31 August 2010

Project Donate

Truth Hawks has decided to invest his time and energy into Project Donate. To learn more about this, click the link below. Also, the amazing Keira Seerose is also involved. No surprise there. She has to be one of the most tirelessly giving avatars on the grid. Please give what you can.

Project Donate

Project Donate – UNICEF Pakistan Flood Crisis Fund

Dear lovely SL merchant! <3

I know this is very short notice but this may be something we can do on a regular and ongoing basis. UNICEF are currently raising funds for the Pakistan Flood Crisis. Millions of people have been affected and thousands are without homes.

If you’d like to be part of this fund raising effort you could donate all or part of the proceeds of an item/s (I’d like to request at least 50% of your item/s – can be exclusive, existing, discounted whatever you like!) The point is to raise as much money as we can in the 2 week period.

I will be donating 100% of the proceeds of one hairstyle and doubling the amount raised off my item to go towards this cause. I’ll advertise the fund through my update group and list all the merchants involved. I have ordered a sim “Project Donate” from which you will vend your items (in addition to your own locations). You are free to landmark to your own stores from this location which will be entirely removed from my own sim.

I’ve created an account “Unicef Rainfall” which will collect the proceeds. Once you confirm you’d like to participate I’ll send out all necessary split scripts etc. You will also need a group space available to place your item/s.

Thank you for considering and hope to have you on board!
If you’d like to move forward just send Unicef Rainfall a notecard with your name, store, landmark…sorry this is all a bit informal at the moment :P


Truth Hawks

UNICEF Project Application (Designers)

Your name:

Your brands name:

Your mainstore lm:

Any other designers within the brand:

How many items would you like to donate:

At what percentage (going to the charity:

Any other notes:

Please be warned you will need a group space!

Thank you, Truth Hawks, for organizing this. Let's get involved. It's one of the more amazing aspects of Second Life... the ability to help others.

27 August 2010

False Advertising

**edit**  The designer contacted me with apologies. She forgot to add the cami in with the crop top and she sent the cami to me. It should be part of the set now when purchasing. **Kudos to awesome customer service.**

I'm not in a good place and since my new policy is to NOT divulge personal information, I'm going to throw all my ickyness onto a pet peeve of mine. I'll call it false advertising.

Promo pics. Designers use them on their blogs to announce their newest creations. They are also part of the display to let you know what the item looks like before you buy. Thank you, designers! But there is one designer in particular that I have the most frustrating time trying to figure out what in the f**k I'm really purchasing. Twice I bought something because, from the promo pic, it looked like I was purchasing a set and once I opened it to wear, discovered all I had purchased was a crop top...not the shirt in the promo pic that was under it and made me tp to your store in the first place.

Deciding that, okay, it was only a few lindens and I reeeeeally want the top in the pic, I then spend way to much time unsuccessfully looking for the top. If you are going to lure me in and falsely promote an item, then at least tell me where I can purchase the item I really wanted in the first place! Oh...and here's your stupid crop top back.

thank you for listening.  i feel tons better.


Another Reason to Love Weeds

Mary-Louise Parker Does Not Smoke Weed, but She Has Licked a Pot Lollipop Little Gold Men Vanity Fair

24 August 2010

Emerald Punishment by Honour McMillan

Awesome post....thanks Honour.  LMAO!


So who knows what will happen. I've never liked coloring within the lines. Now before anyone accuses me of condoning hacking or spying, let me say that I understand the seriousness (wonders if she can say that word without laughing) of the infraction. But now it seems even P. Linden wants to hang the entire Emerald team up on a meat hook and make them crawl through several mazes for their dinner and prove they can play by the rules before they get to be on the cool kidz list. Being approved of isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I dunno....just seems the dev that tried to ruin it for all of us is gone. So let's play ball!


23 August 2010

Circling the Drain

So much going on lately on the grid. Personal and not so personal. Loss of friends and friendship. Discovery, confusion, misunderstandings, feelings of mistrust and feelings of compassion. Life on the grid isn't much different then life in RL, just more condensed.

Lots of thoughts about something and nothing. Death of someone in RL that you've grown to care about in SL...at first seems like an odd concept. One which drove me to ask for personal information from some of my closest friends in SL, something I rarely ask for or give out. I also felt the need to give my personal information to a few key people. That was interesting. Learned a thing or two doing that.

Emerald Viewer. 'nuff said about that. You're either in or your out. I'm still in....for now anyway.

