But in almost all of them, someone had to pay the price. I wonder if they hadn't found SL, if they would have found a way to work through their problems. I am NOT talking about abusive relationships....or those that should have ended anyway. I just do NOT have an answer.

It's just all so messy. Life is messy. I've had my share of messy. I just don't think we know what we're headed for when we first begin to dress up our avatars and meet people. Eventually, one will stick. And when it ends, it will not feel like the end of a virtual relationship, it will feel like the end of your life. For some of us, it has taken many months. And even when you begin to feel stronger and your RL becomes your priority again, there will be that place where "they" used to live in your heart...your REAL heart....and it will never be the same.

I guess what I am thinking is this....if I am not in SL looking for love....which I never was....then I should not indulge in that aspect of SL. Because in the end, it can only lead to pain and sorrow. As much as we don't want to think about that, and as much as we just want to live in the moment, the time will come when it is not enough anymore. It cannot end well.

Some kind of crossroads will make you choose. Choose wisely...and with your heart. Take everything and everyone into consideration. Weight the pros and cons...and....make the choice with love. That means sometimes walking away from what your heart wants because you know it isn't fair to the object of your love to crash upon their life with all the baggage you carry. You must do it for everyone involved. It will not be an easy thing to do. But it must be done.

If you do not have baggage, if you have met and still love....follow your heart to the end. I wish you many happy days.

Now at the end of this .... I realize I am not pissed at SL, I am pissed at myself. I should have known better. Ah...but SLove has a hold on me....love has a hold on me.


03 January 2009


I've got blogging on my mind. As I sit here and stare at this blank "page" and wonder what to blog about, many things come to mind. But none of them in a real cohesive way. Like intangibles, they are just floating out of reach, and when I try to grab hold of them...they seem to dissipate into thin air.

So what is that about? And what is blogging, really? Why do we do it? There is a whole group in SL you can join that identifies you as a blogger. There are bloggers about fashion, gossip, fashion and gossip, places to go in SL, things to do, tutorials, builds, and more fashion and gossip. They all have their special place in the genre of blogging SL. Some are more revered than others. Some of the people behind the blogs are also held up in an esteemed light. And some bloggers even believe they are just a little bit better than the next blogger. It's all kind of funny and entertaining and ever so slightly bizarre at the same time.

I used to enjoy blogging. I still do when I forget about the 'game' of blogging and just blog what I want. Sure, I've touched on this topic before, and admitted that we all, including myself, love to be read....love the pats on the back, the 'atta boy/girl' when a particular post is deemed worthy of praise by a fellow blogger or friend or passerby. But where is the line drawn between blogging what we want and what is expected or will gain us praise? Does there need to be a line? Maybe some accomplish both at the same time. I think that would be the Nirvana of blogging. ;-)

I obviously have no answers and am posing several questions I am wondering about. The blog I had before this one was so emo and angst-ridden. True enough, I was going through a lot of emotional crap at the time, and I used my blog as a way to get to the heart of what was going on with me. I felt, at the time, somewhat judged by the blogging community for revealing so much of myself there. Nothing was said, directly, but I intuitively felt it. I think constructive criticism is an awesome way to learn and grow. I don't think slamming someone's blog on their blog is helpful at all. But an im inworld or an email would be great. At least, this is what I thought I was feeling...a certain amount of judgement from my peers.

So, as I stare at this not so white background and wonder what to blog, several things come to my mind. I know I should just blog whatever I want, be as silly or serious as I want, and let people either read or move along. Whatever...and be ok with that. And I seriously am most of the time. But today, for some reason, I am wondering if it would be better if it were a fashion/gossip/techie/what to do in SL/funny blog. But I seriously don't like to be constrained in that way. But I also like to be respected for what I write. You know, that feeling that what I do here is worth something to someone other than me.

In order for that to happen, I have to write something worthwhile! Right? But worthwhile to whom? The big boy bloggers? the fashion savvy? The gossip girls? Aha! Worthwhile to me? LOL!

See? This is not as simple as it seems. I LOVE so many blogs and admire so many things SL bloggers do. All for different reasons. There are fashion blogs I read every day and love it there! There is another one I read that is so gossip-ridden, it is like my little secret indulgence! And then there are the informative blogs that I depend on to keep my up-to-date on where and what is new in SL. There is the blog where I am inspired and amazed at their ability to post about the most honest things on their minds, and they do it in a way that cuts through the BS and gets down to it. Gotta love that! And the blogs that just share with us what's going on with them at any given moment. They are a peek inside someone's SLife and they make me feel like I know them. All of these blogs are important to me and my SL experience. I wonder if they ever struggle with the content of their blogs.

My blog is sort of a mish-mash of whatever is going on in my SL or is on my mind. It's not all that informative, although I have finally begun to add slurls and links! I do wonder at times what direction it will take or even if it will ever take one direction over another. I think in order to know that, I will just have to continue blogging and see.

One thing one of the readers of this blog said really struck me...he said: "....Thanks for your blogging this past year. You've always written from your heart. Can't go wrong as long as you follow that."

I think he's right.

Thank you for reading my little blog.


*this blog post is a fail. it has not slurls, no links, and no pics...but it is from the heart* ;-)

01 January 2009

Happy New Year - 2009!

I don't have a lot to say, but felt like I needed to say Happy New Year to all my friends. Thanks for being a part of my SLife and Life. May this be our best year ever!

It's already started off a bit weird. Hearing from people I never thought I'd hear from again and not hearing from people I thought I would. But that's life, eh? Keeps things interesting!

Hope everyone had a safe, fun night!



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