Navigating relationships in SL is a challenge. Friendships can turn into betrayal in a heartbeat. Feelings of friendship can turn into more...but more what? Confusion reigns. One step forward, two steps back. What kind of dance is this? The one you love...the one you knew loved you...doesn't. Or do they? Maybe? maybe... He loves me, he loves me not. Who cares. Does it matter? I guess so or ...

Death has a way of putting things into perspective. I think I'll go soak my head in a bath of bubbles and steam and rose petals..and just chill. Turn my mind off...even if just for a few precious minutes.

JJ is wearing:

Absolutely nothing (free)

20 August 2010

Only Hope

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and
over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope

Sing to me of the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again

When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have
for me over again

I give You my apathy
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

Switchback - Only Hope

Joonie wears:

Zaara - Mrinali *bluebells* dress
Zaara - Sarayi hoops *color*
Truth - Sasha champagne
Curio - Elf skin Pure 4 sundust
Beauty Avatar (Glam Affair) Diamante Eyes 09


19 August 2010

New Truth Hair! AND HUGE SALE!

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Galileo Galilei

Saffron - love the looseness of the hair on this one

Evangeline - My "do me" selection

Seraphina - flower comes in 10 colors with option to remove

Sale: Regular Packs: 125L
                    Buy All Packs: 500L

*** PLEASE NOTE: XStreet hair is excluded from this sale and this week's release is not available on XStreet.

All sale hair is available on 2 sims "Truth Hair" and "Truth Hair II".

*hands you a Mojito*

Joonie wears:

Mimikri - Starlet Bikini and Pareo in Aqua
Maitreya Gold shoes - Shanti in Champagne
(sale going on now. these were 50% off)
Curio skin - Elf2 Pure 2 in Sundust


18 August 2010

Tradingpost of Dreams

[e u r o p a] tradingpost of dreams

i've been a little bit silent lately. for me anyway. there's been a lot of vague feelings of uneasiness just below the surface. i thought with time i could get to what it was. there are lots of thoughts and feelings coming and going. right when i think i have a solid take on what they are, they morph into something else only to twirl around until they come back to their starting point.

how to write about that? i don't know. so here i am. writing nonsense and hoping someone out there might relate or at least have an idea what i'm trying to say.

when do we stop trading one dream for another. is it the same dream with different faces, different places, but the same dream. how do we know if the dream will turn into a nightmare. will this be the one with the happy ending. can we ever have a strong grip on what is real and what is make believe.

enough. just look at the pretty clouds and don't think about it too much.


15 August 2010

Project Z

I had the pleasure of meeting Zachh Cale the other night. Zachh and I have crossed paths at Live Music events in SL. He played at one of my fave venues in SL, The Kasbah. We spoke about his music and live music in general and I discovered that Zachh is involved in the Art scene in SL, as well.

Closer look at his profile (okay okay - I perved it) revealed that he likes to share his passion for art through Project Z. This is taken from his profile:

"One of my passions in SL is showing artists' creations - installations, paintings, sculpture, music, exhibits. artists rotate regularly on the Lennox Hill and Cetus simulators."

Currently showing at project Z:

Lunamaruna - Scottius Polke
Galaxies - Oberon Onmura
mirror, mirro - Blue Tsuki
Rain Beads - Glyph Graves
mushROOM - Scottius Polke
Three Triptychs - Chapl Paisley
Digital Woodcuts - Konrad Jansma

At Cetus:
Musical Sculptures - Flivelwitz and Nicolaus Skytower
LoopyLove by Maya Paris
Deco Abstracts - Zeppie Innis
Shadows - Cel Edman

I decided I needed to take a closer look so I headed off to Project Z, dragging my friend, Rik along.


There are several installations here. I only had time to check out a few.
I love interactive art. This one was fun..reaching for hands by Blue Tsuki.


This interactive piece by Scottius Polke reminded me a bit of a Van Gogh painting and is reminiscent of The Greenies home. Awesome illustration and fun to be a part of!

There are many more awesome works to see. I hope to go back soon and check out the rest! Click on Project Z below and see some amazing SL art.



11 August 2010

New Truth Hair for 8/11/10

"You can bend it and twist...you can misuse and abuse it...BUT even God cannot change the Truth." Michael Levy

Midori - toffee

*drools at the tendrils*

Kami - champagne

*do me hair of the week*

Trinity - walnut

*lusts after braid*

10 August 2010

Inventory Cleanup Time!

Gather 'round boys and girls. It's Christmas aka Inventory Cleanup Time!

I thought, with 46,112 items in my inventory, its was time for some sorting and tossing. One of my fave things is when you look up from your folders to see an accidental "look" that, although it might be pushing it to say it "works"...it somehow catches the eye. Below is what caught my eye tonight.

Dress: SbS (Stitch by Stitch) Mia Ruffled Purple
Hair: SbS (Stitch by Stitch) BondGirl red
Hoodie: Reek - Laundry Day Hoodie (50L Friday)
Boots: Reek - Autumn Boots Red (50L Friday)
Glasses: Reek - Junior Shades (50L Friday)
Tattoo: ~La Petite Morte~ Hope Floats tat (not available)

*Reek items still available at full price...which still isn't much!*

09 August 2010

Dark Dreams

LaPointe and Bastchild

Joonie is wearing:

Skin: Redgrave Paper skin - 12 Black Sadness
Hair: Truth Vera - Night
Dress: L&B - Morbid Exotique Evening Gown
Piercing: G.G. Addicted L606
Boots: L&B - Gothic Boots "Suede Dita's" in Slate

07 August 2010

Platinum Hunt! Oh My!

I had the good fortune, while staring at the new Stiletto Moody's, to run into Keira Seerose of Summer of Love Fest and now the Platinum Hunt. After discussing whether or not we loved or hated the new Stiletto Moody's (I purchased, she hadn't yet) I asked her about the upcoming Platinum Hunt. Below are a few of the items available in the hunt. There are so many more but this look came together pretty quickly.

Hair: Ploom - Dot in Silver (comes in a fatpack of a jillion colors)
Skin: Glam Affair - Summer Skin in Platinum (#16)


Dress: Fume' - White Rose Lace (#20)


aaaand...the Stiletto Moody's. The are 55% off with group tag on. Normally, 1799L. (not in the Hunt...obviously).


The Look.
Everyting in the Hunt is 10L. Amazing designers like rockberry, exile, glam affair, swansong, ispachi, deviance, atomic, my precious, mudhoney, ,mynerva, fume, slink and many others.

I've always loved the color Platinum.


When: August 8 – 31, 2010
Starting location: ISPACHI
Number of stops: 100

And you're looking for this:

06 August 2010

How To Be Alone

(please turn off music on music player at the bottom of this blog before clicking play. thank you)

thank you, botgirl.

05 August 2010

Emotional Exhaustion

Some days, I can keep it all together rather nicely. Being in SL for almost 4 years, keeping it all together has become a survival skill. Today I was not so lucky. Everything came spilling out and trickled down my face. Things I've kept bottled up somehow pushed their way past my defenses ....and onto this page.

I guess it's been a long time coming. It felt good to let it all come to the surface. To feel it. To finally say the words I needed to say. And to be done. I love the sound of that...to be done. But I doubt that is the truth. I don't think this will ever be done once and for all. Some things will never go away. They will diminish with time but the longing remains.


Joonie is wearing:

Glam Affair skin - Funeral (found at Potter's Field)
Truth Hair - Tatiana in Snow
Dress - DBW The Guardina Dress (found at Potter's Field)
Top - Mimikri Teddy Top
Earrings - Mandala

04 August 2010

Truth Hair 08/04/10

"We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart." - Blaise Pascal 
And I <3 Truth Hair

Tatiana in Toffee

I love this style. Not a big fan of Snooki but this 'do rocks. And the textures..omg.

Frankie in Champagne

Love the double band. Comes in 18 colors. That's right...18!

Penny in Auburn

Nice angle forward and adorable pins holding the hair back.
Again, the textures and shading are what make Truth Hair so much in demand.

Wha? You're still here?
Limo to Truth Hair:  Enjoy

Memento Mori

01 August 2010

If You Had Just Behaved...

...this never would have happened

New Redgrave skin - Paper
Joonie is wearing:

Skin: *Redgrave* Paper Skin 01 - Trinity
Hair: Truth Vera in Smoke
Top: Prowl Simple Elegance Black (sheer)
*Runo Runo* Black Sateen Thong
Maitreya Slinky Stilettos Patent Black

Guns - Evidence Destroyed

Cleaning Inventory is kinda like Christmas

I've always thought of cleaning my inventory as a necessary chore. And I still think that. But it can also be kind of fun. Like finding things you totally loved but totally forgot about. That's the case with these glasses. I love them and wanted to show them off, so natch, I had to put together a look.

These glasses were a group gift from .:*December*:.   

They come with a built-in hud. There are several options including lens shading and shine and gem color change. Although this was a group gift, the glasses are still available.

Joonie wears:
Sandals - [SC] Surf Couture - Shoelace sandals
Dress - *salire Ruffled Gingham Dress
Hair - Truth Rily
Skin - Curio Elf

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